Just for funsies I decided to see if berg really won't listen to me. He did this. Urgh.
Anywho because I really want to try and use some other mons and not settle into a team I swap noizy and flo in place of scattor and El haw.
Yay. (She also eventually learnt flamethrower after a bit of grinding with the rest-about time, as she had ember as her stab option all this while).
Onto Larry's "gym trainers": the one near the food stalls wrecks noizy (everything seems to wreck him-I didn't know noibat was that fragile, must explain why ashs Noivern has so many Ls) with her Gumshoos take down, and flo barely survives one to magical leaf ko it.
Nala dodged a counter coming into the Greedent by doing that, and cooks Greedent with flamethrower (man it's nice to have flamethrower).
For the next one no more playing games, especially since dunsparce is involved, so noizy (who I was switch training) is switched out into goated,who tanks a hyper drill.
I attempt to set up on dunsparce but get yawned, so goated has to be swapped out, going into talonflame,who tanks a hyper drill and actucates flame body.
Despite having the level advantage, flaw blitz doesn't take out dunsparce and fletchie uses power of friendship to live on 1hp, finishing off the dunsparce with a quick attack.
With fletchie crippled and lack of healing items,I'm only left with Nala and Gogoat.
Noizy goes into Nala who tanks a play rough. Nala then singes ursaring with flamethrower as it sweet scents her. Luckily she's able to finish off the bear with a base power echoed voice.
The gym puzzle is my 3rd/4th attempt and j easily beat it...but first I'm grabbing some healing items and healing up.
Let's do this.
1st battle is komala vs talonflame.
Somehow flare blizt doesn't defear komala, neither did it's slam on me. It yawned fletchie after a quick attack fails to beat it so Nala comes in to another slam.
I'm gonna try to set up LORB boosted echoed voices, since komala here's on low HP the weakest one take it's out.
Goo hasn't evolved and already knows dragon pulse. How.
Anywho dudunsparce tanks my echoed voice and glares me, the next one takes it out, but staraptor could be the end of me...due to LORB... hopefully iechoed voice is powerful enough to take it out at this stage-
I got outsped...and a paralyze Nala goes down to tera facade .
Goated barely sets up a bulk up as aerial ace does severe damage to him. He eats a max Potion (when does he get milk drink) and tanks the next one.
A second aerial ace sends him back into orange as EQ doesn't take staraptor out.
Goated then falls to the next aerial ace.
Luckily, fletchies able to finish the job with a flare blitz. Phew. How has battling these been tougher than usual? I really need to focus on the gameplay and not writing this lol.
Now for nemona battle number...I think 3?
Lycanroc is first, and I lead with fletchie
Lycanroc got played like a fiddle as goated comes in and sets up 1 bulk up. And another one just in case. 1 EQ takes lycanroc down (why it kept accelerocking though?)
I was so tempted to have a goomy mirror match but decided not to and take it out with EQ. Pawmo also falls to EQ.
In comes meowscarada. Nemona teras before me, so does tera speed have anything to do with pokemon speed?
Slash doesn't crit (good),but aerial ace barely takes it to orange. A second such exchange happens, but aerial ace is able to take it out. Once again Gogoat supremacy moment. (I wasn't even going for a Gogoat sweep).
Anywho, now it's time for Atticus.
Unfortunately I don't have anything mich to hit poisons types beyond goateds eq. I'm gonna try anyway.
Goo fires off a dragon pulse to take out gulpin (though gulpin snuck in 1 stockpile). (1st one was also quick claw)
Shroodle outsped it and poison jabbed gpo, as fire off a dragon pulse, though flatter stops goo from sweeping and takes her out with a poison jab. Dang, so close. Fletchie can finish this off in a jiffy with a quick attack though.
That said goo does partake in the star barrage after a quick revive alongside fletchie and Nala. She's not terribly good at it but at least it's something considering Goomy is..well, "the weakest dragon type". I do have antidotes galore (I use potions more than status curing items) so this should be fine.
Fletchie plays the sucker punches like a fiddle and eats a toxic as he gets to +6 speed. He can't take out skuntank with aerial aces and gets demolished.
Flo is sent in and I tera her, intending on using grassy terrain and flower veil to block poison attempts and slowly chip away at it. She then gets flinched while trying to use draining kiss by sucker punch before passing a wish to herself and eventually defeating the skunk.
Goated comes in to set up one bulk up on Muk... except it's a special set. EQ takes out the living pile of sludge.
In comes base revavroom, EQ wipes it as well.
The super revavroom damages goated a lot with noxious torque as EQ sends it to half. Goated barely lives another noxious torque and gets a second bulk up.
Apparently that's enough to allow me to survive another noxious torque from full via max potion and take out the car.
Now my goat has 4 move slot syndrome...but I doubt I'll use it considering it has bad accuracy, and kelpitcool,my skrelp I'll use later, will cover poison moves so maybe it would be a better user of this.
Since I'm not sure if even my mighty gogoat can fight great Tusk, I'm taking ryme on next.
(Fun fact: Every time I hear the beat drop for the 1st part of the gym leader team I keep thinking of her gestures).
Fun fact: my team took kn a level 55 tera fire revavroom. Defeating it was a team effort. (Well, except noizy who didn't do anything)
For my first double battle (I'm using fletchie and goated EQ combination).
It didn't take both mons out first try with talonflame aerial ace support though. Oof. Fletchie gets cursed by shuppet as it takes itself out, but luckily Greavard falls to 1 aerial ace soon after. (I wish I had scrappy now to quick attack pick of kos).
The second battle had 2 levitate mons so I used flare blitz on gogoats aerial ace on haunter, but haunter manages to hex flethice and misdreavus pain split goated. Seed Bomb and aerial ace on the opposite target takes them out soon enough.
I also got countered by mc sledge himself using drifblim, so I flare blitz the balloon (luckily no flaw boost) and seed bomb sablyee, but they simply set up stock pile and hit fletchie with power gem respectively.
Well at least I was able to take sablye out via eq (aerial ace sotakingmehow doesn't ko the balloon-it lived on 1hp to boot)... though the balloon did go bokm afterwards, fletchie down with it.
Now as for ryme herself...
Turn 1 I EQ while fletchie breaks mimikyus disguise with aerial ace. Banette sucker punches my goat but he survives. He also survives the oncoming slash from mimikyu, and eq does donkeys
Turn 2 goat bulks up while I flare blitz mimikyu, thwarting a sucker punch attempt from Nanette and destroying mimikyu
Turn 3 after attack boost, I flare blitz Houndstone (presuming it's fluffy), taking it down to Orange as EQ picks of both opponents.
As ryme teras toxtricity I double up with flare blitz and seed bomb.
Toxtricity gets decimated.
This unlocks kelpitcool the skrelp (who's level 48) for use.
I feel confident in gogoats level, so im gonna use him against great Tusk now.
Tusk rapid spins as gogoat bulks up. Tusk deletes my...wait what? I saw knock o- nvm I fire a seed bomb at it and bring it to orange. Rapid spin and seed bomb clash as great Tusk is forced to flee from a Gogoat of all things .
If I had a nickel for every time I used an early game originating Mon against tusk I'd have 2 nickels blah blah blah.
Anywho, I set up a bulk up while arvens scovillain gets hit by I think stomping tantrum but gets a scary face off.
Scovillain manages to get a razor leaf in before getting decjmated by rapid spin, which does nothing compared to my seed bomb.
In fact Gogoat simply beats another boss yet again. It's like the Azumarill of my mono water run all over again.
I always liked this Mon, now I think it's gonna go even higher on my favs list alongside vivillon and goomy (I hope it evolves soon)
Arven, didn't you say it would taste terrible? This isn't like salt where it's funny to view as an outsider and not-oh nvm.
I think here's a good place to end off. Ortega and tulip are next, as is maybe the last Kalos Mon I can use (aside from dedenne, idk how I missed that one).