39 Votes in Poll
39 Votes in Poll
"Red" is Ash Ketchum & "Blue" is Gary Oak.
What would be a fitting name for "Leaf" instead? Can't be "Daisy Oak".
Pokemon Trainer
I think rather Pikachu, Greninja or Pokemon trainer
But idk lol
31 Votes in Poll
I'm little surprised that some human characters actually have colors for names. Not just in the manga, but also the games. I mean, who names their kid Red, Blue, Green or Silver. However, I shouldn't be one to judge people.
One time, I tried coming up with similar yet different names. I thought about Fred, Stu, Irene, and Sylvian. What do you think?
P.S. No, my idea of Silver being named Sylvian came out before Sylveon was released. I don't think you can call me a psychic prophet for that coincidence.
36 Votes in Poll
Mk so I've mostly been a fan of the anime but recently decided to check out the manga and stuff. However it's really hard to understand? (Yes I'm reading the manga correctly it's not that)
So first I HAVE to address this thing with Green(/"Leaf"?) and Blue
Who's who again? The version I'm reading says some thief girl is named Blue and the rival's called Green. But on this wiki it's the other way around (and I'm not even sure who 'Leaf' is?)
And then there's Red's personality.
Everyone refers to him as the emo guy who doesn't talk much, right? They go as far as to say that Ash (who's supposed to be based off of him or something, right? Like Blue/Green(?) and Gary) is very different from Red in terms of character. But the translation I'm reading makes Red seem pretty similar to Ash, including personality.
Also, what's the relationship between the manga and the anime?
I think they're totally different worlds because there's not much in common. I've seen some people theorizing that Red is Ash's dad some time ago, but I have no idea how that's possible because Blue/Green/whoever/rival is the same age as Red (unless I'm mistaken) and Gary is the same age as Ash... And they're both Professor Oak's grandsons. Sooo... Unless Gary is the son of Mr.Rival here, and additionally Mr. Rival's father's name is also somehow Professor Oak, I don't see how that's possible.
Ok sorry for saying so much, I'm just confused.
Is there something I'm missing here? Or is there a problem with the translaton I'm reading?
Pov of Green.
I was walking down the roads of Cerulean, it was midnight, I was expecting someone.
"Green!" Silver, my younger brother, yelled.
"Finally you are here, also quiet down, its the night." I responded, we both converted into a hug.
"Green, when you texted me on the Porygon Phone, I was so surprised, I thought you were dead!" Silver said, not budging from the hug.
"The best trainer in the world and dead don't go together." I responded.
"2nd!" Silver told me.
My brother always admired his father and my step father, Giovanni, that smirking hypocritical loser, even though Giovanni was evil and rude to Silver, Silver admired his battling skills, Rhydon tackling the strong trainers, crushing their pokemon, Cloyster letting out evil and power filled Ice Beams, Giovanni saw pokemon as tools, his pokemon knew that, they were as evil as Giovanni. I hated Pokemon battles, I felt they were an immature waste of time and your pokemons energy.
I pulled away from the long lasting hug, Silver handed me something, a Pokedex and a pokeball for a Meowth, he walked off, we waved goodbye.
Team Rocket flashlights lit me up.
"We found the runaway!" one of them yelled.
"cmon Poliwag, were gonna be late!" Young Red said
"Red, you know my Poliwag doesn't like to be rushed!" Reds mother told him.
Poli! Poli!
Red and Poliwag ran up the hills of Pallet Town, he was only looking at the sign
"Oaks Camp for Kids!" sign at the highest hill in the town....
Red crashed into another person...
"Watch where your going punk! I don't have the time to deal with you." The boy said.
"Sorry...wait.. Blue?!" Red yelled as he looked up at Blue.
He despised Blue, Blue was the biggest bully in all of Kanto, Heck, Kanto and Johto!
"Tsk, didn't even notice it was you Red, you are like all the other losers in this town, can't even tell the difference." Blue responded, laughing.
"Ugh! Just move, I need to keep going." Red said, trying to push Blue away.
"To my Grandfathers lab, oh you unlucky Psyduck, turns out I am heading there as well." Blue replied.
"Yes, I need to get to the camp." Red said
"The youngling camp? can't believe my old man would let a wimp like you look at pokemon." Blue taunted.
Blue and Red began to walk up the hill, Blue teasing and taunting him the whole way.
A girl had been listening the whole time, she was looking at the small belongings of the two boys, toys, toy pokeball? money... money...
"One, two, three, fo-u-r? five... six... se-ven?... Eight. Eight.., that's enough to buy Mama and me a sandwich!" the girl exclaimed.
"... but... he has a pokemon.. I can't take money from someone with a pokemon... or else what happened to dad will...." the girl continued.
End of Prologue. chapter 1 coming soon.
So, if Red and Leaf ever make it into the anime main series, who do you think would be good voice actors for them?
For Red, I think Bryce Papenbrook should continue the role. He NAILED IT as Red in Pokémon Origins
As for Leaf, I think a good voice for her would be Cherami Leigh.
I think she's grown old enough after she returns home from Pallet Town.
(Please read posts- New fanfic Series! and After all these years chapter 1.)
You arrived at the gorgeous Oak mansion
It belonged to the legendary trainers Blue and Leaf, you were very excited to meet them!
You were the only trainer from Kanto in this year’s Champion Challenge, so you would have a unique starter from the other challengers.
You parked your bike and knocked on the door.
“Oh welcome! You must be Y/N!” It was Blue, He was Fairly tall, with greying hair and blue eyes.
“Oh my goodness!! It’s amazing to meet you!”
“I knew you’d be excited, Your application tells me that you’re a big fan.”
“Mhm, I look up to all the amazing trainers from every region!”
“Bet you’re pumped to choose your partner, they’re over here!”
He led you to the pokemon, all sitting patiently waiting for you.
“Charizard, Venusaur and Blastoise, 3 great pokemon. This is gonna be a hard decision!!!”
“My Gramps made me, Red and Leaf choose from the pre-evolutions of these pokemon, I chose mine just to beat Red!”
It was a hard choice, but Charizard seemed to be too common, and Venusaur was a pain to take care of.
“I choose…..Blastoise!!”
“Great choice.” He put Blastoise in its Pokeball “He’s all yours.”
You put the pokeball onto your ball-belt
“Thank you so much Blue!!”
“You’re welcome, and here’s your first letter.” He handed you a plastic can with a piece of paper inside.
You opened the can and read the letter-
“Dear Y/N. The Pokemon League welcomes you to the Champion Challenge!! Please be present for the opening ceremonies in Wyndon. Catch and Train lots of pokemon to be ready for the first Challenge against Champion Gary!! Good luck Challenger!!”
The note was signed by all the champions and the league chairman, Bede.
“Thank you so much Blue, Have a wonderful day!” You said while walking towards the door
“If you ever need to Breed or Train your team, you can stop by Leaf’s daycare!! Good luck Y/N!!”
You hopped onto your bike “Bye Blue!!”
Next stop, the Magnet Train!
-Meanwhile at the Pokemon League Headquarters-
“Do we know the Challenger that’s the prophesied one?”
“Yes, Challenger Y/N from Kanto.”
“I think if those Rainbow Rocket people are coming back, They won’t stand a chance!”
“Oh you’d be surprised, Asher.”
“This is one of the highest level threats in the history of the Pokemon League.”
“But those Old dudes don’t even know we exist!”
“They will.”
Hey everybody!! Hope your enjoying the fanfic. But I will be offline for a week after this. Have a wonderful week amazing trainers!! - Gottem
I've been working really hard on "After all these years" and some of you guys seem really excited!!! Here are some of the characters!-
Marie - Your best friend and rival, She's from Johto and is also a geek for learning about the history of the pokemon world. She loves cooking and training her pokemon!!
Callie - Special thanks~ @IReadTooMuchFanfic
Marie's cousin and your friend. She's from Sinnoh and is a famous singer and contest coordinator, plus she's only 10!! She's super girly and loves pink.
Willow - Granddaughter of Wallace and Winona. She's an aspiring trainer from Hoenn. She's 9 and very sweet.
Clay - Grandson of Cynthia and Son of Cassandra. He's really bratty and mean, but is easily the most powerful trainer you've met.
Gary - "Trust me, I'm one of the most powerful trainers the world has ever seen!!"
Champion of the Indigo Regions. Son of Blue and Leaf. He's nicer than his dad but still a little rude. Seems much more powerful than he actually is.
Cassandra - "I'm not a reflection of my mother."
Champion of Sinnoh. Daughter of Cynthia and Mother of Clay, but never knew her father. She definently kept the legacy going strong, because she is a crazy powerful trainer! She is very serious when it comes to battling.
Gaea - "I guess I'm special, I am a "Freak without a human heart" after all."
Champion of Unova. She is the daughter of N and Hilda, but they died when she was very young. She saved Unova using her incredible intellect. She inherited her father's powers too.
Asher - "Sometimes being the youngest is hard, because the others think your weak."
He is the Champion of Kalos. Very easygoing and happy, but is great trainer. He is only 14, making him the youngest current champion.
Those are only a few of the characters!! I can't wait for you to get to know them!!
I will hopefully upload Chapter 2 in the next few days!!! Good night everybody!! - Gottem