Apparently Mr. Mime has a 50% chance of being male of female...
(Screenshot from Bulbapedia page)
Like, why is it Mr. Mime if it's not exclusively male?
Apparently Mr. Mime has a 50% chance of being male of female...
(Screenshot from Bulbapedia page)
Like, why is it Mr. Mime if it's not exclusively male?
Hey guys I’ve been offline for a really long time.
Anyway, since it’s pride month (I think it is) I decided to do pride thing
These are of things in Pokémon that I find LGBTQ+ supporting
2-spirited: mints
2-spirited is one of the less known parts of LGBTQ+ (it’s part of the +) 2-spirted people of 2 personalities I find natures like personalities and mints are a way to get a nature. It doesn’t exactly relate Bc mints get rid of the first nature but it is still kinda similar. (If this sound homophobic IM SO SORRY😭)
Transgender and other gender besides boy/girl: Non-gender pokemon
Genderless Pokémon remind me that it’s not straight up male and female. There gender-fluid, Demi-boy, Demi-girl and so much more. Next time u catch a genderless pokemon think about it as a non-binary Pokémon.
23 Votes in Poll
What if your starter pokemon is the same gender as the player you choose, they won't look different but they just make it look more fair
This is probably very obvious but here we go
Dracovish is, as most people know, genderless. This means attract has no effect on it. This isn't very strange or new, as plenty of Pokemon are genderless. BUT, it is also in the Undiscovered egg group, the only egg group that cannot breed with others of its kind or the Ditto egg group. Again, not very strange. Most legendary and mythical pokemon are genderless, and all of them are in the Undiscovered egg group. The thing about Dracovish that makes me think this the shiny.
Not affected by attract, cannot breed, and its shiny is CLEARLY an asexual pride flag. This can only mean one thing...
Dracovish is Asexual!
I already liked it's typing (I love Dragon and Water types!) and loved it's design, so this just makes me love it even more!
OK let’s start with the most obvious and most common complaint:why does Gardevoir have a 50/50 gender Radio? The answer is because Gallade did not exist when the Ralts line came out and Ralts would have a 50/50 gender ratio so……Refrain about this Pokémon’s gender
Tell me what to explain next and I’ll make a new chapter for my story
NOTE: This is a repost, i’m only reposting because there is a Pokémon i left out, which was Corphish. I did not realize until yesterday i forgot Corphish.
What gender do you think: Butterfree, Pidgeott, Bulbasaur, Charizard, Squirtle, Kingler, Primape, Muk, Mr. Mime, Lapras, Snorlax, Heracross, Quilava, Totodile, Noctowl, Donphan, Swellow, Sceptile, Corphish, Torkoal, Glalie, Staraptor, Torterra, Infernape, Gilscor, Boldore, Greninja, Talonflame, Goodra, Rowlet, Lycanroc, Incineroar, Dragonite, Gengar, Lucario, and Farfetch'd are?
Bulbasuar, Charizard, Squirtle, Totodile, Sceptile, Glalie, Greninja, and Rowlet are implied to male in the english dub but that’s not canon as they were never mentioned in the japanese version.
Tauros, Buizel, Gible, Oshawott, Pignite, Scraggy, Leavanny, Palpitoad, Krookodile, Hawlucha, and Noivern are confirmed to be male. Bayleef, Unfezant, and Snivy are confirmed to be female.
I am sorry for reposting this, but i made an error on my previous one.
What gender do you think: Butterfree, Pidgeott, Bulbasaur, Charizard, Squirtle, Kingler, Primape, Muk, Mr. Mime, Lapras, Snorlax, Heracross, Quilava, Totodile, Noctowl, Donphan, Swellow, Sceptile, Torkoal, Glalie, Staraptor, Torterra, Infernape, Gilscor, Boldore, Greninja, Talonflame, Goodra, Rowlet, Lycanroc, Incineroar, Dragonite, Gengar, Lucario, and Farfetch'd are and why if you think of why then you don’t have to state a reason if you’re not sure.
Bulbasuar, Charizard, Squirtle, Totodile, Sceptile, Glalie, Greninja, and Rowlet are implied to male in the english dub but that’s not canon as they we’re never mentioned in the japanese version.
What gender do you think the pokémon are of: Jessie (Arbok, Serviper, and Mimikyu), James (Weezing, Gyrados, Victreebell, Mime Jr., Carnivine, Cacnea, and Amoongus), Misty (Pysduck, Corsola, Goldeen, Horsea, Politoed, Azurill, and Togetic), Brock (Steelix, Geodue, Crobat, Forretress, Ludicolo, Marshtomp, and Vulpix), May (Blaziken, Beautifly, Skitty, Munchlax, Wartortle, and Glaceon), Dawn (Buneary, Pachirisu, Mamoswine, Quilava, and Ambipom), Cilan (Stunfisk and Crustle), Clemont (Chespin and Heliolisk), Kiawe (Marowak), Lillie (Snowy), Sophocles (Vikavolt), Lana (Primarina and Sandy), and Goh (Cinderace and Sobble)?
I didn’t include Iris, Mallow, and Serena as all their Pokémon have confirmed genders.
Also you don’t have to list goh's every pokémon as he has a boatload of them.
48 Votes in Poll