This post is locked.Frostthecatto·3/15/2023in PollsBest Bird Pokemon part 4UnfezantDucklett / SwannaBraviary MandibuzzVote54 Votes in PollFlying typeDucklettSwannaUnfezantBraviaryMandibuzz
This post is locked.Ideaman1011·4/24/2022in Fan CreationsRegional ducklett and swanna based on flamingosShinys:Yes I know regional swannas shiny is the same color as the original but I just like that consept(Edited by Ideaman1011)DucklettSwannaRegional form
Aj42210·2/28/2022in Theories/OpinionsDid anyone else think this(Edited by administrators)DucklettQuaxly
Sophiehart9·9/18/2019in GeneralWhich is the best duck Pokémon?PsyduckFarfetch'dDucklettGolduckSirfetch'dSwanna (kind of a duck!)Vote679 Votes in PollPokémon Sword and Pokémon ShieldGalarSirfetch'dDucklett