NOTE: This isn’t properly realistic, I tried my best to make them realistic as possible.
Magnemite: The one who inspired it all, Magnemite. Magnemite itself is the largest species of insect, being twice the size of a soccer ball. They were so unrelated to insects that they had their own group - Magnerius. The males constantly form in groups called “Magnetons”, that are up to about 3 Magnemites, and the females are solitary. They use their sharp mandibles to chew through its prey. They also are the only insect that where the male gets pregnant, and lays eggs. They are filled with electricity that is so painful, that its shocks can kill a human or a hungry predator that touches it. They are the most intelligent species of insect, able to solve problems easily. After mating, the male will lay his eggs near a tree, mimicking a seed. After the larvae hatch, they are always curved as a U-shape, with a red-tail end and a blue face, resembling a magnet. They can electrocute any predators but will actively avoid humans. they will feed on aphids, as a way to get rid of pests. After they have fully eaten the aphids, they transform into a spherical pupa. After 5 weeks the fully grown Magnemite emerges.
Tentacool: An uncommon species of squid that inhabit freshwater swamps of Hoenn and Paldea. After mating, the female will give birth to her youngsters. The youngsters called "Tentacool" are very fast, able to move as about twice the speed of a swordfish. After 4 weeks, the fully grown Tentacruel goes hunting mode. They have the ability to light up its red bulbs to lure its prey in, as they are very slow. and thanks to its bulbs, it is nicknamed “The Gem of the Swamps”. They have a highly tough shell, making it easy to defend itself from predators. When threatened, they will cover up its body only exposing its hard shell but will swim away from predators as youngsters as their shell hasn’t hardened enough as youngsters. Only males have a blue snout, while the female has a shorter one. The snout is curled up it when they when Tentacruel aren't hunting.
Cloyster: Cloyster is the largest species of scallop. Being the size of a soccerball as a youngster, and being thrice the size of a soccer ball as an adult. They have a large brain, making it capable of making it do decisions that can let it escape from predators. After mating, the female Cloyster will lay here eggs between rocks. after the eggs hatch, the youngsters, called "Shellder" swim out of the eggs. They are very slow, and their shell hasn’t fully hardened. So instead, they burrow themselves into the ground as a way to ambush prey and to hide from predators. As prey swims above it, unaware that a Shellder is about to eat them below. After the Shellder feels the vibration caused by the prey, the Shellder launches upwards, and uses its mouth to suck the prey in, and also injecting toxins into the prey’s body to paralyze it at the same time. After the prey dies, the Shellder eats the remains, and burrows back into its burrow, and after it’s shell has fully hardened, the Shellder will swim out of its burrow, slowly growing up into an adult Cloyster, along with its huge tusk slowly growing, and after they have fully grown into an adult, the Cloyster will hunt for anything that comes near it, such as Magikarp, Omanyte, and other marine species.
21 Votes in Poll
I really want one but need to know what dungeon to grind in till I get it. Desperately need a ranged Ice- Type, and Glalie isn't really cutting it with Freeze- Dry and Frost Breath.
I already finished it and these are my survivors.
Shelly was found as a fishing encounter at level 30
Ziggy was found on route 3 at level 10