Here's an Iris fanart I did just a few mins ago (and as of now, I officially have yet ANOTHER art style, to add to the, oh idk, about 6 other styles I already have...)
Here's an Iris fanart I did just a few mins ago (and as of now, I officially have yet ANOTHER art style, to add to the, oh idk, about 6 other styles I already have...)
What if there was like some fancy lounge place or smthn where the pokemon champions just relaxed when they werent doing champion stuff? Like, Geeta could be showing Steven a Tera shard and Steven would be like, What a fascinating stone, or smthn. Cynthia could be playing piano in the background. Diantha would be peacefully drinking tea, and Leon would be doing that one pose he always does in the middle of the room even tho nobody would care, and Kukui would be flexing and showing off his buff gigachad-like chest or smthn and Iris would be like HOW DID U GET SO RIPPED?!
35 Votes in Poll
So i was having chatgpt write me stories of pokemon with ash, pikachu, cilan and iris and i prompted "write one about iris and her squirtle" until chatgpt corrected me and said that Iris did not have a Squirtle as part of her team. Her main Pokémon were Axew, Dragonite, Emolga, Excadrill, and later on, a Gible, and so i was like "really? i remember her with a squirtle". so i looked it up and chatgpt was right. however, in the anime i CLEARLY REMEMBER iris being with a squirtle. anything similar ever happened to you guys involving pokemon or no? (sorry if theres any grammar mistakes)
Axew Evolves and Emolga is removed
Excadrill stays
Hydregion replaces Dragonite
Druddigon is added
Garchomp is added(caught sometime at the end of the series and evolves and becomes a rival to Ash’s Garchomp too)
Pansage evolves sometime at the end of the series(same goes to chili’s pansear and Cress’s panpour.)
Cilan has leavanny instead of Ash
Crustle is his only non grass type
Maractus is added
Also I am gonna be remaking ash’s teams again since I’m not proud of them ☠️
66 Votes in Poll
33 Votes in Poll
Do you know the whole story about iris' dream was to become a dragon master and then she become the new unova champion since since alder's retirement from his champion title? but what is the difference between the game and the anime about the whole story of iris' dream to become dragon master and become the new unova champion?
So.. The battle didn't go as I expected, though it's the best battle so far although it's not amazing. After this battle, I can conclude that Iris is the strongest Masters 8 trainer. She managed to push Cynthia to her limits and take out two damn Pokémons of hers, and she managed to do so without any extra perks or gimmicks except for that dragon touch thing. Even before Haxorus evolved, it was a beast. It managed to knock Garchomp to the ground when all Paul's Pokémons could do was make it lose balance. Literally. Even Leon was impressed with Iris' skills
And the best of the best also complimented her
In fact, Cynthia had to mega-evolve Garchomp in order to defeat Haxorus. This shows how far Iris has come.
(Forgot I had this screenshot. Even Team Rocket is supporting Iris
-i hate sinnoh
-I like the intermediate evolutions more than the final evolutions
-pokemon journey is my least favorite season (because of the filler chapters)
-greninja is overrated
-pokemon black and white 2 are the best games in the saga (maybe this one isn't unpopular)
-iris is the strongest champion in the games (the most unpopular)
-ash's quilava is one of ash's worst pokemon
now kill me :/
Back in the game Black and White 2 when Iris was Unova Champion, in her full roster, half her Pokémon are non-Dragon types. Pokémon such as Aggron, Archeops, and Lapras aren’t Dragon Pokémon. However, these Pokémon do carry Dragon type characteristics and moves. Remember Lance has a Gyarados which is a Water/Flying Type, but it does resemble a Water Dragon. In anime, other than owning Excadrill and Emolga, I like Iris to own not just Dragon types, but also Pokémon with Dragon Type characteristics like Lapras, Tyranitar, Aggron, Gyarados, and Milotic.
Hey guys!! Today, I drew Iris. Well, basically re-drew her like I did with Dawn. This was the previous abomination:
And the new one:
For this, I actually painted it without the bucket tool (only used it for the first layer). And I drew her with her hair down. Ik the bow thing is kinda small so y'all don't need to tell that ;-;
This is probably the best thing I've ever drew digitally. Hope y'all liked it!!