Liko catch Eevee
Roy catch riolu
Dot catch fire type
Liko catch hisuian growlithe
Liko catch Eevee
Roy catch riolu
Dot catch fire type
Liko catch hisuian growlithe
Just ask them any question and they'll answer!
Pikachu with a hoodie: Timón.
Eevee with blue hoodie: Coraline "Cake"
Charmander: Flamy
Growlithe: Ike Broflovski
Grookey: Kong "Rodrick"
Sobble: Iggy/pascal
Ike really needs some clothes before school starts!
45 Votes in Poll
The Growlithe Is named after Ike brovfloski from South Park.
62 Votes in Poll
Here is a fusion of a loyal police Pokémon and an aura guardian in training.
61 Votes in Poll
What does hisuian growlithe's shiny look like? i just got an outbreak of those and im trying to decide whether to hunt or not
Sigh.. drawings are still bad.
So the Pokémon who was at the door is a Zorua.
Zorua: Follow me. Speak when spoken to, DO NOT comment on how he looks
Kaen: Umm ok?
Door: *Creaks open*
Buster is a Black and White herdier.
Buster: I don’t remember having any visits lately.
Zorua: Surprise visit.
Buster: Since when do I allow-
Buster: What. Is. THAT?
Kaen: I’m a Growlithe.
Buster: Defective?
Kaen: Yes.
Buster: I see.. what the hail do you want? I’m busy.
Claw: We want to go to the fountain of life
People to Ping
Sorry for the wait.
Anyways, Same thing as always. Drawings are bad but no mean comments.
Kaen: Well, this looks evil
Claw: It’s worse on the inside
Claw: Let me do the talking
Kaen: Ok.
Claw: *Knocks on door*
???: What?
Claw: We wish to speak with Buster.
???: He’s busy.
???: And... he doesn’t like cats.
Claw: We’ll make it quick
???: You better
Eyeslot thing: *Shuts*
Yes, My boi is gonna make an appearance but as a Pokémon. Which Pokémon do you think it is?
People to Ping:
(Sorry if you got pinged and didn’t want to. My Ping list got mixed up.)
If you wanna get pinged, Let me know!
Stock:The news sucks
Location:Cobalt coastlands, hisui
Spiritrush:wake up
Where is ur submission for aura cave
*looks at it*
Treasure:get russiaed
*Spiritrush goes blank*
*Tamashi looks at mail*
Tick;what are you doing
Tamashi:some hisuian growlithe wants me to...
Tamashi:wnats me to find this picture out, this is interesting indeed
Tamashi goes to cobalt coastlands with lapras and sees johtonian corsola which make him look sad
Tamashi:oh gosh
Basculeigon:who dares to intrude to the cobalt coastland
Tamashi:i feel sick
*tamashi vomites basculegion's favorite food and now basculegion loves him and rides him back to woodal village
Spiritrush:so the myth of basculeigon is real, we preserved basculeigon sized tank for our studioes
Rowlo;I knew you could do it
Rowlo:got them basculeigon tamashi
*the final evo hisui starters hinting something
People to ping
@Cookierunfantehehehe OoOooOoOoOoOo
@Busterlover local dog and cat has been spotted knocking on grown mans door
@PeacockFeatheredRaccoon get russiaed
@Lus-Adarch maybe next episode cotton candy will be there
@EveeChu nice
Here is part three!
Claw: That’s nice of you.
Kaen: You think so?
Claw: I know so.... Weirdo
Claw: But.... we need a plan. We can’t just go and hope we find it.
Kaen: This is true... But who would know how to get there?
Claw: Follow me. I know a Pokémon.
People to Ping:
So if you follow my newest Comic: Kaen, then you probably have some questions.
First, here is some pictures
Difference between Normal Growlithe and Kaen.
Paprika. 🪦
Character Info
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Asexual (In case you don’t know, Asexual means that he wants NOTHING to do with love, mates or any of that)
Crush: None
Reason of name: Kaen means Flame in Japanese (It is also a pepper)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Crush: None
Death: Drowned to death
Reason of name: My dad thought of it. It’s because a Kaen is a kind of pepper and so Paprika and Pepper :)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Crush: None
Reason of name: Because of her Claws
Background Info
You’re going to hear a lot of Kaen’s Parents so here is some information you should know.
Kaen’s parents are Hisuin Arcanines who wanted him to be a Hisuin Growlithe. He was born as a Kanto Growlithe and because of that, his parents hated him. Barely fed him, ignored him and made him go get food/other stuff.
Paprika was born and she was a Hisuin Growlithe. She became the favorite and Their parents adored her.
Years later, They went for a swim. Kaen hates water but Paprika continued to swim. She got caught in a current and started to go under water.
Their parents did nothing but sit there and yell at Kaen for not helping. Kaen couldn’t swim, couldn’t save her so Paprika drowned.
Kaen’s parents screamed and yelled but Kaen ran away, only to have a dream that something was chasing him.
This has Nothing to do with my timeline!!! This is just a fun comic I made
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2:
People to Ping