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Curby but she uses only moves that has her types
Here's a list of my Pokemon in a Pokemon game that I play:
Shiny Sylveon- Met as a shiny eevee by trading
Sylveon named Sparklez- Met as Eevee named Sparklez by trading
Emolga- Caught
Latios- Got by trading
Chesnaught- NOT MY STARTER- Got from Randomizer
Vulpix- Caught
You can call me lati or usagi
Im a longtime pokemon fan (4 years, maybe..?) but I had never owned a pokemon game before until I got my switch in mid october.
Hope im not the only one who is arab here-
Im rather a kirby person, because I draw kirby alot . Im also a fan of MRD and puyo puyo (and maybe touhou...? I listened to some of the games ost and i watched vids about the games but didnt play them.)
Today I drew emolga, I really like them. Im glad they made it in sword and shield
This is my submission to @Jaxoon 's Story.
Here is my story for @Jaxoon 's short story contest
Pikachu loves memes. Sometimes to the point where he invades the world with it. But before we can tell that story we have to tell this story.
Pikachu blazed upon the meme computer looking for the ultimate meme.
He stopped browsing because he found it.
Soon he summoned the Big Chungus Scorbunny with the ultimate meme to devour the world with memes.
Rotom has heard of the meme.It killed his family. So he snuck in and deleted the meme.
Pikachu told the Big Chungus Scorbunny to attack.
But little did he know that Rotom had a gang of Electric type Pokemon.
The commander Emolga flew and beat up the Big Chungus Scorbunny but he easily crushed the compact rat.
Soon it was all or nothing.
Rotom knew he would reupload it soon.
Rotom zipped violently to the computer.
He hacked it and he can never reupload things again.
But later the Big Chungus Scorbunny used Ember.
Over and over... but there was still hope.
He remembered he could shut it down for good.
So he did. But he couldn't escape the computer...
The End.
Ch. 6. (Technically 4.5) Bianca
Bianca inched up the tree towards the little black-and-white Pokémon nibbling at a berry. It had poked her face a little while before, and she was hoping to catch it and make it to the same to Clemont. There was no one more annoying on earth than him.
As if on cue: “BIANCAAAAAAA! DO YOU FIND THE EMOLGAAAAA??!!” Clemont’s voice echoed across the trees. That dolt. She couldn’t respond loud enough for him to hear her, or else it would scare away the..... what did he say? Emolga? Bianca couldn’t ignore him either, or he would keep calling. Bianca wanted to climb right back down the tree and smack him, but she might risk losing the Emolga. She decided to ignore him. She wished that she could throw Clemont in a garbage disposal and replace him with Ash instead. Ash was nice, but he was also a clueless idiot. Bianca could relate. She couldn’t remember what she had for breakfast.
Reaching into her bag, she pulls out one of her Pokéballs. “How do- you- what.....?” Clearly confused, she studies the Pokéball in her fingers. Do you throw it.. or press the button or....??
The little Emolga watches her patiently.
“Umm.... here.” Bianca holds out the Red-and-white Pokéball to the Emolga. She has an amused face, like: You can’t figure it out on your own, and you’re coming to me? She pushes her nose against the button on the front. Suddenly, a flash of red light engulfs the Emolga, and it flys into the pokeball.
It wobbles once...
Three times....
“It was that easy, huh?”
Bianca eyes the ball with interest. Then, she pushes the little button on the ball and blue light flashes out. The Emolga chitters at her as if to say: There. I did it. You can’t, you disappointment.
“What should I call you?” Bianca stares back at it wonderingly. The Emolga chitters again.
“How about Chi? Like that weird sound you make?”
She chitters back at Bianca. “Why don’t you meet your new friend, Sparky?” Bianca nudges a little yellow lump resting on her shoulder. Sparky springs to life to greet Chi.
Chi decides to eat him. “CHI! NO! BAD CREATURE.” Bianca tugs Sparky out of Chi”s mouth. “Ew. Nasty.” Bianca shakes off all the spit covering Sparky. “Nasty.” She repeats.
Bianca scoots back down the tree, carefully watching Chi to make sure she doesn’t eat her little electric-bug Pokémon. “Well?” Clemont asks with curiosity. “Did you get it?” “Her.” Bianca corrects. “Her name is Chi.” Bianca scratches the top of Chi’s head softly. Clemont gives Bianca a faint smile.
She returns one back to him.