What Pokémon Diamond and Pearl episode is This from?
18 Votes in Poll
18 Votes in Poll
36 Votes in Poll
What Pokémon Diamond and Pearl episode is This from?
What Pokémon Episodes have these Screenshots?
OC Name: Tank
OC Gender: Male
OC’s Partner Pokémon: Mantyke
OC Birthplace: Somewhere in Sinnoh
OC Age: 10
OC Friends: Ash, Dawn, the Sinnohan professor
Facts about Tank:
He has a flying machine due to legs that are immobile until he turns 20.
Tank can be a little timid, but he is extremely resourceful and very friendly and curious.
His team is Mantyke, Caterpie, Weedle, Starly, Rookidee, and Hoothoot.
He is interested in Flying and Bug-type Pokémon.
35 Votes in Poll
Dawn has obtained her very own Eevee by catching or obtaining a Poké Egg. If she remembers Eevee and its evolution, then her friends and rivals has their own Eevee Evolution. May has a Glaceon at the Wallace Cup, Zoey has a Leafeon, and Ursula has a Flareon and a Vaporeon. If Dawn meets Serena, she could see the latter owning a Sylveon. It would be nice for her to have an evolved Eevee of her own. My candidate for Dawn would be Umbreon, Espeon, or Vaporeon. Which Eevee would she be suitable for her?
6 Votes in Poll
If they should’ve plan a past companion returning in XY and XYZ, I say it have to be Dawn (again). Even though Pokémon Contest were never in the Kalos Region, she might be able to see Pokémon Showcases to give her more ideas for contests. She could do other activities like learning to make Poké Puffs, make Poké Vision videos, and visit Laverre City to see fashion from Valerie the Laverre Gym Leader.
During those times, Dawn could very well meet up with Ash again and meet his Kalos companion. She may think Bonnie will remind her of Brock because of falling for girls while being a great mentor to Serena other than Ash. Wish Serena heard about Pokémon Contest from Dawn before the conclusion. In XYZ, Dawn can support Serena in Master Class, Ash in the Kalos League Lumiose Conference where she can meet Tireno, Trevor, Shauna, Mairin, Sawyer, and Alain, and even help out during the crisis involving Lysandre and Team Flare including earning an Honor of Kalos Metal for her help along with Ash and his friends.
Kalos does sound like a perfect place for a Coordinator like Dawn to visit to break from contests and see what she can learn there and catch maybe catch new Kalos Pokémon for her future journeys.
What if in the Pokemon anime special where Dialga send Dawn back in time Hisui Region hundreds of years ago and meet her ancestor, Akari?
Ash's Team:
Dawn's Team:
Cilan's Team:
Shiny Leavanny.
Iris' team:
Rival's Team:
Georgia's Team:
Trip's Team:
Luke's Team:
Burgundy's Team:
Differences from the original timeline.
1) Dawn continued to travel with Ash.
2) Ash took Gible to Unova.
3) Iris will participate in the Unova league, also at the time of meeting Ash and Dawn she will have 3 Pokemon, namely Axew, Excadrill and Dratini.
4) Georgia will be a more dangerous opponent not only for Iris, but also for Ash. She will also participate in the Unova League.
5) Ash will match his experience for 4 regions, that is, he will not lose to Trip every time they meet, but he will be a dangerous opponent for all his rivals.
6)In the Vertress Conference, Ash will use Pokémon from past regions.
7)Burgundy and Luke are coordinators and Rivals for Dawn.Burgundy still Cilan's Rival.
8)Cameron Does Not Exist.
1)Piplup Arc:
Piplup decided that in his current stage he had reached the limit, so he decided to evolve.
2)Snivy and Dawn Arc:
In this timeline, Dawn caught Snivy. Snivy didn't listen to Dawn at first and allowed Pokemon to approach her, but not their trainers. Later, she began to trust Dawn, but stayed away from Ash and Iris. evolved into Servine when she saved Dawn from a wild Cofagrigus.
As Servine, she slowly began to trust both Ash and Iris.
3)Ambipom Return Arc:
Pokémon Ping Pong Tournament is held at the inter-regional level. Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Unova host the Qualifying Tournaments. Ash with Dewott and Dawn with Sawk got away from Unova and Ambipom with her trainer from Kanto.In the final, Dawn with Sawk lost to Trainer of Ambipom, but Ambipom decided she wanted to travel with Dawn again.
4)Salamence and Georgia Arc:
Bagon was the first Georgia Pokémon. Together they went through a lot, through victories, defeats and villainous teams but one day, when she was already Salamence, she simply disappeared. Georgia took this as a betrayal and hated Dragon Type. She began to travel from Kanto to Unova in search of the strongest Pokémon that could handle Dragon Type.Sometime between Ash and Iris' 8th Badge and Unova Grand Festival Salamence attacked the city and Georgia stopped it with her Metagross. Georgia recognized this Salamence, put her in a pokeball and gave her to the police, Officer Jenny asked Georgia to go to the police station to testify.
Georgia told the police the whole story and the police believed her, but asked Georgia to delay. The investigation determined that Salamence's mind was under external control. The investigation also determined the expiration date of the device and it coincided with the period of the mysterious disappearance of Salamence.
So Georgia realized that Salamence was not to blame and she was angry with her for nothing and hated Dragon Type for nothing. She decided, together with Salamence, to find someone who dared to separate them. This type turned out to be Mr. D, a maniac obsessed with world domination. Georgia and the trio stopped Mr. D and handed him over to the police. Georgia apologized to Salamence for the premature accusation and gave her the choice of leaving or staying. Salamence chose to stay.
5)Trip's Arc:
Trip's transformation from rookie to threat to Ash.
6)Unova Grand Festival Arc.
7)Elite 4 and Champion arc.
42 Votes in Poll
36 Votes in Poll
This is a fan cast of Kaiju Sentai Zyukaiser, a dino-themed Tokusatsu Sentai series made by indie Tokusatsu studio Giga with the characters from the anime Pokemon (mainly the Journeys series)
The cast is:
Ash Ketchum-Daichi Abemura/Zyu Red
Horace-Ushio Shimosu/Zyu Blue
Dawn-Youta Teraobi/Zyu Green
Goh-Takeshi Kumaga/Zyu Yellow
Chloe Cerise-Sora Rand/Zyu Pink
Gary Oak-Ryo Aoi/Zyu Fenir
What do you think of this cast? Tell me what you think
Also, its sad were not going to see Ash in the new Pokemon anime…..