46 Votes in Poll
46 Votes in Poll
For the Pokkén Tournament sequel, do you think that Gyarados is a likely playable fighter or do you think it should be a NPC supporter? Why?
When I started this run,I think I told myself I'm gonna end at ai sada. Can't believe I'm already here lol.
1 last fruit sandwich before we head into the depths.
Alright, here we go.
Yeah true, why do we drop down here again? I'm glad the post game gives us an alternative.
In we go!
Someday I'll use a Bravairy... someday (I wish it evolved sooner...)
Snom finally won the neat name lottery when it evolves at last in 1 language.
So thats where Pimpnite gets all his salt in paldea.
The 1st station battle lycanroc just OHKOed it. Gyarados didn't even do a thing.
Drednaw took over this strecth and didn't do anything.
Also behold, my fav paradox Pokémon (well, tied with slither wing but still.
Anywho it put up a better fight than glimmora, needing 4 rock tombs (it's missed the 3rd one)+dark pulse and 2 baby doll eyes from penny to defeat it.
Pelliper took over for shift 3. Great Tusk was no match for mabosstiffs play rough+hurricane from my pelican.
Also I found more area zero lore in the lab-i didn't know you could read those books. The one at research station 3 feels like it got retconed by Terapagos and the crystal pool...hmmm..
Anywho it's the last streych. It's Azumarill time.
So that means slither wing and sandy shocks are the only paradoxes I can't find before the ai sada fight. Dang.
Great Tusk ohkoes nemonas lycanroc and aqua tail misses
Great tusk brick breaks me as goodra goes for muddy water,doing a lot of damage and allowing Azumarill to take out great Tusk with draining kiss.
The subsequent brute Bonnet gets decimated by play rough... it lived on 1 HP but penny takes it out with a disrespect dark pulse.
Flutter Mane gets rekt by aqua tail+mabostiff crunch. Take that, scourge of VGC!
Ok, now to destroy the ai.
Slither wing out speeds me and goes a lunge, cutting my attack in half. Play rough causes it to live on 1hp, so I had Azumarill go for a disrespect trailblaze.
Flutter mane mystical fires me, Azumarill fails to ko with play rough. I get para hacked by tbolt, then dodge the next one, get parahax again, get struck by a bolt and Azumarill is down. Floatzel can take it out with aqua jet as its HP is low enough.
Sandy shocks is a threat, I got nothing much to smack it with, so I switch to drednaw (`who still doesn't have EQ...) I get a quick claw and use body press. It does nothing. Earth power puts me in orange.
Drednaw evades a discharge and liquidates the magnets, destroying it.
I'm counting on you now pelliper.
I misclick surf as bonnet giga drains, then I go for hurricane, it barely lives and gets a giga drain off, pelliper gets decimated by sucker punch.
Aqua Jet isn't enough to ko, I get hit with payback, and Floatzel just survives enough to take it out with another aqua jet.
Floatzel isn't healthy, so I send quaquaval against scream tail.
I tera water, eat a play rough, then deal good damage with aqua step. With the rain still up, a rain boosted aqua jet (which crits) defeats scream tail.
Now for the final boss: can CC beat the roaring moon?
It does! Yay!
Fine I'll stop fooling around game.
First turn I get taunted and fish for burn with flamethrower. It does nothing and no burn.
Next I go for normal tera blast as it goes for flamethrower. Still nothing.
I attempt to collision course...as it goes for bulk up. Argh... still collision course does more damage than the other 2, so I go for it again...
My Koraidon lives on 1hp from giga impact as I deal another collision course.
I go for another collision course (c'mon let me tera) and it does ok damage.
I finally get to tera as I get an omniboost.
The opposing Koraidon barely lives a tera blast as my Koraidon uses power of friendship to live a flamethrower. One more defeats it as the story draws to a close.
Welp, that concludes this playthrough.
I've got another SV playthrough starting tomorrow, stay tuned.
(Edit: lol the credits is still English. What?)
Part 8
I just decided to let my mons fool around with the ball and this happened. Yikes.
Anywho it's nighttime, time to end Starfall .
Ok,let's do this.
Azumarill used trailblaze on his lead, but it got yawned.
So I swapped to quaquaval to eat a foul play. Should have used pelliper instead. Never mind, CC can take it out....or not...
I swap in Floatzel and it takes way more damage from foul play that my dancing duck, so I check their attack stats (they're the same).
However I found that most of my team is evd in physical attack thanks to the mons we felled. Oof.
Floatzel manages to take out oranguru with aqua jet and I replace it with Gyarados as abomasnow comes in. I was gonna use pelliper, but remembered pellipers ability would likely go second as its under levelled.
Gyarados does nothing to abomasnow with crunch as it sets up a veil, so I swap into Azumarill who tanks a blizzard. Abomasnow then takes a ice shard as I draining kiss (reasoning is it work around the snow, which can give me bulk with lefties. The same events happened again for the next 2 turns as the snow is stalled out-and the veil too. Another ice shard...and abomasnow is down to a play rough!
I had no idea what this was,and kept Azumarill in. Turns out it was houndoom, who goes down to 1 aqua tail .
On the oncoming Gyarados, Azumarill goes for. draining kiss to work around intimidate (becuz what can hurricane to Gyarados anyway-and the rain could backfire), while Gyarados goes for stone miss and eq. It was doing nothing so I switch to drednaw on a stone miss, and it managed to outrun Gyarados and take it out with a rock tomb, a d chews up polteageist.
Oh man it's daytime now...nvm.
Meowscarada is last, so I swap pelliper in and tera to flying...and gets hit by a T punch and paralyzed,..but ...
Ironically enough, meowscarada had the level advantage, but it's paper thin defenses let pelliper one shot it with hurricane. Oof.
Anywho becuz it's daytime I can't fight penny, so I heal up and start thinking on how to beat arven...
Jeez, don't be so hard in urself...
Unironically the 1st time I actually read occulture. Yeah sorry I'm late to the party. (Though flutter mane and roaring moon in the same room...did they know...?)
Anywho, now to battle!
...oops I led with Azumarill. Idk if huge power can break through this things defense.
We trade blows with trailblaze vs body slam, and Azumarill gets paralyzed from the 1st body slam, so I full restore it to get rid of it. I get to +4 and take out Greedent with a disrespect draining kiss.
In comes toedscruel, which misses a power whip as I go for draining kiss to heal up, and then I take it out with a crit play rough.
Idk if scovillains weak to water...
I tera normal to eat an energy ball but miss a play rough, then draining kiss as scovillain misses it's move. 1 play rough takes it down to half health as Azumarill dodges a fire blast. Another play rough takes it out.
In comes Garg, which I'm scared of due to yp salt cure. Turns out it just set up rocks, then got take. Out by 1 aqua tails. That's odd considering garg is supposed to be physically tanky.
I don't know how, but Azumarill deals just under half to cloyster, dodges icicle spear completely, and then crits the next play rough to take out the oyster.
4pp left on play rough so I go draining kiss on mabostiff...it does nothing. It goes for a crunch, which doesn't cut my HP in half (as in deal half hp, nothing like pain split). I go draining kiss again, dodge a second crunch.
I go draining kiss. It lived on 1 health, then burns me!
...and there's epic Azumarill sweep number 2!
1 down, 2 to go. Unfortunately it's still daytime...so...I guess off the find titan Tatsugiri.
Well that was easy. I may or may not use it, probably should have koed it to get Gyarados and Floatzel better levels, but oh well
No way I'm getting another Azumarill sweep.
Azumarill manages to dodge baby doll eyes and gets Vaporeon to low HP with play rough.
I played Umbreon like a fiddle with a disrespect draining kiss as it went for baby doll eyes.
Jolteon comes in and I swap Azumarill die drednaw, who has bulldoze.
I get quick claw and get Jolteon to orange...then drednaw gets electrocuted by thunder.
I attempted to aqua jet ko it with Floatzel. It lived on 1 health again, so it took 2.
Anywho, pelliper faces off against leafeon, and blows the grass type away.
Pellipers hurricane doesn't take out Vaporeon of course, but I get the confusion. Unfortunately, a Hydro Pump took out pelliper, but Azumarill was able to get payback with 2 trailblazes. The oncoming Flareon gets destroyed by 1 aqua tail.
I have no fairy type coverage, so i go for play rough in Sylveon as it teras...
Argh... anywho so I try to take advantage of the leftover rain by tera water aqua jet on Floatzel in hopes of taking it out...and fail.
Anywho, quaquaval also packed aqua jet, so I managed to finish off the battle there. Now I can take on the elite 4 after some mashing.
It's always weird seeing English here as I'm on non English speaking mode.
Ummm...I wonder why?
I wonder why the plot forces us to go in there then...
Draco? That sounds neat ...except non of my team can use it. Oof.
And now...e4 and Geeta time
Yep I accidentally oofed the first one.
Time for epic pelliper sweep.
Nah I ...nearly got screwed by whiscash future sight and stone miss from donphan...
And sandstor from dugtrio... twice. Ended up sacking Floatzel to preserve the sweep...and jist surfed the dugtrio instead of hurricane spam (and an ice beam miss...is it sand veil), as well as camerupt. Though in the end I just scrapped trying to sweep becuz clod can eat hurricanes, ice beams and whatever for days, and surf does nothing,so quaquaval beats clod with 2 CCs.
Ok, I'm not playing around anymore.
Poppy's copperjah nearly destroys quaquaval with play rough after I go for an aqua step, luckily aqua jet could take it out.
Corviknight is next so I send in Azumarill to overpower it's defenses.
1 aqua tail did this much. The next one missed. The last one took corviknight out. The bird kept using brave bird for some reason.
Magnezone comes in so I send in quaquaval...
CC didn't one shot it, but aqua jet could.
Bronzong is next in, and I counter with Gyarados.
I set up 1 d dance, and survive a zen headbutt. Waterfall almost takes out the bell, I survive another zen headbutt, likely due to intimidate. One more waterfall destroys the bell.
For some reason +1 tera water waterfall isn't enough to take out Tinkaton, but Tinkaton goes for stone miss so luckily I tera'd. Another waterfall finishes the job.
Larry uses a team of fliers, so I lead drednaw (who has rock tomb...yes still no rock slide or stone miss, but at least rock tomb I think can trust to land more)...then swap to pelliper to counter his Tropius lead with an ice beam as it goes for solar beam. Tropius gets turned into a popsicle as as staraptor comes in, who take pelliper to orange with brave bird before falling to ice beam.
Pelliper lives a dragon pulse from altaria on 5hp and takes it out with ice beam too...as its unhealthy I swap drednaw into a pom pom oricorios revelation dance.
It hurt, but rock tomb somehow ohkoed (no qukc claw boost either).Drednaw definitely didn't want to eat a CC, so I swap Gyarados in on flamingo, but it's scrappy shit Gyarados down...but Gyarados could still take it out with 2 ice fangs.
For Hassel, I'm gonna just let Azumarill destroy his team of dragons.
Noivern super fangs my Azumarill (it's slow) but 3 draining kisses is enough to take it out.
Azumarill can't hurt the incoming dragalge, so I have drednaw come in and bulldoze it. Dragalge whips out the t bolt, forcing me to tera Normal Azumarill after drednaw gets turned into alligator snapping turtle salad, and 1 draining kiss+play rough decimates it.
Flapple seeds me, and I fail to draining kiss ko. It lands dragon rush, and I defeat it with play rough.
I swap Azumarill out to get rid of leech seed, then Floatzel takes out the haxorus with power of friendship (it lived on 1hp).
Surprisingly Bax uses icicle Crash on Azumarill instead of glaive rush after it terasz and barely survives a play rough. Glaive rush shreds Azumarill...but quaquaval is still healthy enough to take out baxcalibur with aqua jet soon after.
Funny how 2 of my mons attempted to learn wave crash. Floatzel has it, quaquaval not so much (I need both aqua step and aqua jet)
Woah, scary.
If I lose to pre dlc Geeta, I'm gonna be so embarrassed...
Anywho I lead Azumarill and play rough her espathra...not before reflect is set up. Azumarill tanks a lumina crash, and it still wouldn't take out the psychic ostrich. Another lumina crash brings me to -6, but I managed to take out the silly ostrich.
I swapped in pelliper to Gogoat to take it out with hurricane, but it failed as it bulks up. 1 more ice beam finishes the job with a crit.
Kingambit comes in as the reflect goes down, allowing me to close combat the general to oblivion.
(I wonder how kingambit is doing in vgc ATM with urshifu running around...)
Azumarill returns to take on veluza, eating a psycho cut and defeating it with 2 trailblazes.
Quaquaval then comes back out against avalugg. Becuz it's avalugg, it eats 1 close combat with ease. 2 though....
To take on her
ace, I send in drednaw. I click bulldoze as glimmora teras to rock... nothing happens as I get 2 pairs of t spikes set up and lower it's speed.
This time, tera water waterfall is enough to finish the job. Good job Gyarados!
Meanwhile, nemonas not pulling any punches, going for the stone miss on Azumarill as I set up a trailblaze, then setting up stealth Rocks (meaning it's probably Azumarill or nothing) as another trailblaze takes lycanroc out.
I little Timmy Tera on the pawmot and take it out with 1 play rough.
Orthworm nearly destroys Azumarill with 3 body pressses, Azumarill barely escapes. Dudunsparce, however, finishes off the weakened Azumarill after a weak draining kiss does nothing, so I swap into quaquaval to take out dudunsparce with CC.
Goodras swapped in, so I go into pelliper, intending to ice beam goodra. Rocks+dragon pulse nearly destroys pelliper, but an ice beam is fired off. I max Potion pelliper, then dragon pulse and ice beam ends me. Becuz pelliper left the rain up, I swap Floatzel in, who manages to take out the gooey monster with ice fangs crit.
Azumarill expended my tera, and I'm underlevelled so I'm in a bad spot...wave crash save me.
Wave crash Saved me lol.
That's all for today, area zero time tomorrow.
29 Votes in Poll
Migrating this ep onwards to fan creations, as this definitely feels like one.
I used the swim gimmick to capture a mareanie, shellder, Finizen and qwilfish. Need to try every mon once if I have to. (Psyducks late evolution is making a prime target for replacement...)
I think I'm gonna take down mela first. I can cheese her team with my mono water team, and drednaw quad resists fire so I should be fine.
Idk how I got warped, I just ran up to where the sunny day tm was. The grunt was level 25 ish so hopefully I can deal with it with 5 potions or less.
Oh level 27...and also apparently slow as heck since I could o
ut speed it with a level 23 drednaw without any speed drops with rock tomb..and I got burnt. I used a burn heal and drednaw was able to take out torkoal and most revavroom before dying to burn...but it lived on 1 health briefly. This allowed Gyarados to double tera waterfall ko it.
For once,mela giving the first Mon in my squad (drednaw) credit is justified... giving flame charge to drednaw tho? Not helping as it can't learn flame charge....I'd wish I could use flame charge tho. No water type but volcanion can learn flame charge. I can't get volcanion so flame charge is useless.
I have huge power play rough now. Azumarills stab combo is now complete.
This Pawmi was a pain. I had to swap between my paralyzed drednaw (to stop nuzzles) and Gyarados (to stop digs) , and I kept missing mud shot. Apparently the CPU caught onto my strat as its eventually started to mash nuzzle. Crocalor then packed yawn and I accidentally sausage fingered psybeam on Psyduck instead of water pulse so Gyarados has to finish the job with waterfall once again.
Why does "wonder tree" seem to work better for sudowoodo than "that's a tree?" (See the Chinese names). I guess the pun flew over my head.
The joke failed to pass through Chinese localization. RIP.
Street Knight>>>>Mr. Walksabout
Oh and drednaw took care of the trainers. It got para haxed, but that made it immune to getting para haxe multiple times. And it had quick claw.
They're fighting for who should be top gen 1 electric type without Zapdos and pika getting involved.
Drednaw lived a electomorph spark on 5 HP! Then oofed to next one. Gyarados took care of bellibolt tho.
Psyduck got smoked by luxio while I attempted to preserve Gyarados, and I had to tera normal by Azumarill to eat the spark and take it out with play rough. Azumarill then proceeded to eat charge beam and confuse ray like a champ and destroy mismagius. Azumarill did have the level advantage so that may have helped.
I'm glad that's over. Orthworm time. (Gonna need to use Psyduck for this as orthworms defense is sky high)
I wish orthworm was bigger like this.
Anywho Psyduck was taken out by rock smash and headbutt and Azumarill tangled with wrap while using aqua tail, and took it out.
This fine, Arceus was on Psyducks side as it fells another boss. It's still a bit under leveled, I think it's getting the boot soon as it won't evolve until later, though I still need that psychic damage for eri...but I want to use some of my other mons too...well I guess it's staying until I get to the lake and acquire a dozo, or find something stronger beforehand.
Maybe I have to sack buuzel too becuz I only have aqua jet as an offensive option for it.
Welcome to the evolved club Golduck. (Used an accidental larvesta sandwich outbreak to get this).
I'm taking Kofu down next time.
67 Votes in Poll
23 Votes in Poll
22 Votes in Poll
Watcha think of my team?
(uh oh leg reveal lol)
Pikachu and the Gyarados Gang!
Book 1 of Pikachu’s Amazing Adventures
Chapter 1: Alarming News
It was a normal day, Pikachu was with Eevee, Popplio, and Jigglypuff
“Breakfast, yes!” says Pikachu, hungrily hoping to get some delicious food. “Whoops!” says Jigglypuff, dropping her breakfast of some delicious Bluk Berries and of course, her favorite, Chesto Berries. “Don’t forget the five second rule!” says Popplio, reminding Jigglypuff that such a thing exists. “I'm going to get some Lava Cookies, since I already finished my breakfast.” says Eevee, preparing to jump onto the counter with two of the after-breakfast snacks. “Ooh, Pomeg Berries! My favorite snack to eat after breakfast!” says Pikachu, excitedly jumping up to the counter and getting the targeted berries. “Who wants to be updated?" says Eevee, asking the entire group. “Breaking News?!” says Jigglypuff, wondering what crazy stuff might be happening today.
“To the TV Couch!” says Pikachu. They all hop onto the TV couch, all huddled together, thoughts zooming around in their minds of what might be happening. Is a tornado coming, a new organization? Turns out, kind of sort of there is a new organization, but not like Team Galactic, not like Team Rocket, it was something else. “Breaking news: Gang of four Gyarados attempting to destroy Kanto!” “Oh, my Arceus!” They all say in unison, shocked, and horrified of the terrifying news. “We need to stop them!” says Eevee, hoping to save the region she is proud to be living in. “Whoa, okay, you have the right idea, but we just finished eating!” says Pikachu, cautiously warning Eevee about her idea. “Pikachu is right, we probably shouldn’t start off the day with some villain drama right away!” says Jigglypuff, also warning Eevee. “We should let our food digest first.” says Popplio, hoping Eevee will listen to the rest of the group. “You guys are right. I got a little ahead of myself.” says Eevee. “We probably should watch something else, so we don't get ahead of ourselves like Eevee did.” says Jigglypuff, suggesting to her best friends. “Yeah, we probably should.” says Pikachu. “What do we watch?” says Popplio, wondering with thoughts zooming around in his head. “No idea yet.” says Jigglypuff, questioning her own suggestion.
Chapter 2: The Vote, and some wild stuff.
“Alright, time to vote for what to watch today!” says Pikachu in a sportscasting sounding voice. “What are the choices today?” the rest of the group say in unison. “My little Rapidash, Pokémon VS Pokémon, and Bulbasaur’s Mathy Math Game.” says Pikachu. “I vote Pokémon VS Pokémon!” says Jigglypuff. “My little Rapidash!” says Eevee “Bulbasaur!” says Pikachu “Pokémon VS Pokémon!" says Popplio. “We have a winner! Ding!” says Pikachu. “C’mon get him! He's paralyzed this is your chance to get the hit!” says Jigglypuff, hoping that Ampnharos can defeat Talonflame. “We have a champion!” says the sportscaster. “Yes!” they all say in unison “Ampharos won!” says Popplio, excitedly.
In progress
If Gyarados has a brand - new regional form, it should probably be both water/dragon type.
Something someone asked me to draw for them
I thought that Gyarados was going to be included as a playable fighter Pokémon for Pokkén Tournament and DX because of its capability of Mega Evolution into Mega Gyarados, but that was actually false. But why do you think that Gyarados wasn't included as a playable fighter Pokémon for Pokkén Tournament or DX at all?
32 Votes in Poll
Yo! What's happening with you guys? For Pokkén Tournament and DX, I knew that Gyarados has been depicted as not actually a playable fighter, but as instead an unplayable NPC stage background character Pokémon. However, were Mega and/or Red Gyarados shown as an NPC stage background character Pokémon in Pokkén Tournament and DX? Why? Please let me know, thanks.😉
The TM I would give you is Air Slash and the badge would be the Wing Badge.