DandidooTheXD·12/27/2024in Fun and GamesNew Sinnoh Gym Leader TeamsGym LeaderSinnohFantinaByronRoarkVolknerGardeniaCrasher WakeCandiceMaylene
Fallf0x777·10/29/2024in PollsFavorite Spoooooooooooooooooooooky Gym Leader?The OG oneles morts se lèveront...et danseront100% mysterious, 0% WendigoMissy SkelliotonVote37 Votes in PollGym LeaderGhost typeAllisterFantinaMortyRyme
Leonie2306·12/20/2023in PollsWhich Pokemon is the best from Fantina?MismagiusDrifblim GengarVote31 Votes in PollGengarFantinaMismagiusDrifblim
Leonie2306·8/23/2023in PollsWhich Pokemon is the best from Fantina Mismagius DrifblimGenger Vote26 Votes in PollGengarFantinaMismagiusDrifblim
This post is locked.Kryskan·6/3/2021in Fun and GamesFor some reason, I find this very ironichm.(Edited by Kryskan)FantinaMismagiusFantina's Mismagius
Death Hero Kira·8/11/2020in GeneralUhh, help?I got a copy of Pokémon Platinum yesterday, and I started playing today. I looked at the Trainer card and saw the gym leaders in this order:Fantina is in the 5th spot, but she's the 3rd gym leader in Platinum. Is this some fake copy of Platinum?Pokémon Platinum VersionFantina