Peacock was in the Survey Corps’ headquarters when she had gained consciousness again. She glanced around to see a lady working on something near the corner of the room. That lady looked over, seeing that she was awake. “Oh good, you’re awake.”
“Who are you?” Peacock managed to get out, her voice horse and somewhat frail-sounding. The lady smiled.
“My name is Pesselle. I’m a healer. You probably haven’t heard of me because people don’t get attacked by Pokemon often like you did.”
Peacock wanted to find her funny, but it was hard to. “What happened?”
“Well,” Pesselle started while mashing things in a stone bowl. “There was a bunch of commotion outside, and someone called my name. I came downstairs and went outside to see Rei riding Wyrdeer. He hopped down and ran over to me, saying that you were attacked by an Alpha Ursaring and your back had big gashes on it. Him, a few others, and I helped carry you into this room. I started treating your wounds, then wrapped them in bandages, and about an hour later, you woke up, and here we are.” She brought the little bowl over. “Drink this.” She handed it to her, helping Peacock sit up so she could drink it. It was bitter, but she could tell it would make her feel less pain.
“Oh, and,” Pesselle handed her a wood log. “Rei said this was near you and he thought that you were there for it. Who knows why.” Peacock took it and put it in her satchel. “Now, get some rest again and I’ll let you leave later.”
Peacock was rushing down the stairs when Pesselle said it was ok for her to leave. She had to get back to Volo and Cogita right away, no delays. She bursted through the door, almost falling down the front steps as she went. Rei was waiting near the entrance. “Hi! Bye! Thanks for the wood log! Gotta go!” She said hurriedly, not stopping. He huffed. She didn’t even stop to talk to the person guarding the Jubilife Village entrance. “I can’t take any risks this time.” Peacock said, playing her flute. This time, she called Hisuian Braviary. She hopped on, and headed out to where she was meant to be.
Hopping down, she waved goodbye to Braviary. She ran, but stopped herself before entering the tent and dusted herself off. She didn’t want to arrive looking like she got attacked by a Pokemon or anything like that. “I’m so sorry I’m late!” She said, walking inside. “I had a… Roadblock…”
“Yes yes, go on with it.” Cogita said, sitting at her table again. This time she didn’t stand up. Peacock wanted to glance at Volo to see what he was thinking, but she also didn’t want to be more embarrassed than she already was. She just handed the three wood logs to Cogita and stepped back a few paces. “Yes, these are just what I wanted.” She set the wood logs on the table and stood up, walking in front of it.
“Thank you. I just needed them to make a new cutting board.” She handed a pink plate to Peacock. “I’ve been using this as one, but I thought it looked like the plates you’ve been collecting.” Peacock took it grinning, then put it in her satchel.
Giving the gray haired lady their thanks, Peacock and Volo walked out. “So…” Peacock started. “What do we do now?”
Volo made a face like he was thinking. “Well, why don’t we go to the Celestica Ruins? They do have statues of Dialga and Palkia. Maybe we’ll find something there.” She nodded, but when they began walking, Cogita came a little ways outside of her tent.
“Volo, you say you’re a part of the Ginkgo Guild, but when are you going to do your job as a merchant?”
He didn’t reply, just waving his hand over his shoulder.
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Part 2: