IamDPorDerpy·1/24/2025in Fun and GamesWhat are some funny nicknames you give pokemon I call Pikachu Ryan Reynolds and I call darumaka daredevil . . . Yep PikachuDarumaka
This post is locked.Leonie2306·11/12/2022in Fan CreationsAshanti and Yu's PokemonAshanti Pokemon are Gloom, Ludicolo, Whimsicott, Lillipup, and Cinccino,Yu Pokemon are Servine, Steelix, Darumaka, Karrablast, and Ledian,CinccinoLillipupWhimsicottSteelixGloomLedianLudicoloServineDarumakaKarrablast
JessieTheCool·8/20/2021in Fun and GamesHow is this possible Alolan rattata and galarian darumaka together!(Edited by JessieTheCool)Pokémon GORattataDarumaka