It was a cool day in the Galar region. A lazy afternoon at Route 3 it was. The gentle breeze of the wind through the yellow patches of grass, the bleating of the Wooloos, and the peacefulness of the area and its connected pal, Route 4, were welcoming to trainers and travelers. It was a neat thing that you could see the two routes right across from each other, but rather odd that they weren’t Route 3 altogether.
In the cool breeze on a fence sat Josh, staring across from the herd of Wooloos a farmer took care of between both routes. Nothing was better than relaxing at a nice place after a tough battle… at least to Josh. He pulled out a Pokeball from his belt, staring at it softly. The Pokeball had Josh’s partner Pokemon, or his starter as some would call it instead. 'I can't believe we already have two badges!' The boy smiled at the thought. ‘Soon, we’ll be at three!’
Lost in his mind, Josh smiled brighter. ‘Let’s try our hardest, Dottler!’ Then, a hand grabbed onto Josh’s shoulder. “Hi!” Ryan greeted him loudly. “Wah!” The boy fell back, off the fence he sat on by the sudden surprise. “Y-you’re here?! Ow!”
"Obviously!" The teen looked at the fields they were at. "Besides, Kyle didn't want to race so I figured, why not find a new member for my team."
"I see," Josh nodded. "I think he went on after you though."
Turning around, there was no sign of the other teen. "Oh come on!" Ryan shouted, running towards the mine. "I'm not letting you beat me!"
"Uh huh…" Josh watched dumbfounded, another trainer walking past him. A Heliolisk by his side, the person entered the Galar Mine. 'I can relax a bit longer before going.'
* * *
Woobats flew high to the ceiling, some Rolycolys minding their own business as Timburs worked. Pokeball in hand, Kyle put it in his bag. In return, it rustled, Kyle petting the inhabitant. "Don't worry, we're almost out so stay brave, okay?"
With a sigh, he resumed to walking out of the mine, making sure not to rush. At least Kyle got a new Pokemon here.
"Kyle!" A voice echoed. 'Oh brother.' Lo and behold, appearing behind him was Ryan in a bit of a sweat. "How dare you go on ahead without me?"
"You know you can still go ahead. I just took my time." Kyle pulled out the Pokeball. A smug look appeared on his face as he began his next sentence. "You could always go ahead of me. Nothing's stopping you."
"But what fun would it be if I just zoomed ahead and had to wait for you to get all your badges?"
"That's if you can get them all with just a Greninja. You won't stand a chance with him only. Don't you-"
"Remember school in Gerros." The two said simultaneously. "I know, I know," Ryan replied. "So instead of that, how about we…"
Wide smile from the blonde teen, it failed to excite Kyle who knew what Ryan was going to say.
"Travel together!"
"That's all you have to say?!" Ryan responded playfully. "I'm offended!"
"Sorry, your highness," Kyle retaliated, the pair not noticing who had arrived.
"Ya gonna move or what?" A boy who seemed to be the same as them stood angrily, Heliolisk by his side.
"You look familiar," Ryan instead said.
"Pardon?" He replied, a hint of annoyance in his voice.
Kyle facepalmed. "Sorry about that. We were just about to exit Galar Mine." He nudged Ryan's arm with an elbow. "Let's get going, Ryan."
However, the latter didn't budge. "Can we battle?" asked Ryan.
"I'd say no, 'specially to chumps like ya," the boy explained. "But why not? Yer gettin' on mah nerves an' Heliolisk's been itching for a fight."
"Alright! Almost out of-"
Arriving at the exit last was Josh who looked like he regret walking this soon. "here…" Kyle's bag shook more from the drama it heard. "Well, where do you two want to fight?" He asked.
Josh hopped in as well. "If there's a fight, I think it should probably be out-"
"Side," the rowdy one cut him off. "Name's Lars for introduction."
* * *
Route 4, the homestretch to Turffield. At an empty spot, the battlers stood at each other from a distance. "Are you two ready?" asked Kyle who stood in the middle at the side. Josh sat by the bag that continued to move, watching the two trainers nod.
"Then begin!"
Heliolisk awaited for its opponent as Ryan threw a Pokeball at it. "Let's do this!" On the other side of the field, Ryan's only Pokemon, Greninja.
"Use Thunderbolt!" Lars ordered. Fully confident in winning, Lars knew what to expect. Once the attack hit Greninja, dust covered the battlefield and when it settled, a Pokedoll replaced the spot. 'Easy as cake.'
"Dragon Tail, go!" Heliolisk swung its tail, covering a big area.
"Now!" Ryan mimicked from his fight with Kyle. Unfortunately, Heliolisk was prepared for the incoming attack, smacking the frog with a Dragon Tail. Everyone watched, astonished, Lars' Pokemon finishing the battle with a Thunderbolt. "That was fun," said Lars approaching Ryan who returned Greninja back to his Pokeball. "Yep!" Ryan returned, surprisingly unhinged.
"See ya 'round sometime." He and his partner left for Turffield.
"Ugh." Stretching his arms, Ryan waited for the others. "Now that was a fun match!"
"If you say so," Kyle said sarcastically. "Wanna take a break at the Pokemon Center so Greninja could recover?"
"Yep, and I know what I'm gonna do." Ryan turned to look at Josh. "Wanna travel with us?"
"I'm good," answered Josh. A stuff response, it was painfully recognizable. "B-but if we do meet again, I think it would be fun if you're still up for that!" And with that, the boy ran off for Turffield's gym. "Goodbye!"