Diancie is out now in pokemon go :D
For some reason people hate it but it's one of my favorite pokemon
30 Votes in Poll
fairy type being diance w/kagamine len turned very pretty to me
also flying type w/tropius!! i love how they turned out
61 Votes in Poll
25 Votes in Poll
Hey, so can anyone help me identify whether my Diancie is legit or not? So basically, I purchased a copy of Pokémon Y of ebay a while back, and to my surprise, it was filled with rare Pokémon. Unfortunately, there were some dead giveaways that the majority of Pokémon were fake. Not only did it quite literally have AZ's Floette on it, (in which, is unobtainable), but also a shiny Victini. (In which, is also unobtainable.) Going by that, I ended up releasing the majority of them. While going through them, I got to Diancie. Being my favorite Mythical Pokémon, I was upset that I thought it was fake when I had a chance to finally get one. But after summarizing it, I found out that literally everything points to it being legit. First, it was traded in, and from a different trainer name and ID, so I'd assume whoever was importing Pokémon didn't do that one. Outside of that, everything points to the American October 2014 Diancie event which you can see here. Going by its details:
OT: OCT2014
Ability: Clear Body
Moveset: Diamond Storm, Reflect, Return, and Moonblast.
Date caught: 30, October 2014
Level: 50
It has the Wishing Ribbon that it's supposed to have.
Literally all of these are accurate and given that the original owner of this copy had this traded to them, rather than getting it themself, I have some form of hope that it's legit. I really want to use it on my Alpha Sapphire team, but I have this thing in which I can't get myself to use a genned Pokémon. What do you think? Anything helps.
I fear no mythical pokemon. But that one
It scares me.
Stage 1:
Stage 2:
First person/2 people to figure these out these out win free air
Edit: These 2 stages have already been correctly guessed.
Stage 1:
Stage 2:
Edit: This stage has already been figured out
The first person or two to figure these out will get...
Free oxygen I guess
The main mechanic of SV is Terrastallizing. Terrastallizing involves gem things, Diancie and Carbink are gem pokemon. The legends are ride pokemon and they're are no confirmed mythicals. I believe Diancie and Carbink will play a major role in the plot, what role is unknown.
Happy Valentine's Day! I haven't done much in this fandom so I posted something. yay
(Credits : https://sg.portal-pokemon.com/play/pokedex/719_1 )
Mines are:
Eevee (Normal)
Shaymin (Sky-Grass)
Victini (Fire)
Wooper (Water)
Xurkitree (Electric)
Psychic (Meowstic)
Fighting (Lucario)
Diancie (Rock)
Flygon (Ground)
Salamence (Flying)
Pheromosa (Bug)
Gengar (Poison)
Darkrai (Dark+Favorite Pokémon)
Marshadow (Ghost)
Ninetales (Alolan-Ice)
Metagross (Steel)
Giratina (Dragon)
Xerneas (Fairy)
(I added lots of tags :)
My impression:
I am so so so so sooooo sorry that they are sideways!
(Please Rate mah Impression)
Diancie is a highly popular pokemon, but carbink (MUTATES NOT EVOLVES) into Diancie, she wouldn't exist if carbink didn't exist.
The Granite,
The Diamond Powder.
The Head Gems.