Hi I made a gholdengo variant... saltengo a fairy type evolution for lopajian gimmighoul which I'll reveal later enjoy! =b
Hi I made a gholdengo variant... saltengo a fairy type evolution for lopajian gimmighoul which I'll reveal later enjoy! =b
Like if you think about it, Gimmighoul did seem to be trying to be a new Meltan, first appearing mysteriously in Go before being officially being revealed later and whatnot.
However, while Meltan seemed pretty integrated into Go and Lets Go (I used a Go account to get a Melmetal to beat Lets Go initially with), Gimmighoul...doesn't seem to connect Go to SV as strongly. I wonder why
Gimmighoul, being a coin pokémon, decided to become a coin. Or someone named after one, to be exact.
(Honestly, this idea was much better in my head. Also click for full.)
Would resetting beside a 5-star tera raid den thing work or are the odds for that one gimmighoul to be shiny determned and permanent?
So i caught a shiny riolu in a mass outbreak (the event ones) and that is because i didnt update my game by doing poke portal news
Can this be classified as a loophole?
Now i have all the time in the world to defeat poppy (and the elite four and geeta and arven and eri and cassiopeia), get 5-star tera raids and shiny hunt that hoarder
Im just telling you, because if i make a post soon about shiny gimmighoul, dont you think i hacked!
Im very happy about riolu; i now have 8 shinies in that game and i am so happy abt it
Mine is gimmighoul. the gurgling gets on my nerves so much, even in cutscenes it still plays and i get its distinct and is meant to help you find coins but still i hate it so much
'grurgrggrrgrr' 😡
So i really want a shiny gimmighoul but you can only get them in 5-star tera raids, which come after all 3 stories are complete (as far as i know) and i want to essentially speedrun the remainder of the game. is it worth doing it for a shiny gimmighoul?
here is how far i am in each story:
Path of Legends: 5/5
Victory Road: 5/8 (alfornada, glaseado, montenevera are incomplete)
Starfall Street: 1/5 (only giacomo is defeated)
Assuming i am not to trade a shiny gimmighoul, will it be worth the remainder of the game?
please take into account the dlc is incomplete, the chances of finding a shiny gimmighoul, and what there is to do in the postgame
(Btw if u dont want to read any of the long part skip 2 the last paragraph)
I know that sv having the 1000th Pokémon is very cool and exciting or it was until it saw what it was… idk it just felt underwhelming and i know that not everyone is too pleased with this gold-plated cheestring.
That’s why i want to redesign the 1000th Pokémon. I will hope to have many designs.Here are some things i want to change or ‘’modify‘’:
The typing- i think a unique typing that will not be able to be used for re typing previous mon or used on upcoming ones(basically a typing that is very obscure in a way and difficult to execute)
The concept - i appreciate the whole coins and gold thing going on but it could’ve been executed way better.. i mean dont you think 999 coins was a bit much, gamefreak?
The inspiration- the Pokémon company didn’t have any inspiration on this design and there are way better Pokémon because of the inspo behind it
So yeah. I will be redesigning it and it would be nice to hear your ideas or see your ideas in the ‘comments’ thanks
I Rather Prefer Roaming form than chest form
It looks legit to me, but juuuuuuuust in case can someone help check for me
How to obtain: Buy for 20,000 Pokemon Home Points (can be done up to three times)
How to evolve Digipigi: Buy a Buggy Ticket for 5,000 Pokemon Home points and use it on a Digipigi with another in the same box (removes the other)
Both are mythical Pokémon.
Dex Entries
A rare Pokémon that gained sentence from a box in Pokémon HOME. Studies show this Pokémon is related to Porygon. This Pokémon is able to carry small fatigued Pokémon inside of it, and is a predator to Gimmighoul.
Two Digipigis combined to create this Pokémon. It is a surefire way to get rid of computer bugs, as it can beat up, and eat them, functioning similar to an antivirus. Due to this, something about Paldea…sits right with it. The Poké Balls spinning around it are trades, since it is the center of the HOME software
Ability: Digitize
Boosts its weakest stat for every full Box you have. Can boost each stat twice, for a max of twelve boosts.
(Example: SpDef, SpAtk, SpAtk, SpDef, Speed, etc)
Special Move: Box Bash
Type: Normal
Category: [Depends which attack is higher]
PP: 2
Damage: 20
Accuracy: 20
The Damage, Accuracy, and PP all advance by 10, 10 and 2 respectively with every half box you have filled. (Max Damage: 120, Max Accuracy: 100, Max PP: 20)
Dex Entries
Roaming Gimmighoul
In (region name), Gimmighoul coins are scarce to almost a halt. Thankfully, the region’s plentiful beaches allow sand dollars to be collected and treasured by Gimmighoul.
Chest Gimmighoul
With a chest filled to the brim of shiny sand dollars, nothing brings the little guys down! Their favorite activity is sunbathing, and the chest they reside in is the perfect area to do so in.
Though many think otherwise, sand dollars are a nice way to attract people to this ray of sunshine. Surfousands are more friendly than their common cousins, and love to surf with its custom surfboard and sunbathe every once in a while.
Ability: Of Coarse
Super effective moves do less damage to Surfousand, and cannot be killed by one hit KOs or moves that would kill it at full health.
Special Move: Super Surf
Type: Water
PP: 20
Category: Special
Damage: 120
Accuracy: 95
Attacks by slamming into an enemy Pokémon with its surfboard, and damages all other enemy Pokémon, albeit with less attack. If it misses or hits a Steel, Rock, or Fighting type with the initial attack, Surfousand takes recoil.
50/50 chance of befriending
If it doesn’t work, it’ll try to stay calm, but when you try to pet it, it’ll run away
If it does work, it’ll jump onto you and sit on your shoulder
I got 50 gimighoul coins from a regular gimmighoul on the seashore
So im at 985 coins
I don't have a screenshot but it happened and that was pretty lucky for me