They all got arrested by the rubbish anime character police.
They all got arrested by the rubbish anime character police.
I have wonder what became of Gary Oak's Cheerleaders because they have been travelling with Gary all over the Kanto Region back in the original Pokemon Series and then after he lost the first Pokémon League his Cheerleaders disappeared when he travel the Johto Region by himself.
They did return in the Johto League Silver Conference were Ash and Gary battle each other for the very first time. After Gary was defeated his Cheerleaders were never seen or heard from again. It would be very interesting if Gary Oak have his spin off series because I'm always curious on Gary and his Cheerleaders adventure travelling in the Kanto Region just to compare to Ash and his friends.
I think Amelia from Pokemon XYZ Series in "Master Class Choices!" should be included in this site. In this episode I really thought that Serena was going to lose to Amelia since she a threat to wining the third Princess Key but she didn't which is good however I still would liked to see more from Amelia because I though that she could be Serena's new rival along with Shaun, Miette and Nini especially since she too wanted to be the Kalos Queen.
To be honest this was a wasted of this episode because Amelia only made one appearence and then after she wasn't see again when since Pokemon XYZ Series came to the end. I mean Amelia could have return in "The First Day of the Rest of Your Life!" after Serena, Shaun and Jessie performances for many people in Lumiose City were she wanted to confront Serena since Amelia still have grudge against Serena for winning the third final Princess key instead of her and wanted a Pokemon battle with her.
Dont diss monsieur pierre like that he built serenas whole career 😒😤 how dare you
@MegaAmphaRime that's the rubbish anime character police for you
What do you think?