Name: Shellby Hive
Original: Kakuna
In a logged arena and announcers metapod and kakuna announce the final battle of the nature league with scyther vs pinsir
Pinsir:Hey I am going to beat you,why uhhhhh because I have like this thing on my head…why do I have this thing on my head..
Scyther:You are being unlogical type advantages talk for me
While scyther was distracted,Pinsir came in with a double edge.
WHACK Scyther felt he was down at 36 hp
Pinsir:Any last words before I kill you
Scyther:What killed the bugs
Scyther:The aerials!!!!!
Scyther used aerial ace! Pinsir was down…
In the present… Scyther won every nature league from then on 2013 to 2021. Now the nature league was starting soon and scyther practiced to be the best
Scyther practices. Scyther: I wanna be the very best like no ever was to defeat them is my daily test to kill them and give my all Scythermon it is I and myself!!!Behind Scyther’s back, Somebody walks in behind Scyther. Scyther:Ah,so u challenge me. In a Pokémon battle,comes a fight with Trainer and some mantis child. Trainer:Go scizor.Scyther:Doesn’t look challenging and hey jimmy the venonat record this for me. Trainer:Scizor used bullet punch!
Scizor:Say bye to ur fans
*Scyther fainted and was sent to get healed by a gang of Paras*
Scyther: What happened… I lost..
Pinsir:I posted something on the Pokémon wiki fandom
Scyther checked it out and it stayed #Scythersuccz and everyone upvoted on the Pokémon wiki.
Scyther:Oh come on, that’s it I want to be more powerful.
Someone walks from a honey tree
???:Did someone said powerful
Scyther:Who are you?
Heracross: I am Heracross and I know you the famous Scyther and if you are looking for power,do u want to become the person u fought.
Scyther: I am interested
In Heracross’ room, Heracross holds a map of the area
Heracross: It is hard to get here but if it is for us I will help. Metal coat located on top of the mountain with the guardian steelix. You ready for an adventure
Scyther: I guess I have to babysit both of you.
Soon Scyther started to leave the forest he once knew and into a new one.
Heracross:Wow Pinsir you got most upvotes in the Pokémon wi-
Scyther: Who cares what they think,let us go and have some metal coats!
Heracross gets his guidebook
Scyther:wat dat
Heracross:my pokekids guidebook
Scyther: where did u get it
Heracross:someguy reccomended it.
Pinsir:It is a decent book, but the cover sucks
*the group stops*
Mimikyu:Would you like some totally free paper towels for pog champs
Pinsir:it is a scam
Mimikyu:I swear.
Heracross: In my guidebook it says ur a scam
*Scyther immediately throws him somewhere”
Scyther: no distractions
Heracross:sheesh can we admire wildlife
Scyther:Mimikyu is not to admire,he is so toxic on fandom
Someone pops up
Scyther: No go away
???: It is I Bug catcher Joey!
Bug catcher joey:I used to be youngster but everyone on fandom is a bug catcher so I became one, so go beedrill
Beedrill:bzzzzzz u guys succk cuz uhhhhhhh
*Pinsir traps the bedrill and makes him not escape*
Bug catcher Joey: What are you doing
*Heracross throws random stuff at him including the off topic post*
Bug catcher Joey: stop wait i can run from wild Pokémon.
Can’t escape
Scyther used slash
Heracross used horn attack
Beedrill fainted
Heracross breaks the pokeball
Heracross: we should help these guys
Scyther:Yes I love helping people!
Heracross: I agre-
Scyther:for my reputation
These bug children things await more adventures like Scyther being sassy pinsir being pinsir and Heracross is a nerd
People who wanted to be ping
Heracross:comment make me ping to be pinged when more comes
(sorry for extremely late upload, exams, AGAIN...)
Narrator: Maxi has finally made it out of the forest, and with a new partner by his side, Weedle! As he enters the vicinity of Pewter City, he becomes ready to take on the first gym. How will this turn out? Must he train? Is he ready? One thing is for sure, he won't give up!
Pewter City Gym, 2:30 PM...
Maxi: Wow! I'm ready to beat this Gym Leader!
???: Hold it!
Maxi: Huh?
Liam: My name is Liam! If you want to challenge Brock, you have to get through me!
Maxi: Easy!
???: Not just Liam, you see?
Maxi: What?
Jerry: I'm Jerry! You must take on both of us!
(cue music:
Maxi: Still no challenge. Go! Squirtle and Pidgey!
Jerry: Sandshrew!
Liam: Beat them, Cubone!
Maxi: Pidgey, Gust! Squirtle, Withdraw!
Liam: Bonemerang!
Jerry: Sand-Attack!
Attacks collided...
Maxi: Water Gun, Squirtle! Use it on Cubone!
CUBONE fainted...
Maxi: Ha! You can't beat me!
Sandshrew emerged from the smoke!
Jerry: Rollout!
Maxi: Water Gun!
SANDSHREW Fainted...
Maxi: Heh!
???: So you must be a challenger...
Maxi: Huh?
Brock: I am Brock, the Pewter Gym Leader! My offensive Rock-Type Pokémon will test you to your limit!
Maxi: Uh oh, he looks strong!
Brock: I will use just three Pokémon of my choice.
Maxi: Alright! Go, Weedle!
Weedle comes out full of energy!
Brock: Graveler! Crush them!
Graveler sends out a menacing glare!
Maxi: Use String Shot!
The shot failed and Graveler charged to Weedle!
Brock: Rollout!
Rollout hit Weedle! Weedle is weak.
Maxi: Return! Weedle! Go, Pidgey!
Pidgey came out and sped through at high speeds!
Maxi: Tackle!
Brock: Defense Curl!
Graveler stood strong against the attack!
Maxi: Sand-Attack!
Graveler got hit by sand attack!
Maxi: Keep using Sand-Attack!
Accuracy was lowered...
Maxi: Now! Tackle, away!
Graveler could only stand and watch as Pidgey relentlessly used Tackle until his speed grew so much, that Tackle turned into Quick Attack!
GRAVELER fainted...
Maxi: Way to go!
Brock: My Johto buddy! Sudowudo! Use, Hammer Arm!
Hammer arm defeated Pidgey!
PIDGEY fainted...
Maxi: Weedle!
The weak bug came out!
Brock: Feint Attack!
Weedle is weak!
Brock: Finish it off! Hammer Arm!
The attack hit!
Weedle glows!
Maxi: What?
Weedle evolved into Kakuna!
Kakuna's defense capabilities allowed it to survive!
Maxi: Great! Now, use Poison Sting!
Sudowudo is poisoned!
Maxi: Poison Sting Onslaught Attack!
Weedle kept attacking Sudowudo...
SUDOWUDO fainted...
Brock: You are a marvelous trainer, but it's time! Onix, here we go!
Maxi: Return! You did great! Now, go! Squirtle!
Squirtle came out...
Maxi: Water Gun!
Brock: Onix, Bind!
Squirtle hid in his shell!
Maxi: Water Gun!
It hit Onix...
ONIX fainted!
Brock: Nice work! You deserve this, the Boulder Badge!
Maxi: Woo-hoo! Great work, everyone!
To be continued...