They both took a while but I'm really happy with how they turned out.
They both took a while but I'm really happy with how they turned out.
Pretend there's a regional variant of Butterfree like this because it doesn't make sense for a giant butterfly to look like a snake
Poison/Bug type
The poisonous scales from their wings scatter and fall when they fly
Normal Butterfree
Shiny(?) Butterfree
Shiny Butterfree
25 Votes in Poll
31 Votes in Poll
Today, I did a fan artwork of Butterfree using sharpie pen, super tips and Ohuhu markers. 💜🩵❤️🦋
I decided to do them because of Ash retiring as the protagontist.
Pikachu, the first Pokemon that he had, and Butterfree because that was the first Pokemon he captured.
Its very cute! 8/10
Butterfree is a tank. In the remake pokemon brick bronze (on Roblox) I have a perfect HP and Defense IV's and it learned Poison Powder, Stun Spore and Sleep powder. So I sent Butterfree in to sent the other pokemon to sleep or poison or stun them. AND he can take many hit bc Of its IV's. So I'd recommend hunting For a good IV Butterfree. (It's just my opinion tho) Im shiny hunting one right no
Ehhhhhhhh not much of fan
Caterpie 4/10
Metapod 4/10
Butterfree 5/10
21 Votes in Poll
Chapter 10, Diving to the End!
"This is it." I say. Everyone watching below me, all waiting for the Giratina. "This is our final stand. If we don't beat it now, we will never be able to."
"You know we're with you to the end Flare!" Coco shouted.
"For everything!" Gill yelled.
"We're in this together! Though I do enjoy agreeing with Gill for once, I'll miss my old fun later if we don't do this." Swag said.
"We're all ready, so what's the plan?" Vetran asked.
"We wait, then strike." I replied.
"If all of us are the main army, we'll surely lose, will there be reinforcements?" Horn asked.
"Yes. I contacted my siblings, who contacted others to help. We will have reinforcements." I said.
"If we think about this, the location we're in won't be the best. Let's head for Stark mountain, we can gain the upper hand." Our Giratina said.
"I have an envelope for a Flare." a Wurmple came up and handed me an envelope. It had my name, with a from on the front. I opened it and it read:
"Dear Flare, we've predicted that Giratina will arrive at high noon tomorrow, we'll be much later than that, please take care." The letter read.
"Can you deliver a message to them, tell them to head to Stark mountain, there the armies will clash." I told the Wurmple.
"Yes, I can get there and tell them immediately." The Wurmple walked off.
"Giratina, please open a distortion portal big enough for all of us to get to Stark mountain." I asked. Giratina nodded. It opened the portal and we walked through.
That night
"Something troubling you?" Swag came up behind me.
"I'm scared. That Giratina was out for blood." I told Swag.
"You of all people have no reason to be worried. You're much stronger than Giratina is, both of them!" Swag said.
"Thanks Swag." I smiled. He chuckled. He then came up and sat down next to me, bringing me in for a hug.
"I know I just arrived not long ago but I want to get to know you more. Every time we spend time together it never feels like enough. I want more, I want to be with you. As long as it's ok with you of course." Swag told me.
"I would like that." I yawned, and fell asleep in his arms.
Next day, reinforcements arrived before Giratina.
"Commander! Giratina's army has been spotted! He's brought several dark and ghost type Pokemon!" a Dustox told me.
"Then we fight them." I told him.
"Flare, the reinforcements are here." Garchomp walked up behind me with Spiritomb and Roserade, as well as several fighters and my siblings. You heard me, Cynthia's Pokemon have come to help us.
"Get ready to fight, it's going to be a long battle." I say. Outside we hear a boom.
"Enemies! Surender the Absol and we will not cross swords! This is your only chance!" The Giratina yelled.
"You mean surrender their commander?! I don't think so!" I looked down upon him from a ledge on the mountain.
"I take it this is not the first time you've fought a war, has it?" The Giratina asked.
"I've never fought a war, though I've been through countless battles. PREPARE FOR AN ALL OUT ASSAULT!!" I yelled. My army rushed at the Giratina's army. Even if we lost this battle, the world would know of this Giratina's awful acts. The world would find out and they would all wage war upon Giratina. No matter if we lost this battle, we would still win this war. I know for a fact that this battle will go down in history. Like I said, even if we lose the world will fight.
Thank y'all so much for following along, I'll see you guys in the next fanfic!
Chapter 4, Job
Flare walked around the Garden with Swag.
"So, do you have a favorite flower or plant?" Swag asked.
"I'm not really sure. I know my birth month though if you can determine the flower from that." Flare answered.
"Your birth month and hatching month are different?" Swag asked, confused.
"My birthday is September 28th, but my hatching date is October 5th." Flare answered.
"I didn't think that was possible, pardon my manners though." Swag said.
"It's alright. I wonder how my family is doing. I hope they're alright after what happened at mother's grave." Flare worried.
"Everything will be fine, I have no doubt in my mind." Swag reassured her.
"Thanks Swag!" Flare blushed at Swag.
"Oh it's nothing!" Swag blushed back. The two giggled.
At the entrance to the cave
"So what has life been like now, being the boss's right hand?" Coco asked Gill.
"It's hard work, I barely have time for anything or anyone else. That's why I requested to be put in the rotation this week, to get a break from everything." Gill said.
"I'd hate to be in that position, no game day would break me!" Coco said.
"I do wish I could join you but I know my responsibilities." Gill said.
"I'm glad you do because I could NEVER!" Coco joked.
"I would expect that from you. Tell me, why do you not want to evolve?" Gill asked Coco.
"I don't think Typhlosions look cute, and I don't want the responsibilities that grown and fully evolved Pokemon have." Coco answered. She sniffled. Tears started to form in her eyes.
"That's not all, is it?" Gill asked.
"My parents." She sniffled even more. "They didn't care. I ran away from them. After that I found a trainer, he took me in and caught me. He loved me. Then he died. I found out later that he was colorblind and he only caught me because he thought I was shiny. I thought he loved me but I was wrong." Coco was crying.
"Coco.. I'm so sorry." The Inteleon knelt down and hugged the quilava. He held her close to his chest to comfort her.
"My family had lots of cyndaquil, but never cared for any of them. I was the only one willing to leave. After my trainer died I left for the world. I ventured to a graveyard, where I found Flare and her family. I asked her where I was. She brought me home with her. I've lived with her ever since." Coco said.
"You're not alone Coco, we love you here." Gill said.
"Thanks Gill. And, I love you more than any brother."
This is by FAR the most emotional chapter. I'm sorry if you're crying for 3 hours. Next chapter will be FAR more upbeat. See you next time!
Chapter 3, Department
It was Monday morning. The dreaded day for everyone.
"Ugh, why can't it be Sunday forever?" Overa said as she walked into the kitchen.
"Because, we can't have Sunday without the other days." Horn said. He walked over to the corner.
"Let me guess, I'm on trading security?" Flare asked.
"Hold on Flare, I've got the task book right here." Vetran responded.
"Everyone pay attention!'' Gill yelled. He moved over and Vetran stepped up.
"I have everyone's tasks right here! For the security department we have: Coco, Swag, Gill, and Flare. For the cleanup department we have: Horn, Overa, Gap and Rick! For the Denkeeping department we have: Scramble, Tiff, Tap, and Kick. For the Trading and negotiations department we have: Wall, Hydra, Gravity and Guardian. Good luck on your tasks, I will be overseeing trading negotiations." Vetran stated. Everyone walked to join their groups. In case you didn't know: Scramble is a Blissey who LOVES eggs, Tiff is a fashionable furfrou, Tap is an unusual Lilligant who's dancing is unrivaled, Kick is a Tsarena who, well kicks everything that annoys her. In the other department we have: Hydra, a Hydrageion, Gravity, an Altaria and Guardian, a Gardevior. Every week Vetran organizes a list of those working in each department. Since Vetran is the highest in authority over those living in the cave she oversees trade between other branches of them. Vetran is just one of many leaders who are tasked with protecting the outcast Pokemon in the system. How the system works is that any Pokemon who is either outcast by a trainer or unable to live in the wilds are brought to on of the many shelters to live a life with others like them. Every year about 300 more shelters are founded for new Pokemon.
"It must be a coincidence that the four of us are in the same department this week ahaha!" Swag hysterically laughed. "I wonder what those two are saying. Though, they're probably talking about my good looks."
"Hrrumph." Gill grumbled at this.
"What's the matter? Too ashamed that you don't have my good looks?" Swag said in a "I am better than you" voice.
"Look, I do hope you realize you are talking to the boss's right hand because if you keep this up you will be in SO much trouble with her." Gill threatened.
"Oh, and I forgot to tell you that I'm her left hand. Hahaha!" Swag laughed.
"There is no such thing as a left hand." Gill said defensively.
"You're no fun." Swag pretended to be upset.
"Look, if you want Flare, you have to go through me. We've known each other for a long time compared to you who just got here a week ago and have barely held a conversation with her. So my advice, stay away from her." Gill threatened.
"Is that so?" Swag protested.
"It is." Gill said.
"So what do you think the trade department is tasked with this week?" Coco asked Flare.
"I know we'll be trading away some medicinal leaks, since Tap has been able to grow them in the gardens just outside the cave we have a huge surplus of them. Though I don't know what we are trading for." Flare said.
"Maybe we're trading for the special in another region, such as poffins from Sinnoh." Coco stated.
"True, that isn't out of the realm of possibility." Flare said.
"Ready to get on working my Queens?" Swag flew over to Flare and Coco.
"Of course!" The girls responded.
"Hrrrumph." Gill grumbled.
"What's the matter my king? Is something wrong?" Swag teased.
"Let's just get working already, I-" Gill was cut off by Swag.
"Of course, I think Flare and I will patrol the Gardens together." Swag said quickly. Gill adopted a disgusted face.
"Looks like it's us two pal!" Coco said to Gill. Swag and Flare went off, chatting along the way.
"Hrrumph." Gill grumbled after Swag and Flare left the room.
"I see now, you have a crush on Flare but Swag is trying to win her over." Coco told Gill.
"Yes. I expected Flare to want to come with me, but it seems Swag has more than a few tricks." Gill said.
"Hey, love can be confusing. I know Flare, we hatched on the same day and came here on the same day. To me it looks like she's just playing along with Swag but I could be wrong, after all she's great at hiding her emotions. Coco comforted Gill.
"Thanks Coco, we should get to the entrance. After all, that entrance won't guard itself!" Gill joked. The two laughed.
That's a wrap for today! I hope you like reading this story more than I enjoyed writing it! Chapter 4 is coming tomorrow!
Chapter 2, What Matters Most
"Hey!" Flare said. She'd arrived at the graveyard. Her siblings and father awaited them. None were shiny, Flare was the only one.
"Flare!" Her twin brother, Gladion, playfully lunged at her. The two started wrestling. Though Gladion is not shiny, he hatched at the same time as Flare.
"I'm going to night slash you!" Flare declared.
"Try me sis!" Gladion said. Flare gigled, she continued to wrestle her brother. Her siblings and father watched them, insuring their safety. The two laughed from joy. Flare hadn't been able to come to the graveyard on this day for the past two years. After seeing the immense amount of fun the two were having, their twin sister Lillie jumped straight in. Soon, most of their siblings had joined, it was now a friendly battle royale!
"I've got you!" Their father jumped straight in and tackled Ricardo, Flare's older brother.
"Hahahaha!!!" Everyone was laughing now, even the ones just watching. They were having so much fun that they did not sense someone approaching them….
"Altaria! Use dazzling gleam!!" A trainer commanded. Flare and her siblings barely dodged the attack. Her father did not. Lying on the ground, fainted. Flare and her siblings looked horrified, would the same fate that befell their mother happen to their father? Flare jumped in front of their father.
"No!" She said, aware that the trainer could not hear her. Gladion pushed Flare out of the way and Lillie joined him.
"You're too valuable to trainers to risk yourself like that!" Lillie said.
"You should run! We'll be fine!" Gladion said. I nodded and ran back towards the cave.
"Flare! Are you alright?" Vetran ran up to her.
"We have to get out of here! If those trainers chased me… oh no oh no!" Flare panicked.
"Horn! String shot the entrance! Swag, help get everyone in the safe hole!" Vetran ordered.
"On it!" Swag flew over to pick up metapod, who had not yet received a nickname, and put it in the safe hole. Flare had heard the name Swag before but she never actually got to meet him.
"Swag is no longer a messenger for us, he worked very hard to get here. Try talking with him when you get a chance." Gill came up behind Flare. Flare looked over to see the pink Butterfree pick up a group of wurmple and get them in the safe hole. On the back of the Butterfree's head was a cute little plaid bow. Flare then looked over her shoulder to see Horn, the beedrill stringshotting the entrance closed. She glanced back at Swag as he picked up one last kakuna and put it in the safe hole.
"What are you waiting for?" Coco shouted to Flare. Coco jumped into the safe hole, Flare took that as a sign to enter as well.
In the safe hole
"I brought yahtzee with us so we can keep occupied while we're here because I feel like we'll be here a while." Said Rick.
"Ooooh! Yay! Game day resumes!" Overa said.
"You going to join us?" Coco asked Flare.
"No thanks Coco, I have to meet someone." Flare walked over to Swag, who was chatting with Horn.
"So anyway, I walked over to this piplup in the boxes thinking "I'm going to scare this piplup" and then I slowly walked over and BAM!! This Drifblim appears behind me!" Swag explains to Horn.
"Hello? My name is Flare, I heard you were shiny too." Flare says.
"Oh my, what do we have here?" Swag teased.
"Um, I just told you that???" Flare questioned.
"It is uh… a way to say I want to get to know you??" Swag croaked.
"Um, do you want to talk?" Flare asked.
"Yes, yes I would like that!" Swag quickly answered. "Come, I know a more private place in this hole to chat."
Gill glanced over at Flare and Swag.
"YAHTZEE!!!!!" Gap screamed, startling everyone.
"SHHH!!!" Everyone shushed the Machoke.
"Are you jealous?" Vetran asked Gill.
"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. Either way, it isn't my problem." Gill said.
"Maybe… no that was a naive thought." Vetran started.
"I think I'm going to join the game club." Gill walked away. Vetran could tell his feelings.
"CLEAR!" Horn yelled, everyone jumped out of the safe hole.
That's it for today! See you!