Me and Waterking had gone into our nests after saying goodbye and good night to everyone after we had finished eating. He was laying on his back, looking at the ceiling.”
“Today was a little hectic, wasn’t it?” I glanced over at him. He was smiling. “So much has happened! But, I feel relieved that our very first job ended successfully.”
“Yeah.” I added. “But I’m still a bit upset about how most of the money goes to the Guild.”
He turned his head to look over at me. “Well… That’s just the cost of training, I guess. Not like we can do much about it anyway.” Waterking looked back up at the ceiling and yawned. “What was your favorite part of today? Mine was probably when we got thanked by Spoink for bringing back his Pearl.”
“I guess that mine was-” He was already sleeping while I was answering him. I shifted in my nest and closed my eyes.
I groaned as Loudred’s voice racketed through my ears. “Come ON now! Time to wake UP!” Though my ears were still ringing, I could hear his footsteps going back down the hallway.
“Good morning, Firequeen.” My partner said, getting up and stretching.
When we arrived out into the main room, the others were already on the third morning chant. We quickly joined in, hoping that no one had noticed. “THREE! SMILES GO FOR MILES!”
Chatot fluttered his wings cheerfully. “Alright Pokemon! Time for you all to get to work!”
Waterking and I looked at each other because we weren’t sure what to do. We both looked over to Chatot when he started talking again. “Ah… Are you two still lost? I would like you to follow me.” Climbing back up the ladder, the three of us stopped in front of a board. Waterking looked at the board, then back at the bulletin board that we were at yesterday.
“Huh? Why are we over here? We got Spoink’s job from that board yesterday.”
“Yes.” Chatot nodded. “You did get it from over there. But for today, I’ll have you try one from this board.”
I raised an eyebrow. “What makes this one different from the other?” Chatot motioned for us to move forwards and look at the papers pinned on the wall.
“Hey!” Waterking exclaimed. “These papers have a variety of different Pokemon on them! They look so cool… Are they famous explorers or something?” He said excitedly.
Chatot’s smile turned into a frown. “Well you see… These Pokemon… Are outlaws. Shady characters. These are their wanted posters for the crimes they have committed.”
My partner stumbled backwards a little. “Ou-Outlaws?” He stuttered.
“Correct. That means that they have bounties on their heads. Which means, if you catch one and turn them in, you’ll get a cash reward for it.” Chatot sighed. “There are so many aggressive Pokemon showing up these days, and everyone is finding it hard to keep up with the problems they’re causing.”
“Hold on.” I interrupted. “You’re telling me that you want us to go and catch these Pokemon?”
“I hope you’re not serious, because that’s not possible!” Waterking added in with worry in his voice.
Chatot grinned and started laughing. “It’s a joke, a joke! The outlaws have different… Shades, you could say, of how bad they are. Some are just small thieves, but some are absolutely wicked. So, in that saying, there’s naughty to evil, and all of those in between. I do believe we can avoid giving you a job with a super bad Pokemon.” He turned back to the board. “For today, I’ll let you look over the posters and choose one that looks weak to you.”
“You say they’re weak…” Waterking started. He was looking down at the ground. “But they’re still dangerous, aren’t they? Thinking about facing any kind of dangerous Pokemon makes me scared.”
“I’m sure you two will work it through. It’s all a part of your training.”
I'm pretty sure it's a bit longer than the other chapters
Chapter 10: