Empoleon: Brave Bird
Excadrill: Drill Peck (if escavelier can learn peck I don't see the problem with drill peck)
Honchkrow: Scary Face (I never said they had to be useful)
Gengar: Gunk shot
Hoopa Unbound: Shadow Claw
That will be all for today! there will be more tomorrow!
42 Votes in Poll
24 Votes in Poll
Stage 1:
Stage 2:
Edit: This stage has already been figured out
The first person or two to figure these out will get...
Free oxygen I guess
10. Genesect
It was able to face off against Mewtwo but along with that it is flooded with tech that team plasma gave it, I doubt
9. Zacian and Zamazenta
It will be common for similar box art legendaries to be put in the same number.
Zacian and Zamazenta were able to battle Eternamax Eternatus, even if it was with extreme difficulty, they still managed (with the help of the trainers' plot armor) to take down Eternatus.
8. Groudon/Kyogre (PRIMAL)
I put these two in the same number bc they are just so similar, Kyogre is said to be able to flood the earth and Groudon is able to create land the size of Continents, maybe even multiple continents. If Rayquaza thought these 2 were enough for it to use mega evolution I think they should rank pretty high.
7. Mewtwo
Mewtwo is known as the OP pokemon, and it deserves the title, Mewtwo has extreme power as it was given the DNA of Mew, even its smallest feat is pretty surprising, as it was able to blow a whole lab/mansion to smitherenes. made clones of multiple pokemon that are clearly stronger than the originals and sent off powerful beams that could probably kill someone but ofc ash has plot armor. its best feat is probably fighting Deoxys and a group of Genesect.
6. Deoxys
Deoxys has always one-upped Mewtwo, from the manga to the games to the anime, Deoxys has crazy speed and was seen as a threat to Rayquaza, who again used mega evolution just to take Deoxys down, but even then Deoxys still put up a fierce battle.
5. Rayquaza
It was the first mega evolved pokemon and didn't need any special item or trainer to do so, took down Primal Groudon and Kyogre with low difficulty and took down Deoxys as well.
4. The Creation trio
These three are most likely equal in power, tho Giratina has some arguments to prove that it may be stronger, Most Pokemon fans already know that this trio created some of the most important things in the world
Dialga created Time Palkia created Space, and Giratina created Matter/antimatter.
3. Ultra Necrozma
Ultra Necrozma was able to light up and give power to a whole world or maybe even a universe, it easily took down Sogaleo and Lunala, and darkened a whole region, Ultra Necrozma has multiple other feats and you should search up a list of them, it really gives a good reason to put Ultra Necromza this high.
2. Hoopa
Hoopa was able to control the creation trio, Kyogre, Groudon, Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, and many other legendaries with ease, it's pretty explainable why he's this high.
Honorable Mentions
I was planning to have Lugia in the top 5, it showed its dominance in the Hoopa movie, taking down Giratina, and other legendaries too. but it just felt really out of place.
Ultimate Dragon
The ultimate dragon is Kyerum, Reshiram, and Zekrom combined, there's not much known about the Dragon but we do know it is extremely powerful
Again the same thing with Lugia, I just couldn't fit it in, but he would most likely be top 5
If I do update this list I will do a top 15 and a lot will be changed.
1. Arceus
Arceus created the pokemon universe and gave life to every one of these pokemon, it is infinitely times stronger than any pokemon.
That's it for this list tell me if you would've changed anything and if you want a top 15 I will make it
Yes,it's Lucario!
I have:
And Hoopa (Confined)
I want:
Mega Lucario
Hoopa looks Game Breaking.
It has easy teleports, and its Unite Move is basically like Charizard in SSB4/Giga Bowser/Wario Man/Giga Mac etc.
17 Votes in Poll
I rewatched Hoopa and the clash of ages yesterday so I decided to randomly draw Hoopa. Unfortunately my camera can't pick up some of the shading for some reason.
Just some doodles of characters and stuff that'll happen in an unnamed PMD thing. As I said before, it was called Pokemon Story Mode, but now that it's not just mostly a copy of MCSM, I need to think of a new name. Can't think of it tho
Oh yeah, happy 4th of July btw
I'm trying to keep track of which of my pokemon are hacked and real so I can eventually have all real legends, myths instead of some being hacked.
I think about Hoopa for just one second and suddenly it becomes either a major or supportive character in BoC-
So Hoopa's another character in BoC now that I thought of a way that Chikorita, Charmander, and Oshawott ended up in the Storymode world to save Pikachu I guess. For some reason, I also think a good name for it would be "Pierce". I don't even know why, but that's what I might call it from now on