Initially,I was expecting people to determine the mons I can catch every episode and also have more than 4 right now.
I think I'm going to change that to see how far I can go with my team of 4/5, and also give them more room to grow than if I had to juggle a million mons. (Could use one more member against Leon however, if anyone's willing to suggest anything, go ahead)
I used raids to evolve centibite (because sizzlipede is likely not going to be doing me any favors) before getting to hammerlocke....and begs the question why I even ended up here in the first place.
We'll be right back when I get back on the road to stow on side...
At least I think I can get past this guy now, he ended my nuzlocke run a long while back ... Anywho I think we should be mostly set to take on Bea now.
Oh wait there's a Hop battle before? Oops!
MegaAlph get past cramorant with a hone claws boosted pluck, and although he tried he couldn't take out toxel due to para hax... something centibite got because of static.
Bloxy is able beat silicobra but because he's lower level than reboot he let it set up agility +it barely tanked a water pulse and he barely won. I think he sees reboot as an equal now after that.
That's odd. MegaAlph has wings and he can get stab on it after evolving. What's happening? (Oh and he shredded the gym trainers)
As for bea, I lead with centibite and set up 1 coil... blocking a counter. He attempted to set up another and get smacked by revenge as punishment (as in set up punish, not the dark type move). Centibite is able to incinerate Hitmontop but pangoro stops him from repeating that with circle throw.
Bloxy is dragged in and takes pangoro out but sirfetched defeats him with revenge.
Vermilla gets super tanky with acid armor and is able to defeat sirfetched. I think she could fight Machamp despite being at a level disadvantage.
1st trade was max Starfall vs max strike.... though the first one made a subsequent repeat of that have the orders switched as Vermilla initially outsped Machamp. A 3rd exchange then defeats Machamp. Wolfey was right: fairy type OP.
Oh and centibite feasted on bedes psychic types, in a rare moment that being a bug type helped.
Huh, I didn't know I could hit that much for neutral.
Yeah, definitely need that power boost. (Now my team has 3 gmax capable mons...but no dlc so no max soup for me unfortunately).
The fact that ballonlea solos all of paldea (sans maybe area zero) in terms of aesthetics...oof.'s weak to both? (Also bloxy sniped this first gym trainers entire team with snipe shot...and the next one too...and the last one too though flatter nearly derailed it).
I them decided to try and fight fairy with fairy and led with Vermilla. She gets poisoned by sludge from wheezing and that proves to ultimately be her downfall...and an initial boost from it too.
Centibite comes in and finishes wheezing off and I dynamax to get past togekiss with max flare considering it had ancient power that was also a good call.
Centibite then survives g max finale on 1 HP and gets a will o wisp off before fainting...and losing another opal boost too.
MegaAlph barely tanks another g Max finale to land a retaliate and drill peck (post Alcremie de-gmax) before going down. Thankfully for both, that was enough for bloxy to take out Alcremie with snipe shot.
He should have seen my opal battle. Should have.
(Also I guess I'm dropping the anipoke style anecdotes, sorry I think I'm not good at it)
Anywho time for hop battle...5? I think?
Centibite defeats trevenant, then cinderace pops out early. Huh? (Of course bloxy sniped it away but still, I didn't know cinderace had a good MU into centiskorch).
Boltumd proved problematic, mostly because it roared into every single mon. That said bloxy and Vermilla managed to eventually take it down, though Vermilla was defeated by spark beforehand, making this the first time hop has actually taken out one of my mons.
Centibite used will o wisp and 2 coils to be able to get past Snorlax, esp on e it had stockpiles up, though a body slam did paralyze him.
Great, everyone's now in their final form! Look out Gordie, here we come!
Party status
On hand:
Bloxy (Sobble->Drizzile->Inteleon, male)
MegaAlph (Rookidee->Corvisquire->Corviknight, male)
Vermilla (Milcery->Alcremie, female)
Centibite (Sizzlipede->Centiskorch, male, newly evolved)
In storage:
Will get later:
G. Mr mime