Lets start with Unova's triplets - Chili, Cilan and Cress. I know a lot of you may think they are teenagers but their wiki pages refer to them as "young man" , this is the case for Cheren who is 16 in B/W 2 so I consider this the starting point especially as Iris and Roxie's say "girl". In my opinion, they're somewhere between 18 and 24, close to my own age.
I am certain Galar's Melony is older than many fans may think, probably in her 40s, this is because she is Gordie's mum. He is a young adult.
Jumping ahead to Paldea with the Verdant Virituso, Brassius. My guess is mid 30s. He has similarities with Burgh who is a "young man" (mid- late 20s maybe) but he's definitely older than Grusha (likely early- mid 20s) or Tulip (probably around 25) and I think he's younger than middle-aged Larry or Rhyme (confirmed to be at least 53). His mentor, Hassel, is admittedly an "old man".
Iono is by many considered to be 19/20 which I believed was pretty accurate but she is considered as a girl on this wiki so perhaps she's around 15.
Would like to hear your thoughts in respectful comments below,