I caught this little girl today in Pokémon Sleep.
I caught this little girl today in Pokémon Sleep.
61 Votes in Poll
51 Votes in Poll
I like them. Houndoom is cool.
Houndour 7/10
Houndoom 9/10
I draw a Ship.
Adivino and Roxxie.
I like how it turned out :)
Except for his back leg tho :l
What do you guys think of it?
Also. I am bored so what should I draw?
People to Ping, Drawings to see
I cannot find a name for this girl.
Name ideas?
She is a Houndour and she has a crush on Adivino (Shadow’s kid).
I can’t decide on her name tho :/
Personality: She is kind, playful and VERY protective. She gets excited very soon easily and often tackles Adivino.
Let me know what you think of her!
People to Ping, Drawings to See:
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Edit: I found a name :)
I decided to make an Oc.
She is a Houndour and she has a crush on Adivino (Shadow’s kid).
I can’t decide on her name tho :/
Personality: She is kind, playful and VERY protective. She gets excited very soon easily and often tackles Adivino.
Let me know what you think of her!
People to Ping, Drawings to See:
Let me know if you want to be pinged when I release new art, Ocs or Stories.
48 Votes in Poll
The chapter after this is the last chapter!
“Eevee?” Luke asked me.
“Your partner?” Josie asked that she laughed so hard. Scratch and Jaden started to laugh too.
“Look. Those are two Eevees. I recognize that one from anywhere.” Josie said that she pointed at Jupiter, “That one is the offspring of boss’s worst enemy.“
“Look if you want them you have to go through me.” I told them.
“All right. Brax! Use Fire charge!” Josie Yelled
“Hades, used bite!” Jayden Yelled.
“Luke! Use quick attack the other Eevee use tackle!” I called.
Brax hit Luke. But the other Eevee dodged Hades bite and tackled him.
“Good job!” I told the Eevee. She looked at me and smiled.
“Flamethrower!!!” Josie yelled and just like that the flame hit the Eevee and the eevee fainted.
“Crap it.” I said.
“Ve.” Luke told me.
“Do you have an idea?” I asked him.
Luke nodded so I nodded too.
He then looked at Brax And then looked at me and gave me a high five. He then went full speed at Brax and hit her so hard that she fainted and explosion happened in the background.
My jaw dropped and so did the twin’s.
“D-did you just do Veevee Volley?” I ask Luke knowing it was super rare and super powerful.
He nodded and smiled at me.
“H-Hades! Return!!” Jayden said.
“Brax! Return!! We are going to beat you later! Just wait and see!” Josie yelled as they all ran off.
I took the Eevee to the pokecenter.
“your Pokémon are all healed!“ Nurse Remedy told me.
“Thanks but, they are not my Pokémon.” I told her sadly.
“Oh. We’ll come again!” She called me as I walked out.
“I’m sorry.” I told Luke, “I was just mad and upset and hungry and cold. I’m sorry and I know you probably don’t forgive me.” I apologized.
“Ve.” Luke told me as he nuzzled me.
“Luke? Will you be my partner again?” I asked Luke.
Luke and Jupiter walked through the Forrest.
“Where are the Berries?” Asked Jupiter.
“Dunno.” Luke Replied.
“I’m glad you’re staying” Jupiter told Luke.
“Same. I’m just glad your dad allows me.” Luke said dislike chuckle. Jupiters face turned a little red and she looked at Luke.
“What’s that sound?” Asked Jupiter.
They followed the sound.
“You idiot! What makes you think that would’ve been a good idea!?” Familiar voice yelled at another.
“I didn’t know it was going to be blocked off by rocks! How was I supposed to know?” The other said.
Luke and Jupiter Walked over only to find the two team rocket members (BTW I changed Jayden and Josie‘s hair to where Jayden has dark red hair and Josie has light red hair) Jayden, Josie and their meowth: Scratch.
“look you both messed up. Just admit it and don’t be like your mom to where you won’t give in.” Scratch told the bickering twins.
“Tell that to him!” Josie and Jayden said The same time but Jaden said “tell that to her”.
“Oi vey.” Scratch sighed. “Huh?”
He then looked at Luke and Jupiter.
“Hey! Hey! You two, there are two Eevees over there!” Scratch yelled.
Hey, isn’t mo- I mean, boss looking for an Eevee?” Jayden asked.
“No. I think she’s looking for an Umbreon but it wouldn’t hurt to bring back two Eevees.” Josie replied as she brought out her Pokeball.
“Uh oh.” Luke said.
“Come on out, Brax!” Josie yelled as a Braixen came out.
“Let’s go, Hades!” Jayden yelled as his Houndour came out.
“Oh, Crap.” Jupiter said.
“Hey! That’s not fair!” I yelled.
Luke Looked at me with hope.
“Stay away from my Partner.” I told The twins.
I was snoozing in the hammock that I made from a few spare blankets and rope. Suddenly, the smallest Rowlet came tearing in from the hole I mad so long ago. His cries of terror quickly tore me from my dreams. Instinctively, I noticed his brothers weren’t with him.
“Where are the others? What happened?” I begged.
He immediately burst into tears, “They’re gone, both of them. The Houndours and Incineroars got to them. And now, the bad Pokémon are coming here. I’m so sorry.”
From somewhere below us, I heard a door crash in and sounds of rage. The Pokémon clan definitely wanted to finish the rest of my kids.
“Rowlet, I want you to fly. Fly as far from here as you can. I need you to find my old friend, Glaceon’s place.” I instructed, “Once you get there, don’t you dare leave. Do you understand?”
“But Papa Jaylo, what about-“
I cut him off, “There’s no time. I’ll send you a message somehow if it’s safe to return. But right now, I need you to obey me. Can I count on you?”
Rowlet hesitated before nodding his head. I could understand not wanting to leave your family in danger, but I didn’t want to put both of our lives in jeopardy. Once he flew back through the hole, I raced down the steps to confront the intruders.
Under my feet, one of the rotten boards collapsed. I fell down several stories before hitting the floor. When I tried to get back up, I found that my back legs screamed with pain. They were obviously broken, but I didn’t have time for broken bones.
When I turned to look in front of me, I saw an Incineroar and at least six Houndours. Each one was looking at me hungrily. Guessing by their thin and bony appearances, they haven’t gotten much to eat lately.
“Well, well, well. What do we have here? Is it a tasty second course to our feathery appetizers?” The Incineroar sneered, drawing howls of laughter from the surrounding Pokémon, “I hope you taste as good as they did. I thoroughly enjoy the taste of chicken.”
I growled. How dare the brute eat my family and then joke about it. I tried to leap at him, but my back legs wouldn’t move. Instead, I went for another approach; instigating.
“When’s the last time you got a bath? Or does the kitty simply not like water?” I taunted. It wasn’t my best piece of work, but it did the trick.
“What did you say?” Incineroar demanded, smoke emanating from his lips.
“You heard me. Actually, maybe the little kitty needs a checkup from the vet.”
The taunts were definitely affecting him, but it wasn’t enough. At least, not yet it wasn’t. “Shouldn’t you be home sitting in your master’s lap, I think I hear him setting out your china bowl full of cream.”
That did it. Incineroar aimed at me with a flamethrower move. Fortunately for me, I dodged it just in time for the flame to land a direct hit on one of the six Houndours. One down, five to go.
Incineroar fired another shot at me and grazed the edges of my fur. I could easily feel the intense heat being generated from the blast. Another Houndour was caught in the crossfire. In a blind panic, one of the others fired a shadow ball at me. However, he missed terribly and it struck Incineroar directly in the face.
Not being able to see, the large fire type Pokémon began to shoot flames in all directions. He succeeded in roasting the other Houndours, but missed me altogether. The fire was beginning to surround us as flaming support beams were falling all around us.
Eventually, a section of the next floor had caved in on Incineroar, burying him in a pile of scorching wood and carpet. I needed to find an exit quickly if I ever wanted to survive.
Immediately, I spotted a pocket of light from the other side of the room. I attempted to navigate through the flaming room, having to drag my broken legs behind me. Before I could reach escape through the hole, the rest of the building collapsed.
The house was in a full blaze. And I was still trapped inside it.