30 Votes in Poll
30 Votes in Poll
I forgot B2W2 Blue but that’d be right above B2W2 Red/Lance
Either both the games or anime or just both.
34 Votes in Poll
63 Votes in Poll
Bede > Marnie
Gladion > Hau
All Gen 6 rivals suck
Both Gen 5 rivals are ok (B & W)
Barry ✓
Wally is best bean
Silver and Blue are meh
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Okay, I’m gonna ramble under the picture and I’m sorry in advance.
What do you guys think about Hau?
Here’s my ramble:
He is honestly my favorite rival in the franchise tbh. He was perfect, for me at least. I expect backlash in the comments but lemme explain myself first.
Hau didn’t need some backstory or a serious mood to me. He’s everything I wanted out of a rival. He was in the trials for fun, he battled for fun. He’s just a young, fun loving guy who does what he wants. He didn’t care that he was the son of a Kahuna. He battled us many times just to have fun. I never felt bad for winning against Hau because he never felt bad for losing either. And he was only ever truly serious when his friends were in danger. He also matured throughout the Ultra games, getting serious and giving it his all against me in the final fight. He was a great friend who I wouldn’t say was super strong, but I wouldn’t say he was a pushover either. He had a great fight in the Ultra games.
He truly is one of my favorites ever, tied with Kukui. I might be Alola biased, but I love Hau a ton, and would gladly have another rival like him.
Do you ever read a book, play a video game or watch a TV show and go "That character reminds me of ---." Well I'm gonna list all the times it happened to me with Pokemon
Clay (Wings of Fire) - So when I read Wings of Fire, It took me a little bit to realize, but Hau and Clay have a lot in common! They both wanna help save the world and live their dreams, but they are also super laid-back and fun loving!! They also have a close relationship with all of their friends.
Zuko (Avatar; The Last Airbender) - I just watched this show on Netflix, and It took me barely anytime at all to see what Pokemon Character He's like-
Started out evil
Became great friends with the protagonist
Had to betray their evil, abusive father
Group of people refer to him as "Lord"
E p i c h a i r
And they are the best written character in their franchise!! Guess what Pokemon Character he's like!!
Pearl and Marina (Splatoon) - I found this really cool, so i saw a fanart (I will post in Mixed Media if i can find it) Explaining how much in common these girls have in common with the Gym Leaders Nessa and Roxie. And i was freaked out! Marina is like Nessa because their designs are very similar, and I'm convinced shes a model. And Pearl is like Roxie because Pearl started out singing heavy metal and is s h o r t.
If you've found any other characters with similarities to pokemon characters, Comment Below!! See you tommorow everybody!!! - Got em TwT
I've heard a lot of theories about what happened these characters, so I've chose my favorite or The one that makes the most since.
Barry - I think Palmer retired as a Frontier Brain and Barry took up the position, He must be a powerful trainer if he is the Rival of Lucas/Dawn!
Silver - I really think Silver would want to do something good instead of Evil, I think he's begun to travel the world, It would be really cool if they gave him a cameo in the new games.
N - He's dead. (I'm not crying, you are ;w;) It had to of happened, It explains his absence in Masters, and even if he comes, He probably gets killed after. And i think we all know who kills him.
Hau - I don't think this has happened yet, but it will. Hau will most likely become the Kahuna after Hala retires (or dies ;w;), I also think they should make him dating Lillie canon.
We saw Hau own an Alolan Raichu at the Alola League. It if he owns more like most of the same as his grandfather’s Pokémon.
Pokémon Ideas:
Dugtrio(Kanto or Alola)