I haven't played Legends Arceus, but I'm (hopefully) getting it for my bday (which is in a couple weeks btw)
And also, we're less than a month away from Pokemon Day...
JUSTICE FOR BW REMAKES! Let's make this a trend! ⚫️⚪️
I haven't played Legends Arceus, but I'm (hopefully) getting it for my bday (which is in a couple weeks btw)
And also, we're less than a month away from Pokemon Day...
JUSTICE FOR BW REMAKES! Let's make this a trend! ⚫️⚪️
Yes, I DO have the same headcanon versions of the Sinnoh player characters as @Maddy217 (because i AM Maddy217, js on a new account...)
Refer to this https://pokemon.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000003874761
... Soooo yeah... Uhm.. all i Gotta say is that.. this was inspired by TC-96 (on DeviantART) so idk what to say-
55 Votes in Poll
40 Votes in Poll
51 Votes in Poll
Amanda: almighty all may I keep this blank plate
Almighty all: yes and don’t polite me please
Amanda: sorry just an existing trend
Kate:what the hell
Aiden Fred Kate’s dad and crii: yeah WHAT THE HELL
???: almighty all’s real name is autom
Kates dad: who’s there
Rei Akari and fikifeki: we are rei Akari and fikifeki
Amanda: I know rei and Akari from one of the universes I’ve been in but never fikifeki
Crii: you Have been in multiple universes
Amanda: so have you
???: and so have I
To be continued…
What if in the Pokemon anime special where Dialga send Dawn back in time Hisui Region hundreds of years ago and meet her ancestor, Akari?
Crii: this place is beutiful
Fred: oh look a city
Aiden: let’s go
Kate: Ok
Kate’s dad: wait up guys
Kate Fred Aiden and Crii: AN ARCADE!!!!!!!
Kate: wait I don’t think we should go yet we have a mission remember
Kate’s dad: that’s the first time you have said no to an arcade
Kate: I still think I’m 25 dad
Fred: you don’t look 25
Kate: but I am
Crii: you look 10
Kate: but I’m not
Aiden: my sister said u r
Kate: how would your sister know
Aiden: her name was Amanda
Kate: oh I remember her we used to train together
Aiden: she got lost last year
Fred: do u wannna talk about it
Aiden: I’m good man
Fred and crii: if u ever want to talk about it we are here
Aiden ok thanks
Kate’s dad: wait is that a- no it can’t be
Kate: what
Kate’s dad: REGIGIGAS
Fred: zero I chose you
Kate: come on watcher
Crii: gastly show him your power
Aiden: Todd go
Soms time passed battling regigigas
Kate’s dad: it won’t get damaged
???: let me handle this
Aiden: AMANDA!!!!!!!
Amanda: Aiden!!
Aiden: what u doing here
Amanda: the heroes akari and rei asked me to get the plate from regigigis so regidrago use dragon puls
Regigigas faints and Amanda recives the blank plate
Aiden: wanna join us
Amanda: when the dictator harley is done with me sure
This took much longer than expected but it’s done now so yeah xD
I originally posted this on pinterest but decided to post it here too
Also el gato volo by my bestiepop @/corruptedcaffeine0 also on pinterest
At dawn, Irida shakily walked to where she rested at the Pearl Clan settlement. Blood stained her hair, skin, and clothes as she finally reached her home. Her Flareon and Espeon awaited her eagerly as they collapsed on the bed. Glaceon, Flareon, and Espeon stared at the blood but jumped up and got ready to cuddle.
Adaman was freezing when he woke up despite it being 70 degrees outside.
He sighed as he stretched before walking out to say hello. “Avoiding your job?” She joked immediately. Adaman’s response was a mumble.
“Shut up.”
“Make me!”
“I’m the leader of your clan.”
“…abuse of power?”
“Rez do you- know what no…”
“It was a joke…”
Adaman smiled as James walked outside before saying, “Vol on your way out can you get me my pack of cigarettes, bottle of tequila, and my Valium?” The merchant grabbed the requested items and was thanked by James.
Before James could get the girl’s name she bolted to Kamado’s office. He figured he might as well follow her. They both didn’t realize that Volo came to the meeting too.
“Hello Jame!”
“Volo why did you call me Jame?”
“You called me Vol.”
“Jame sounds weird, maybe Jamie?”
“Vol is short for volume.”
“I know Bloodfur
“Volo doesn’t!”
“What the actual hell is wrong with you three?”
“I don’t know.”
Kamado’s Interruption shut Volo and Bloodfur up as Graffiti the grafaiai perched on James’s head happily as Arezu told the commander about Ursaluna. Now James was sent to quell him. Before he left with his friends, Arezu, and some others, Kamado gave him a little bottle of poisoned wine.
The survey corps member drank it straight away and politely whispered in his ear, “I know this is poisoned, what a waste of toxic liquid, cause it clearly doesn’t work on me since the effects happen straight after being drank. Try harder.”
“Home in the village, home in the valley, home isn’t pretty, no home for me…” whispered Volo silently before singing, “Seasons don’t fear the renegade Pokémon, nor do the wind, the sky, and the rain, we can be like them.”
“I thought it was don’t fear the reaper…” mumbled James curiously, but Volo didn’t respond but Adaman did point out the Pokémon on the man’s head. Graffiti had perched on James’s head and was making a nest in his hair.
“I also somehow function well considering the fact that I got one hour of sleep last night, and ever other night. I hear voices in Jubilife that sound like my friends, my head sometimes grows heavy along with dim sight. Jubilife could’ve been heaven or hell. I don’t know which though.” He proceeded to add.
“What do they say?”
“Welcome to the hotel….”
“In California?”
“Yeah, apparently that song is real now. This crap might be happening because I smoke and do drugs, that’s the meaning of the song.” Sighed Bloodfur sadly.
They continued walking but Arezu sped up and soon she was out of sight. A beast was stalking her, and shortly she was laying on the ground bleeding and slowly dying.
Adaman and Volo sped up only for them both to be in the same spot, James on the other hand kept walking at a somewhat brisk pace. The irony scent of blood filled the air and James caught the scent.
They followed the scent only for the beast to severely wound him, but he quickly got up and plunged a spear that he always had with him down in the thing’s back. It let out a bloodcurdling howl as it ran off in pain.
“I’d keep quiet, don’t let that thing come back with your noise.”
“Ok, but can you-“
The pain was gone. No wounds, no blood, no nothing. Somehow, they had been magically healed. They were told to not breath a word to anyone as they received lunch from Bloodfur.
“Well my little Rios, I hope you both liked the food.” Smiled James after finishing the sandwich that he made. The three nodded with a smile as Bloodfur added something.
“Be happy he called you “Rio”, he only calls people that he really deeply cares for.”
Volo hugged James as a thank for along with Adaman and Arezu. After the hug was over James started to sing, “I wonder if I’ll ever find someone with some jealousy like my temper so we can roll and fall in weed on some wiley windy moors.”
“I’m sorry what?”
“Let him sing Kate Bush in his own way.”
“I agree with Bloodfur.”
“Aw thank you!” Said James and Bloodfur at the same time. Volo grinned sheepishly before eating some more of his sandwich. Before they knew it, Akari, Rei, Victor, Gloria, and some others came running towards them shouting about how Gloria is actually Gloria Estefan and therefore the others should be Miami sound machine.
“I swear if y’all do a conga line I will scream.” Grumbled James before adding, “Volo could sing it and I’d be happy, I’ve heard him sing.” Volo looked at him with an embarrassed and surprised look at those words.
The wind playfully ruffled their hair as the sun began to set, some Stunky came and ate a few of the berries James had packed but the man welcomed them and any Pokémon who came to eat, even the gastly. As the sun set, a brilliant display of red, yellow, orange and pink filled the sky. The moon was rising and was pretty high in the sky and soon the sun was gone and the moon was lighting up the darkness as it shone.
“Your hair looks blue in the moonlight James, I like it.”
“Thank you Volo.”
“You’re welcome, but soon we need to eat dinner and help Calaba.”
At last, they continued their walk to the place where Calaba was at. Shortly they arrived and found out a wall fragment was stolen by some bandits who also robbed the ginkgo guild but more importantly, they’ve robbed Volo.
That information felt like energy that he needed to find them and take the fragment back, and what was taken from his friend.
The gang found a still warm piece of firewood and they heard them. The miss fortune bandits reminded James of how he used to be, but he didn’t show any sympathy until he got the stolen items. But a part of him wanted to give them something, so they were gifted a nugget to sell.
“Well damn, didn’t expect a Galaxy team member to do that.”
“I know the feel, besides I’d help someone who also hates Kamado.”
“You hate him too?”
The girls smiled before running off, Volo thanked James for getting the stolen stuff back but let him have the white rose the merchant had found. A smile formed on the two’s faces as they happily walked back to Calaba.
“You went out of your way for me? How touching…and now I finally know the meaning of the message carved on the slabs.” Beamed the woman as James handed the fragment to her, she said nothing about the two roses pinned to his shirt.
“The flower goes well with your shirt.” Complimented Volo to James as the gang trekked to sludge mound. Before they could open their mouth to thank the merchant, the bog began to rise and swallow up their feet. The moon luckily lit up the two trapped men so the others could free them.
Adaman and Bloodfur walked to side where the two were trapped and pulled them out somehow cause logic isn’t in this story.
All of the sudden, they were at sludge mound, they didn’t know how they got there so damn quickly. Maybe almighty Dialga and Arceus helped speed up the process.
The battle went well and soon they realized Ursaluna wasn’t frenzied, just sick from some weird powder. The group went home to find out that Arezu secretly left the group and told Korika that Liligant was frenzied, which pissed Adaman off because she never told him.
“Maybe Ursaluna could track her down with his sense of smell?” Suggested the man who found out that liligant was frenzied. Lupin nodded in agreement as he stopped playing his harmonica.
At that, they summoned the great ride Pokémon and left to find Arezu. And when they did she was laying on the ground with a sprained ankle. “Adaman, Calaba I’m sorry for the mess I caused…James I’m sorry for dragging you out here.”
He didn’t respond and only left Calaba to treat her. At the arena they saw the frenzied noble rampaging around and shortly after arriving Arezu and Calaba arrived. The fight to quell the lady was fixing to begin.
Paldea time!!!
The gang was getting ready to binge watch old Super Bowls since the current one was recording and they wanted to watch it with James if he ever did show up. “Y’all can we watch a Jets one?” Begged Butch as Nemona sat down with popcorn.
“Pretty sure they’ve only been to the super bowl once but i don’t know.”
“Thanks for reminding me Penny…”
“No problem…”
“That was sarcasm.”
“Oh I didn’t know that Biff.”
“Shut up you two…” complained Nemona loudly before handing the popcorn to Hop who was half asleep. He was woken up by Leon screaming about his preferred team and soon an argument had formed. Fights broke out and people got injured.
It was a bad fight until Giacomo solved it by playing theme for team star he had made. “Next thing you know he’ll earn a noble peace prize…” muttered Mela sarcastically.
“I wish James was here, he did like watching sports with us, his comments always made me laugh…” muttered Meowth sadly as the super bowl came on.
James had quelled lady liligant and was heading back with Volo and them. He received a bone crushing hug from the man after the quelling.
—-Irida’s pov—-
“And if violence causes silence, we must be mistaken…i don’t want to fight the Diamond Clan. People will die.” She spoke to herself softly as she stroked her Glaceon sadly. Gaeric was hellbent on killing an innocent member of the opposite clan and if that happened peace would be gone.
She wouldn’t let another head lay lowly and a child be taken slowly at the brutal man’s feet. She will stop that man from doing anything.
That night was weird, he had a dream about Irida trying to save him from what looked like an Arcanine. He wished he could interpret it but his thoughts were interrupted as Volo said something about feeling funny.
He also knew he had to meet with Kamado at the beach so he got up and got that over with only for Rei to say that Irida was at the office.
Had to add the Super Bowl since it’s super bowl Sunday XD
Couldn’t stop myself from finishing this and posting it lol.
“In our heads, in our heads, they’re fighting. With their tanks and their bombs and their bombs and their guns. In our heads in our heads they are crying.” Sang James
“In your head, in your head
Zombie, zombie, zombie-ie-ie
What's in your head, in your head?
Zombie, zombie, zombie-ie-ie-ie, oh” Sang Volo with the man as a rotting corpse image flashed in his mind. He shakily tried to sit up only to collapse and catch himself.
James grabbed some marigold and carefully applied it to the wound before sighing and taking the bandage off to see a nasty bleeding wound. He carefully put his hand on the wound and Volo grabbed James’s arm gently and soon the the wound was gone and healed.
Volo felt James’s finger on his mouth as the man made a shushing noise before saying, “Don’t tell anyone that I healed the wound without any medicine.” He also winked before laying on the ground ready to sleep.
The next morning Rei was pounding on the door as Akari, Kit, Akita, Gloria, Victor, Harper, Lupin, and Korika got a battering ram and began to charge at the door which resulted in Volo getting scared half to death and a pissed off James.
He growled before pushing his way out to see a girl with short blonde hair wearing clown shoes and a man with wild and free hair wearing a haori. The two were arguing about something.
“Get lost? You wish!”
“At least we care if we’re on time! As long as your precious space isn’t harmed you’re totally fine with being tardy!”
The man waved his hand dismissively before storming off into the building while clenching his hands into fists. The girl stuck her tongue out before walking in the building.
“Time in her eyes is spawning past life.” Spoke James with a blank expression loud enough for the two arguing people to hear. “Irida, never say goodbye to Adaman’s part of your life.” He added as he walked up to her.
“How do you know our names?!” Demanded the woman furiously as Adaman just gawked at him. James didn’t respond and just pointed towards Volo.
“Over here, can’t you all see where memories are kept bright tripping over the water like a laughing girl?”
“I remember Mai telling me about you…” whispered Adaman sadly as Irida walked inside while James kept talking. “Um are you finished? I’d like to properly introduce myself.” Asked Adaman rather politely.
“James is my name and yes I am finished. You are Adaman leader of the Diamond Clan. That was Irida of the Pearl Clan you were arguing with.” Responded James without looking.
“Uh how did you know that…?!”
“Visions plague my dreams at night.”
They didn’t respond and only patted James’s back. They walked into the commanders room as Adaman talked his head off to James. In the room waiting was Irida mumbling something about “what’s in his head”.
“Greetings fair lady of the Pearl clan. Pleasure to formally meet you.” Greeted James politely as he fixed his shirt. Kamado glared as Irida shot a glare at James.
“So, I am going to quell noble Kleavor of the woods and Pearl clan?” He asked as he raised an eyebrow. Everyone stared at him in shock and awe. Kamado nodded in agreement but Irida wasn’t having it.
“Why is that wretch of a man doing it?! I’d rather have that zombie of a person doing it!” She spat while pointing at Adaman. Anger burned and flared in the men’s eyes.
Before insults started flying James grabbed Adaman by the arm and dragged him away. The leader didn’t question as they were led outside. “Where are you taking me?” He asked.
“You and Volo are coming with me so I don’t lose the only sanity and kindness left in me.”
Adaman nodded as Volo walked towards them. The Diamond clan member got his hand out of James’s grip and grabbed his hand. “That’s corny.” Grumbled the man as Volo grabbed the other hand.
The three walked as they talked about life. Volo mentioned his nasty scar on his arm and eye as Adaman talked about how he’s not been sleeping well lately due to bad dreams in the night telling him he was going to lose a fight.
“Can you let go of my hands? This looks weird…”
“Absolutely not.”
James sighed loudly as he let them hold his hands. Eventually the two met up with Lian who stared at them with a confused glance. Bloodfur snarled at him with Throat, Blood, and Bone. The man’s Goomy tried and failed to scare them off as Scourge snapped at it.
“You five, behave at a friend not a foe.” Ordered James in a firm tone. The lycanroc obediently sat down beside him ready to attack. “So you wanna be a cowboy eh?” Joked James with a smirk.
“No picking on a 20 year old.” Snapped Lian defensively before challenging James to a battle which was won easily buy Dewott. The warden smiled slightly and started to talk about Kleavor when Irida yelled at him and told the man that he failed his duty as a warden.
“You’re just a good for nothing warden! And you, why the hell are you friendly with some weirdo that fell out of a rift?! Please!” She continued.
“You took a stranger from the rift as a warden!”
“Lady Sneasler chose him not me! If it was up to me I’d leave him out to die after he got better!”
“Stop fighting before I kill you all.”
The fighting stopped as James said that while they collect food for an offering he would ask Laventon to see if he had any ideas. Before Irida could argue Lian agreed to the idea and spoke for her nervously.
They heard screams of terror but were unable to act due to the fact that Volo needed to be home by night and it was already nearly sunset. They ran to jubilife to find Kamado fuming. Apparently something had killed some people that were very important to the village.
The scent of blood filled the air as the four walked to the crime scenes. Adaman curled his nose in disgust as Volo gagged at the sight and the bodies were taken away.
Kamado turned to look at the three who were confused slightly except James who was completely unfazed. The scent of blood was strong but was quickly fading much to Adaman and Volo’s happiness. A smile formed on the survey corps face but quickly became a stern frown as the commander spoke about some crap James didn’t give a damn for.
Soon James had a lit cigarette that he smoked with Adaman and Volo as they waited for Laventon to come up with something. “EURIKA!” He shouted as he bolted in. Suddenly, they had a plan which was to throw mashed up food at Kleavor to sooth him.
They walked to the arena to fin Lian cowering behind Irida who had a scar above their left eye. She sighed as she challenged James to a battle with her Glaceon which she lost to.
James leapt into the arena and gracefully dodged every attack while throwing the balms. Irida stared at him in awe with Lian, Volo, and Adaman. Not a single attack hit them as the noble slowly became quelled. Before they all knew it, light erupted from the body of the noble and then he wasn’t frenzied anymore as he leapt away.
Irida shook James’s hand and said, “I may hate you, but I thank you heavily.” James responded with a smile as he and his friends left. Irida went her separate ways as Adaman wondered who would be crying today.
“Well, well, well…look what we have here.”
They tried to scream but was cut off and soon their world was black. Meanwhile Volo felt weird tingles in his arm and had to stop only to find a rash like spot on the limb.
They sighed as they covered it up with their sleeve and caught up with the group. At jubilife Cyllene was awaiting James. She demanded for him to control Gloria and Victor but James didn’t give a damn and just reported to Kamado.
——Paldea shorts :>——
Nemona was drinking some beer and Arven was smoking a pipe when Penny started crying about her fluffy Eevee backpack being lost. So Giacomo, Jessie, Arven, Nemona, and Butch decided to help them find said backpack.
“Soft and fluffy, it’s lost now it’s found, we were on the hunt and after it.” Cried Penny as Arven found it. But they hadn’t found their friend James, little did they know was that he had become really good friends with a merchant and a clan leader.
Adaman wound up staying with James that night and Volo had officially moved in with the survey corps member happily. He didn’t care that he had a job. They had other merchants, he’d rather be with some people he cared for.
Luckily for him, he could still sell things to his friends and the people at Jubilife. That night, they all had visions along with Irida. But Volo’s dream became a horrifying blood filled nightmare whereas James’s became a dream about the creation trio and Arceus singing as the other legendaries and mythicals chanted.
“Come on and let me live.”
“What the hell?”
“I can’t sing in peace?”
“What are you singing?”
“Jig of Life.”
“Sounds interesting.”
James nodded at that as he sat up. Adaman as sleeping on his left side and Volo was on his left side. “I hope me and Irida can at least become friends one day.” He wished silently as the merchant began to snore softly. A smile crept across James and Adaman’s face as they laid back down and tried to sleep again.
“Momma, why does everyone hate us?”
“Cause, they’re all selfish beings.”
Paw was still fuming about the fact that his mom said that humans were selfish. One day, a kind man helped him but before the strange human could meet momma they left.
So, he was stuck with his cousins Pine and Beetle, his sister Fang, and his weird looking brother named Trick. Soon, Paw was the playing with his own tail and illusions to keep himself occupied.
Occasionally a Snow White Vulpix and a weird colored fiery Ninetails came by but they stopped shortly after the man saved him.
Maybe that guy did something…should I tell the alpha one? No, I’m already in trouble. Best not dis-
His thoughts were interrupted by Pine and Beetle play fighting so roughly that they collided with Paw who tumbled into Trick who jumped and bumped into Fang who proceeded to nip at the poor spiteful fox.
She then growled at Beetle who shrugged it off and went hunting for some berries to bring back to the pack.
But he was stopped by a loud bark of the alpha one. “Foolish Beetle causes collisions and then wanders off?! Ludicrous…”
“But Momma we want to explore!”
“No! Not with all those humans!”
Paw snarled slightly and cooked up a plan in his little brain to sneak out with them so they could find some berries, the foxes, and maybe that kind human.
—-later that night in a different point of view—-
Rei was hoping to find a rare flower that only grew in the Icelands for her. He hoped she would like it, since it was gonna be a special gift. Or as Volo joked about “a gift from the heart” but Rei paid no attention to him.
All of the sudden, he heard a strange yipping noise and saw a faint red glow. Being the man he is, Rei went to investigate to see some zoruas trying to scare off an alpha Glalie.
He quickly sent out an Infernape who ambushed the alpha. They roared in pain as the zoruas ran to the Galaxy team member in fear.
—-back to Paw—-
Maybe this man knew that other kind man, so he decided to get everyone to follow the guy so they could maybe see that guy again.
Shortly, a lot of pups followed them and even a senior Zoroark warrior got curious.
They stopped eventually at a weird settlement and Fang dashed into there, jumped in thé biggest den, and soon screams were heard. The man and everyone else dashed to collect her as she ran towards a nearby house.
“This little one tried to kill Kamado so I think you’d like her.”
The guy had introduced the same man to Fang who simply called her Kit. Paw because Envy, Beetle became Fluff, Trick became Loki, and Pine became Frost. Soon the guy that was nearly murdered came and surprisingly, the humans protected them all.
Envy was touched and decided that humans and zoroarks could live in peace. Well, at least he thought that until the guy met up with the pack who was understandably mad. Somehow he calmed them and was able to make peace.
And that “Rei” guy successfully gave that girl her flower that she wanted. She thanked him and Loki cried tears of pure joy as they saw some weird hair colored man forcing a guy with…Christmas tree hair to kill somebody.
But Envy was focusing on the fact that the Ninetales now named Mononoke and the Vulpix who evolved was named Spirit.
The guy with weird hair could be saved later. For now, it was time for stories.
Told y’a it was short! Also what the hell is this?
His eye could be bigger
You look like a kid from my class with that smile and face
This is just cute
Although she is a modern sinno trainer, she likes to play it ¨old school¨(what i mean by that is that she acts like a hisui trainer). she picked but saw an old scroll on professor rowans desk that said something about the old starters being rowlet cyndaquill and oshawott. she wanted rowlet but couldint find any in sinno. so she went too the aloha region for one. she even dresses up like her ¨ancestor¨. heres her team!
37 Votes in Poll
I made it stronger since her/his old team is literally so frickin weak lol