What is your opinion about chloe's future to choose for her eevee?
The episode of pokemon journeys is going to be about koharu and her eevee.
Are you imagine what will be that episode? What is your theory?
I don't really want a new Eeveelution in Scarlet and Violet
We don't really need one. The only type, unless they add a new one in Generation 9, is Dragon. And I just don't think we should get a Dragon type Eeveelution. What dragon would they even base it on? A generic one? An Eastern one?
Also we don't have any evidence. "Well what about Chloe's Eevee" Lana's didn't evolve either
I very cute one too!
I think I’m having a heart attack from how much cuteness I’m witnessing! X3
I smell a Lawsuit (I'm obviously joking)
50 Votes in Poll
After that Sinnoh arc, Dawn and Chloe were discussing about dreams and destiny, they did mentioned about the decision on evolution for their Pokémon. Piplup made a decision not to evolve during the Diamond and Pearl series because of his experience on protecting Dawn when those two met. As for Chloe’s Eevee, well like Lillie and Chloe, there destinies are uncertain. Her Eevee somehow can’t evolve or could never decide which one she wants to evolve to. That’s why she has the move Copycat to tryout different attack moves from other Pokémon. After what we’ve seen so far, maybe I like Chloe’s Eevee to be a unique Eevee carrying different moves from every Pokémon she has meet. It could be like Mew who carries traits of different Pokémon. It might be impossible, but it’s worth seeing it happen if she doesn’t want to evolve.
So i just watched the new Pokemon Journeys episode on YouTube since of course it isn't on Netflix yet and if i were to watch it later i couldn't because YouTube would have probably deleted it by then :)
It was.... pretty gud-
I didn't watch the one before it because it looked kinda boring and the i didn't put the captions on for the one i watched because... well... lets just say some of them weren't right and i knew they weren't even though i had no idea what was happening in it (Well i kinda did)
Anyways i was basically just posting this cuz im really bored and uh- no one else is posting-
Obviously, Chloe's Eevee is Gigantimax. That's why she doesn't evolve, despite it touching stones to try. And Pikachu wouldn't have evolved even if Ash tried, because GMax Pokemon don't evolve.
I mean does any1 think that Chloe's Eevee might evolve or not? Since two of Ash's female companions had their Eevee's evolved so I'm just wondering will Chloe evolve hers when the time is right or not?
So, from what I understand, Chloe gets Eevee. But here's my question. If she evolves it, what would it evolve into?
I know that things like Ash-Greninja and Dusk Form Lycanroc are anime exclusive. But what if Chloe's Eevee would debut a new type of Eeveelution?
The Eeveelution wouldn't have to only appear in the anime. But the time has come around for the next line of Eeverlution(s). So, why not debut it (or them) in the anime. I personally see no issue with it. In fact, it could pave the way towards the next Pokémon Sword and Shield games. (Unless I'm missing the mark and Crown Tundra/Aisle of Armor was the next games).