Is it wrong that I personally feel like Ash's Charizard evolved too soon. though "Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon" did well for the evolution episode of Charmeleon anybody else feel like "Charizard Chills", the from the orange island season or Volcanic Panic episode 59 of Indigo League, would have worked better cause then we get more time with Charmeleon than like 3 episodes, literally Charmeleon was around for 3 EPISODES. while Charmander had 32 and you know of course Charizard in it's appearances onward. Like though Charizard was a force to be reckoned with keep in mind Charmeleon literally tried killing Cassandra's Paras back in its first major episode (as Charmeleon) in "The Problem with Paras", unless it feels the opponent is very weak and he can take it down he clearly wasn't finished after the flamethrower and the Tail whip. Like sure in the end even Paras was able to defeat Charmeleon. I feel like Ash would always be able to use Squirtle or Pikachu to keep Charmeleon in check if needed, but not Charizard. Luckily Charizard was just loafing around, but if it went on a rampage, I'm pretty sure Ash would be in trouble, Though I imagine because Charizard is more marketable is why his evolution was rushed, I absolutely wished Charmeleon stuck around much longer either till orange islands or at least till volcanic panic (Charizard (Charmeleon in my eyes) vs Magmar) since both Charmander and Charizard got a hell of a lotta episodes yet Charmeleon gets like 3, one being the episode it evolves from Charmander and the other being the one it evolves into Charizard, so screentime wise Charmeleon really didn't get much spotlight. though what do you guys think? let me know you're thought's below.
37 Votes in Poll
Why do Ash’s Bulbasaur and Squirtle never evolve, but his Charmander does? It doesn’t really make sense?
Wartortle: Die.
Ivysaur: Please don't die!
Wartortle: DIE!
Charmeleon, confused: Why are they yelling at a plant?
Pikachu, watching while eating popcorn: They bought it together and Ivysaur wants Wartortle to accept it as their kid.
16 Votes in Poll
In front of the camera stood Mae, wearing her brown coat again as she held her microphone. She was in a classroom, with a boy around the same age next to her, the two in front of a whiteboard.
"Hello again!" introduced Mae. "This is Mae once again to educate you on Pokemon! Today's Pokemon is Charmander and its line!"
She went quiet for the video to have an applause when editing begins.
"And we're here at a school with a special guest to show this rare Pokemon…"
Mae widened her arms, pointing with jazz hands at the boy. "Say hello to Joe!"
The guest waved a hand flamboyantly. "Thank you for inviting me to your documentary, Miss Mae," he responded in a fancy manner.
"Uh huh! Thank you too for joining us!" she echoed, bringing the microphone closer to her. "Now, would you like to start off by showing the viewers your partner?"
Joe smiled arrogantly, revealing a pokeball in his hand to the camera. "Of course. It would be my pleasure."
'And it would be my pleasure to knock you down many pegs!' Mae raged in her mind as the pokeball let out an orange, bipedal salamander. "This is Charmander, the Lizard Pokemon."
The camera zoomed in on the reptile that stood idly. The underside of the Pokemon, beginning from the chest down, was cream-colored, the same applying to the soles of its feet when the Charmander lifted one up to walk somewhere. Most notable of the Pokemon's characteristics was its tail, where a fire burned from the tip.
"Now isn't that cute!" commented Mae. It was a classic of her to add more flair in her words as she thought they would keep the viewers entertained and make her come off as authentic.
"Char!" the Pokemon responded happily, its fire wavering.
Mae brought the microphone back to herself as the camera zoomed out to capture all three in frame. "They are also a common choice trainers can choose from in the Kanto region for how well-behaved they are!"
She moved the microphone towards the boy. "Would you like to add further detail on Charmander, Joe?"
He nodded. "Indeed. While Charmander are well-behaved, that doesn't make them any less of a challenge to raise."
Mae stared at him with blank wide eyes, still smiling. "And why would that be the case?" she asked.
"Why, it's because they are very prideful. While they are loyal, be careful treating it."
The girl was starting to get annoyed. "And could you please tell us why?" she asked again.
"Yes, and would it be okay if I use your microphone?" Joe kept his manner the same.
"Of course it would."
As Mae let go of the mic, the screen moved closer to the guest.
"Thank you," said Joe. "And to anyone thinking of having a Charmander, be sure to know their behavior as it is the most complex out of Kanto's set of starters. As I said, Charmander are prideful beings, not wanting to take or accept offers, as they'd feel that they owe something in return. And it doesn't do well when paired with impatient people, not appreciating being rushed, rarely allowing it to happen."
Outside the camera's sight, Mae went over to the camera, to see how it looked.
"But they are sweet beings nonetheless," Joe finished. "Just be warned how hard it is to be with a Charmander. Now…"
The boy looked directly behind the camera. "Shall we talk about Charmeleon?" He had seen the two conversing in some topic in front of him.
The camera shook, Mae walking back to frame. "Yes! Yes! Of course!" she answered frantically. The camera went up-and-down vigorously.
Joe looked at both unimpressed before shrugging as he pulled down a projector. The screen had an image of a darker red, more dino-shaped creature; similar to Charmander but older, its tail tipped with a flame. Standing in front of it with a bored look, Joe spoke again.
"And this is Charmeleon, the Flame Pokemon and the evolved form of Charmander," he began.
From the right of the screen, Mae was tense, refusing to speak up or take back the microphone. It was clear that their guest took control of this episode.
"This Pokemon is more aggressive and moody than its pre-evolved form, always trying to pick fights."
Joe went to the next slide, pointing at a Charmeleon's tail that was different than normal. No hint of orange or red from the blaze.
"Its flame torches into a bluish-white color if the Charmeleon gets excited by a strong opponent."
The last part the projector had to show for Charmeleon was brutal. "I gotta use the bathroom real quick!" Mae lied, sidling her way off-screen. The cameraman stared at the image, covering the guest's Pokemon's eyes, astonished by what Joe could find.
"It's the most dangerous one of the Charmander line to fight," said Joe, not reacting to the image. The Charmeleon image; bloody, gruesome, frightening. "They like to battle with their claws," he added. "The only time they don't act bloodthirsty-"
"…Or a teen that's a Pokemon, is when they win, relaxing as their main choice to celebrate."
Joe went to the first slide for Charizard, ignoring Mae's barfing. When the cameraman let Joe's Charmander see again, it had the same cheery and innocent look from when Joe showed it. 'At least you were saved from that,' he spoke to the Pokemon mentally, petting its head.
"You like Charmander, Charlie?" Joe asked, looking at the camera, getting the cameraman's attention.
"Y-yeah!" he answered, nervously. "It's cool that you picked him." There was something he wanted to say, but it didn't feel like the right time.
A buzz sounded from the cameraman's pocket. He picked up his phone to read the message before putting it back inside. "Mae says that we can do the rest," said Charlie. "She's taking a while to recover so she's going to the nurse."
"That's a shame," commented Joe. "Let's get the ball rolling then."
Charlie gave a thumbs up.
"Finally, we have reached Charizard." The picture on screen was a dragon-like Pokemon, its body in orange and cream, like a Charmander, but with sharp features, like a Charmeleon. The main things were that it was bigger than Charmeleon and it had wings on its back.
'Their attitudes are cooled a bit compared to Charmeleons but that doesn't make Charizard that much easier of a Pokemon to get along with, nor less dangerous.
They're noble creatures, loving to fight just like its previous stage, seeking tough opponents, breathing flames when it's met its match.'
The next box showed three different looking Pokemon, similar to Charizard. "They have a Gigantamax form and not one, but two Mega evolved forms depending on the mega stone. But that's a topic for another day."
Charlie just watched in disbelief. What was this guy's gameplan with his bipolar commentary?
"And before we go, I'd like to leave an important note!" announced Joe. Mae's vomitting could be heard in the background.
'The Charmander line's tail is key to letting you know how they're feeling and their state of health!
If its flame is weak and small, it is hurt, or sick.
When a Charmander is mad, its flame enlarges instead of turning blue.
And that's it! See ya!'
"But what about the mega-"
Names for each of them:
Charmeleon: JR. Amaturatzu
Pikachu: Wubbox
Mankey: Oo Oo
Ratata: Rickey Rat
Paras: Italy
63 Votes in Poll
I am drawing all the pokemon so i thought i would share them here coz why not? First one is copied from official pokemon concept art and just for practice to make drawing the next one easier. next ones are drawn more in my chibi style and I also did a recolour of the shiny.
I like the grumpy little face X3 Also do you prefer normal colours or shiny colours? I like both and can't decide which I like better.
Yknow Charizard
It’s only missing a regional variant and a Z move to have been in the spotlight for every Pokémon game.
Unfortunately I’m not a competitive player so I would not do a good job of making a new Z move, but I did make a regional line,
Your welcome, now we all have more leverage to say Charizard is overrated, or just to cope since luckily we haven’t gotten this yet so things could be worse
A new regional line inspired by Nordic dragons with eyes I went overboard on (and partially Gila monsters since I needed something to fill in the blanks) I like to imagine they were in the middle of evolving in a desert area and got put in a Nordic region accidentally somehow, and the ancient inhabitants thought they were gifts from one of the gods they believe in cause of how strange it looked to them, and they started spoiling it and worshiping it. Btw it’s now rock/dragon type. Balance has been destroyed :) you’re welcome.
Oh also I’ll be making two mega forms and a gmax form for it soon :) just to make sure it sticks to the Charizard spirit of course.
(This is all a joke pls don’t take it seriously I did this for other reasons lol)
Yes, regional forms are very cool and fun, but why does Meowth need so many?
"But Eeveelutions" does not work as an excuse because they are a result of Eevee's DNA.
"But Charizard" doesn't work because Charizard has:
Mega Charizard X
Mega Charizard Y
Gigantamax Charizard
While Meowth has:
Alolan Meowth
Alolan Persian
Galarian Meowth
Gigantamax Meowth
There is no reason to give Meowth more
It’s called Lil Char and the Gang (a started trio comic updated every friday)
Here’s the link
It’s an entire comic series, so there’s a lot plus it’s totally hilarious
Heres a taste of the book with the first comic
These characters are not mine, I did write or draw this book, that honor goes to the creator Nekoama. I did this so more people could see it
My favourite all-time Pokemon is Charmander (+ his evolutions) and my all time favourite type is fire.
I referenced the official art for all of them, they're all in different poses. Additional note: This is an art style for a fan series so you may begin to see differences between official and this style.
Note: these Pokemon have few changes (such as different head shape, shaped horns or shorter neck on chamander, charmeleon charizard. Odd tails, different leaves and odd/different patterns/colours on treecko, grovyle and sceptile) so they won't look exact like the Pokemon they are becouse I wanted to make them a little different and unique.
Who is your fave?
(treecko, grovyle and sceptile are the same Pokemon just evolutions, same for charmander, charmeleon and charizard)