Today is July 21st, the birthday of Gold!
Based on Ethan, the male protagonist of Pokémon Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold, and SoulSilver, Gold is one of the three Pokédex holders of the Johto Region. Having lived with Pokémon his whole life, he has the ability to draw out the largest potential of a baby Pokémon. So, his skill at Pokémon breeding and hatching Pokémon Eggs gives him the title of "Hatcher".
Gold has been described as reckless, stubborn, and even careless. He also tends to lie or exaggerate at times, in a bid to make himself seem more impressive, and other people around him notice it. He grew up in a home full of baby Pokémon in New Bark Town. Instead of throwing/kicking his Poké Balls, he uses a billiard cue to shoot them out, allowing for tactical maneuvers and deployments of his Pokémon. Gold's hobbies include gambling, skateboarding, and trying foods from different cities. Despite his negative traits, Gold is also noted for his moments of ingenuity, formulating plans and executing them spontaneously while appearing to slack off. Ultimately, Gold cares extremely for those around him and won't hesitate to sacrifice everything for their sake.
His journey starts when he goes to Professor Elm for an errand. However, encounters Silver who steals a Totodile from Elm, so he pursues him with a Cyndaquil, but is attacked by Team Rocket and his Poliwag gets lost. To find them both, Gold manages to convince Professor Oak to give him Pokédex. Soon, Gold learns that Totodile grew on Silver, so he just decides to defeat him one day. After helping a young girl catch a Teddiursa (through a bet from her grandfather), as well as receiving an egg from Elm for a project, Gold meets with the Masked Man. After getting defeated and injured in a battle against the Masked Man, Gold arrives to Goldenrod City, where Prof. Elm's egg hatches into a naughty Togepi. He takes it to the Day Care Center, where he receives additional training, as well as having his Cyndaquil evolve. He soon teams up with Silver and both have a fight against Team Rocket, who crashed the entire Ecruteak City. Following Silver, Gold reaches the Lake of Rage and has the second battle with the Masked Man, which ultimately ends with the two of them being sent into the frozen lake.
Luckily, they were rescued by Entei and taken to Whirl Islands. They meet Crystal and head to the Pokemon League with the Gym Leaders’ tournament to determine the identity of the Masked Man, who eventually caused havoc with Ho-oh and Lugia which he has captured. Gold became enraged and chased after him for another showdown. This time, Gold gained the upper hand, and finally unveiled him as Pryce. However, he had to surrender as Pryce threatened to smash the egg of Pika and Chuchu (the Pikachus of Red and Yellow). Although, the egg hatches into Pichu, revealing Gold’s skill as a breeder. Later, Gold entered the voids of time together with Pichu, but Pryce trapped him within an ice mirror. He was eventually freed by the Rainbow and Silver Wings, and together with Silver, Crys, and the three legendary beasts, they gave chase to Pryce once again. Gold sent his companions away to deal with Pryce alone, and managed to free Celebi from its capture, who fulfilled Pryce's dreams and redeemed him, though he got lost in the voids. Gold safely returned to the other Dex Holders with the help of Celebi, and went off to train with Red at Mt. Silver, where Pichu learned Volt Tackle.
Two years later, on the fifth day of the Battle Frontier opening week, Gold arrived at the Battle Frontier with Crystal to assist in the battle against Guile Hideout. Their true intention, however, is to revive Silver and the Kanto Pokedex Holders by wishing upon Jirachi. Gold disguised himself as Guile Hideout when he appeared at the Battle Tower, initially hoping to trick his way through the armoured man's Pokémon and reach Jirachi. However, this plan quickly fell apart, and he resorted back to direct power struggle, where Typlosion overwhelmed the Guile with Blast Burn. Gold also gave Ruby Sapphire and Emerald rings so they can learn the ultimate moves as well. It was Gold's words that made Emerald rethink his relationship with Pokémon, eventually allowing the boy to be honest with himself, and successfully channel his wish to Jirachi, restoring the five Pokedex Holders. Afterwards, the ten of them dispersed the giant sea monster with the combined ultimate attacks while Guile vanished without his armor. Gold then took part in the Battle Dome tournament, losing at one point.
Soon, Team Rocket was once again resurrected in Johto, and incidents reminiscent of Neo Team Rocket's past deeds were surfacing everywhere. Professor Oak, having been warned by Lance that they target Arceus, sent Gold to meet him at the Pokeathlon Dome. He managed to conquer all 5 categories of events and met the Johto Elite 4 there, but they were attacked by Lance's Dragonite, who apparently went rampaging after it got separated from its trainer due to an ambush from Archer, Photon, Ariana, and Petrel. Gold encountered Arceus in Ecruteak City and gave chase to it all the way to the Ruins of Alph, where he found an injured Lance. When Silver and Crystal later arrived at the scene, a synchrony between the Alpha Pokémon and Silver's sixteen Plates sent them to the Sinjoh Ruins. The Four Generals quickly seized Arceus, and after forcing the Plates out of the trio, overwhelmed them with its Multitype ability and also got it to literally create Dialga, Palkia and Giratina. Due to Silver’s distraction, Gold and Crystal grabbed the chance to vaporize the dragon trio with the three starters' ultimate attacks. Although it worked, the dragons materialized once more, but then Lance reappeared, this time with fellow past villains, Giovanni and Pryce, bringing the revelation that Arceus acted on its will in an attempt to annihilate humans with the dragon trio. While the three men kept the dragons distracted, Gold strove to calm down Arceus. When he finally recognized his unwillingness to open up to his Togekiss all along and finally managed to do so, he convinced Arceus of the trust between humans and Pokémon, and pacified the Alpha Pokémon, stopping a crisis which would have destroyed both Johto and Sinnoh. Time will only tell what will happen with Gold in the future.
Here is his picture!