What if Cheren came a visitor to Blueberry Academy?
28 Votes in Poll
28 Votes in Poll
What if Cheren came a visitor to Blueberry Academy?
Now this suggestion may not be added to SV, and that’s okay. But my idea is a combination of the BB League and the Galarian Star Tournament hosted at Blueberry academy
Now the Paldean Star Tournament is like the Galarian version, but there’s waaaaaaaaay more combos, so here they are:
In the Indigo Disk, there's an exploit where by changing the date and time of your switch, you can change the outputs of the item printer to specific items like Ability Patches. There's are a couple youtube videos for it, but it's not allowed
Anyways, will this exploit get patched, or will it remain like the Wild Area time skip exploit in SwSh
The terarium only battles were pretty hard tho. But i didnt have much trouble with the actual battle with drayton tho. the next thing i have to do is beat kieran, but i dont think im ready yet
Let's say Kieran wants you to become the BB champion for a while, what will be your team
Note 1: Must have at least 3 Pokemon suited for doubles
Note 2: NO Legendaries or Mythicals
So, once I complete the Indigo Disk(and Mochi Mayhem for that matter, I was thinking of using the teams of the BB Elite 4 to battle Kieran to see which would be the most successful.
Now, do NPCs in Pokemon have any nature or EV changes?
33 Votes in Poll
We Know that all Gym Leaders from Paldea Returned and have New Team Members so i will make my Dragon type Gym leader have new Teams well some teams are the same as before but updated, while mine is Fully new Pokemons at indigo disk
Dragon type Gym Leader Team (Blueberry Academy):
Archaludon (New)
Kommo-o (New)
Flygon (New)
Noivern (New)
Metagross (Dragon Tera Type) (New)
Galar has the Galarian Star Tournament in the Sword and Shield DLC. I just wish Scarlet and Violet got something like that in their DLC (even if they have a League Club). If it’s real, then this would be called the Paldean Star Tournament and it has the following:
Paldean Star Tournament
Gym Leaders
Elite Four
Academy Instructors
Director Clavell
Blueberry Academy Elite Four
Blueberry Director Cyrano
Game Player
Mesagoza, Wyndon Stadium (Wyndon), or Driftveil City (sight of the World Tournament)
Tournament is based on points. Battle formats include Tag Battles, Mix Tag Battles, Double Battles, 3 on 3, and 6 on 6.
23 Votes in Poll
If there are going to be special guests for maybe the BB League or something, hopefully it involves all of Paldea’s top trainers other than just gym leaders. Would like to hear more about people like Poppy on how she became the youngest Elite Four in history. Maybe they should try to make this gathering like the Galarian Star Tournament.
In the upcoming Indigo Disk, there’s a Blueberry Academy and also a Pokémon League with in the academy. That means they also have the Elite Four as well. Those names are Lacey, Crispin, Amarys, and Drayton. They say each of them specializes in Fairy, Fire, Steel, and Dragon respectively. It’s no official yet and not much info has been released yet , but that’s what they say. If it’s true, then we got another Steel and Dragon type trainers already like Poppy and Hassel. We finally got a Fairy Type Elite Four Trainer. Thought that trainer could’ve been the same as Poppy (maybe a bit older like 7 or 8) to maybe match the “cuteness” of Fairy Types, but a student would work. Wonder what full Pokémon team will each of them have especially trying to avoid a possible mixup with Paldea’s Elite Four team.