Based of the company of apple, I haven't finished appletun, I am not planning to have dripplin or hydrapple
Based of the company of apple, I haven't finished appletun, I am not planning to have dripplin or hydrapple
Why did gamefreak do this? They made a split evolution line for applin and in flapple and appletuns gmax form, you cant tell them apart! What’s even crazier is they did it again with toxtricity! Like why did they do this it makes zero sense!
I dare you to guess which one is Appletun gmax and flapple gmax: (image from serebii)
Tried to make it look more like a dragon type
This is an idea proposed by @ScorpionTail , it’s a convergent applin Pokémon called Mandalin from mandarin a type of orange and applin. It is an orange instead and based on worms (it cannot see and is blind) and the phrase ‘comparing apples and oranges’ this is reflected in its nature in the Pokédex entry:
It has a fierce nature against Applin and their respective evolutions. It has tough skin on its bottom half. The eyes on their head are deceptive and for defensive purposes.
It evolves into Soarange (convergent flapple) or Tangertun? (convergent Appletun)
I need help with a name for tangertun tho
38 Votes in Poll
Will Applin get more evos with Hydrapple? I know it is a three stage Pokémon as Hydrapple, but I would like to see more. Feel free to make a Fakemon apple themed!
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So what if an Applin got smacked with all three apples-
Yeah so basically Dipplin is engraved into all my thoughts at this point (although i already have a Dipplin oc, so i did this to change it up a bit) because i can’t get this theme outta my head and yk, Dipplin is like, the guy’s main Pokémon. No really i have actually had this theme stuck in my head for 25 hours straight yes i have done the math s e n d h e l p
Why is it an evolution? It would work perfectly fine as a past Paradox form. Just call it, like "Dipping Spine" or something.
It, in my opinion, ruins the thing the Applin line had going. Until now, Applin evolved into 2 different kinds of Pokemon: one where it broke out of the apple, and one where it stayed in the apple. Now there's one where it broke and 2 where it stayed in. Sure, you could argue that Flapple is it breaking out, Dipplin is it staying in, and Appletun is only fusing with it, but Flapple kind of fused with it too, using it as body parts, just to a lesser extent than Appletun. Dipplin didn't fuse with it all. It also ruins the thing of Applin's evolutions having the same Gigantamax form (which Applin resembles for some reason). It also ruined the fact that Applin evolved via version exclusive items only.
It looks way too similar to Applin. The only differences in the design are the spike, the lack of brown, and that the apple is melting. 3. 3 differences.
So for the few of you who have read Pokémon botany, my fanfic, if not I believe I added the first chapters on my user page, you will be familiar with my OC character, and one of the main stars of my fanfic, Jasper.
It took a while, but here is the team. I used Pokeos if you want a name.
Type coverage:
I’d say I did pretty well.
Idk what do you think
I will tie these little dudes into my story in the future if I feel up to posting.
I have actually written the next 3 chapters but haven’t had a good opportunity to post them. :/
52 Votes in Poll
Hope you like these half baked drawings I did with my finger
Someone thought I traced this because it’s so damn accurate
As the title says, I'm looking for an Appletun! I'll give you a Flapple, it's counterpart and Sword exclusive, for one (or ask for something else, I might have it)
To get an Appletun, use a Sweet Apple on an Applin. Appletun is a Shield exclusive pokemon. I'd love to have an Appletun on my team, but can only get it through trade :(
I was wondering Does Flapple create a apple and then drop it with its move Grav Apple?