BikerGreed·3/8/2023in Theories/OpinionsRate it or Hate it #3Rate this card from 1(worst) to 10(best)Pokémon Trading Card GameCharizardCharizard (Base Set)
This post is locked.BikerGreed·3/1/2023in PollsChoose it Rate it or Hate it #1Base 2 CharizardNeo Destiny First Edition Dark TyphlosionVote39 Votes in Poll(Edited by BikerGreed)Pokémon Trading Card GameTyphlosionCharizard (Base Set)Base Set 2Neo Genesis
This post is locked.BikerGreed·2/27/2023in Theories/OpinionsRate it or Hate itRate this card from 1 (worst) to 10(best)(Edited by BikerGreed)Pokémon Trading Card GameCharizard (Base Set)Base Set 2
This post is locked.BikerGreed·2/25/2023in GeneralHelp with the authentication and value of vintage Wizards era CGC graded Pokémon cardsCan you tell me if their real, if yes, which one is rarer(Edited by BikerGreed)Pokémon Trading Card GameCharizardTyphlosionCharizard (Base Set)