I have a fondness for the Sun and Moon era. I got into the Pokemon world back during the XY era, collected cards, etc. Even though I fell out of it for a few years, i came back to it pretty recently.
So 2 weeks ago I decided to play Pokemon Moon on the 3DS.
(This save wasn't second hand.) I opened up the game, which already had a old save file with a boy protagonist named "Lilac." I was greeted with me that not only did whoever start the save file way back when choose Rowlet, but Rowlet was nicknamed "Tickler." That honestly made me giggle.
Blah blah blah I talk about the game and stuff yadda yadda. I sweep the floor, occasionally running into roadblocks with the trials. I caught a Pikipek I nicknamed X, and went on.
Eventually, I beat Guzma in his mansion and went back (starting the Aether arc I guess?) and I swear to god, Nanu was an ASS to beat. His Persian sucked. It took me multiple attempts, a Araquanid, and a Klefki just to beat him.
After the Aether infiltration, I may or may not have killed a palm tree. I did continue on, beating Hapu in battle after a prepared rematch, going through Resolution cave, easily destroying the Kommo-o, and making it to the Altar of the Moone. I beat Lusamine, and caught Lunala, who I kept as Nebby.
After that, I headed back to Ula'Ula with the help of Nanu, beat Gladion, and went up to the Elite Four. I try them out for fun because why not and I die to Hala.
I decided to grind and level up my Pokemon, did research on the typings for the Elite 4, and set up my team of: Decidueye, Toucannon, Slowbro, Alolan Exeggutor, Alolan Golem, and Nebby.
I tried my hand against the Elite Four again, and died to Kahili. I had no more revives.
I grinded again, going from island-to-island, and finally came back to the Elite Four one final time. I decided to Fight Hala first, sending out Toucannon to deal with Hariyama, before going between Slowbro and Exeggutor. I beat him, went to Kahili, and used Alolan Golem. It took long but eventually I defeated her.
I decided to do Olivia's chamber next. I beat her swiftly with my Decidueye and Exeggutor.
I went up against Acerola, and also defeated her easily with Decidueye and Nebby.
Finally, I got to the end, where I battled against Professor Kukui first time, and beat him. I beat the Elite Four (Five).
I finished the game, caught Tapu Koko, and.. cried. This was the first Pokemon mainline game I ever beat. The ending was sweet and wholesome and holy shit. The ending stuck in my head the rest of the night.
Continuing into postgame, it was meh. It was honestly pretty easy and fast. It was interesting, but could have been better. I heard a DLC was planned for S&M at one point, so that could have made it better.
Honestly, 9/10. Really great game, nostalgia and bias taken into consideration of course. I don't think this will be a recurring review thing, but maybe if I play US, LGP, and Shield (which I do have.), I will make more.
Idk I just wanted to talk about this.