In this timeline, Ash lost his parents early and was forced to live in the Iki Town Children Home.
He fell under the influence of Team Skull.
Ash didn't get his first Pokémon, Guzma just gave him a Poké Ball and said "Go and get it", so Ash caught Alolan Rattata.
At first, Ash was not much different from the rest of Team Skull and just walked around the islands and caused trouble for people.Later, Ash saw Guzma fight with some trainer, which Guzma won. Ash was so inspired by the battle that he asked Guzma to teach him, to which Guzma replied “Nobody taught me, go find your own path!”
Following Guzma's "advice", Ash and Rattata began to train and participate in battles, some he won, some he lost, nevertheless, his experience slowly but surely grew.Once he got bored with battles with weak opponents and he decided to challenge a stronger opponent and Kiawe became this opponent. Kiawe counted on a quick fight, since Ash was just another Team Skull Grunt for him, but Ash held out against Kiawe and his Turtonator for 5 minutes, which is longer than his average bouts with Team Skull representatives, But Kiawe still won, Ash realized that he is far from rivals of the level of Kiawe.
Ash decided that he should leave Alola,to became stronger.
The director of the orphanage where Ash lives agreed, but only if he leave team skull.
Ash said "no!".
The next day, Ash, walking along one of the islands, saw some bandits attack Togedemaru. His Trainer-Sophocles lay passed out nearby.There were 2 bandits and they both used Fighting type Pokemon.Ash, despite the fact that his Pokémon has a double weakness to fighting type Pokémon, decided to confront them. He held out long enough for Officer Jenny to arrive and arrest them.Officer Jenny took Sophocles home, and Ash went to his home in Po Town.(In my version of the Pokemon world, from the age of ten you can live alone, have a Pokemon and take part in battles, but only in the region in which you are registered, and you can travel between regions only with the permission of your custodian, who for Ash is still the director of the orphanage .)
The director, having heard about Ash's act, decided to call him to his place. Ash arrived at the house where he once lived and he was afraid that he would be forced to return back, but no. The director told Ash that he was ready to give him permission to travel between regions, but only under 2 conditions: 1) Ash will study at Pokemon school for a year. 2)Team Skull will not cause trouble in this school.
Ash agreed.
The next day, Ash talked with Guzma,and Guzma gave his word that until Ash finishes a year at this school, he and team skull grunts will try not to approach this school.