Best Team gets a cookie
Beedrill (Bug/Poison)
Raticate (Alolan) (Dark/Normal)
Poliwrath (Water/Fighting)
Golem (Alolan) (Rock/Electric)
Exeggutor (Grass/Psychic)
Charizard (Fire/Flying)
Best Team gets a cookie
Beedrill (Bug/Poison)
Raticate (Alolan) (Dark/Normal)
Poliwrath (Water/Fighting)
Golem (Alolan) (Rock/Electric)
Exeggutor (Grass/Psychic)
Charizard (Fire/Flying)
I did today’s pokedoku and apparently, Gholdengo doesn’t evolve via an item??? Since when? The coins are clearly an item. AND then they say that gengar, golem and Alakazam do??? Like they are trade evolutions! Maybe the linking cord is classified but first gholdengo and now this? Ive done another pokedoku and it said (very clearly ) that they are trade evolutions. i dont even know anymore
Please explain. its beyond me
23 Votes in Poll
Just doing a normal alpha route when…
And then I have 2 shiny geodudes and a graveler!
The alpha symbol and the shiny symbol on the same page together
Then it evolved into graveler…
And Golem!
53 Votes in Poll
The complete set is on Etsy, a single figurine is around 11 bucks.
The ranking overall is 9/10. I bought it thinking it was a bit bigger, and I was disappointed that the limbs were not movable. In the end though, it arrived quickly and is one of the best purchases I've ever made. I mean, just look at it.
He is 5 miles away from your house and is rapidly approaching.
Coco approves!
Idk what to put for the title
All the hair is freakin me out lol
(edited by me, pictures from google)
We have Ghostrider the Typhlosion, Gamecube the Porygon2, Boulder the Golem, Rocky the Onix, Shadow the Dusclops, and Goose the Golduck.
So the Alolan Golem in Sm095 used discharge and thunder punch, but why did it not have electric bolts when executed?