So I got bored and decided to recolour some shiny's, not necessarily ones I think are bad, just ones I think could be better
Ok so first up is Gengar. Yeah it's no secret that Gengars shiny is not very good, although in more recent games, it has started to become more saturated, almost appearing Grey or Black, which was the basis for this custom.
(Also I'm using DW renders because they're easier to work with)
I decided to make Gengar black due to it being spoOoOoOOoOoOooOky, the purple eyes I added as a reference to its regular design.
Secondly we have Scizor, who does have a shiny I actually like! Ok well I like it in Gen 9, not so much in previous games. My original plan was just to make Scizors Colosseum shiny but that's boring so screw it we chrome.
Yeah that's right, I made 2 trade evos with monochrome shiny's with eyes from their regular colours, whuchu gunn do about it? Anyways yeah, I made it chrome to match with the metal coat and the eyes red for the same reasons and Gengars being purple.
Ok last one because I talk too much.
Just kidding it's 2 shiny's get le epic gamer trolled!!11!!
It was kinda hard to come up with a shiny for these 2 because making them vastly different colours makes them hard to tell apart so I just decided to swap their colours...
Yeah uh, not much else to say about this...
Hey guys does anyone have Flappy Bird on their IPho-