[Ep. 1 - Why Gardevoir and Alakazam are the best Psychic types in Pokémon History to ever exist, feat. hosts Plushie Pikachu and Plushie Bulbasaur]
Bulbasaur: Hey there. Welcome to Plushiemon Documentaries, or PlushDocs for short. I'm Bulbasaur, and this is the other host, Pikachu.
Pikachu: Pika. Pika chu pi, pikapika!
Bulbasaur: ... Can you speak normally, please?
Pikachu: Oh yeah, sorry. Name's Pikachu. Nice to meet you all.
Bulbasaur: Pikachu, do you know what topic we're gonna talk about in today's episode?
Pikachu: I kind of... forgot. My mind's going so blurry that it looked like a Froslass used Hail before and Ominous Wind after.
Bulbasaur: Come on, Pikachu. You remember, right?
Pikachu: Wasn't it about something related to Gardevoir?
Bulbasaur: And there's one more 'mon.
Pikachu: Uh, Golduck?
Bulbasaur: I meant Psychic-type 'mons, Pikachu.
Pikachu: *Having brain blast* Oh. I forgot. Alakazam.
Bulbasaur: That's right! Today, we're gonna talk about why Gardevoir and Alakazam are the best Psychic-type 'mons to ever exist!
Pikachu: Why do you keep saying 'mons' instead of 'Pokémon'?
Bulbasaur: Shush, it's a habit of a mine.
Pikachu: Alright... I guess.
Bulbasaur: First of all, let's start with Gardevoir. Gardevoir may be a... tough 'mon, but that doesn't mean it's always acting tough! As said in some PokéDex entries, Gardevoir will protect its trainer by using a black hole on a 'mon that looks like it's gone outraged, think of a Primeape or any other Pokémon that looks threatening.
Pikachu: Uh...
Bulbasaur: *Whispering* Come on Pikachu, it's your turn to speak!
Pikachu: Okay, okay... Gardevoir, as described, are often devoted to their trainer. Sometimes, not only trainers could take care of their Pokémon, but Pokémon can do the same thing mentioned above, and Gardevoir is one of the examples of this. In case their trainer is sick, Gardevoir can help them out, like making soup for them if they have excellent cooking skills, sometimes it could go overboard and Gardevoir could buy almost every medicine in a hospital to heal their trainer like their trainers are buying almost every potion in the PokéCenter to heal their Pokémon.
Bulbasaur: Now, let's talk about the OG Psychic-type... Alakazam! Although they're only there when they're traded, or exposed to a Linking Cord in Pokémon Legends: Arceus, but hey, that doesn't count. But anyway, repeating and rewording what I said before, although Alakazam is a trade-exclusive evolution like other 'mons such as Machamp, it has two spoons, two spoons! So in case you want to eat and yet you don't have any spoon left, you could borrow one of Alakazam's spoons.
Pikachu: And when you mega-evolve Alakazam, it has... 5 spoons! With those many spoons, Alakazam could be able to feed like, 4 or 5 children! While yes, it doesn't particularly much, it seems enough. Also, hey Bulbasaur!
Bulbasaur: What is it, Pikachu?
Pikachu: Now that I'm thinking, Gardevoir and Alakazam could make a wonderful caretaker duo for trainers!
Bulbasaur: You know what? You're right! They can make a wonderful caretaker duo! Since ya know, in case you're in danger, Gardevoir could make a black hole toward the enemy to protect you while Alakazam's sitting next to you while it's calming you down!
Pikachu: And while the scenario Bulbasaur made doesn't seem like a realistic scenario, they're still a pretty cool duo to have around.
Bulbasaur: Alright then, we're pretty much done. This is the end of Plushiemon Documentaries Episode 1. See you later, and...
Pikachu: Take care of yourselves!