Piplup would get annihilated every time gible used Draco meteor, they even turned his gag into a tracker for piplup. It would follow piplup and explode.
Piplup would get annihilated every time gible used Draco meteor, they even turned his gag into a tracker for piplup. It would follow piplup and explode.
I used a lvl 3 shiny, encounter and title power boost. I had to keep resetting if I didn’t get the shiny because I only had enough ingredients to make one sandwich. Didn’t have shiny charm yet.
14 shinies seen 2 kept
I found 2 not on sandwich shinies , a HOUNDSTON!! And Pawmi but I couldn’t keep any, I found around 3 gible and the rest was ZWEILOUS , on the sandwich I finally found my roaring moon I got a zwealous so I couldn’t keep the Pawmi , 3 gibles, houndstone and 7 Zweilous.
My PLA team as pre-evos! Just some doodles, so not my best work.
Team member names are in the comments
I’ve been wanting a Gible for Pokémon Go but all my friends are stardust stingy. Anyone got one? I can trade a Groudon or a shiny Machamp. Or whatever if I got it.
Friend code: 7082 5057 4250 11Quillion11
33 Votes in Poll
64 Votes in Poll
When Cynthia was a little girl, she had Garchomp as an egg.
Until her egg hatched into a Gible.
What happened next was that her Gible evolved into Gabite.
And when Cynthia was a grown young woman, her Gabite finally evolved into a Garchomp.
Weedle -> Kakuna -> Beedrill
Hoothoot -> Noctowl
Cyndaquil -> Quilava -> Typhlosion
Chikorita -> Bayleef
Totodile -> Croconaw
Egg -> Togepi -> Togetic -> Togekiss
Aipom -> Ambipom
Phanpy -> Donphan
Gligar -> Gliscor
Swinub -> Piloswine -> Mamoswine
Today was Gible Community Day, did any of you got any Garchomp or Shiny Gible?
I got 1 Garchomp (CP: 3314) and 2 Shiny Gibles (I evolved one of them) :>
I'm playing a game in which i have to choose among Dratini, Bagon and Gible. I like both Dragonite and Garchomp (I mean, who isn't a fan of Cynthia's Garchomp and Iris's Dragonite). Dragonite has flying advantage whereas Garchomp is ground type. Gible has Sand veil and Rough skin abilities while Dratini has Marvel scale and Shed skin abilities. So please tell me your thoughts about which pokemon to choose.