Those two team rocket grunts made an speaking cameo appearance in Fire emblem descendants episode Alma, the War of Deliverance, in the beginning where they were guarding uuuuuuhhhhhh something, when Marco, his mom Mikayla, Fido, Marth, Caeda, and Tiki after they got the first gleamstone approaches them, they shouted Halt! Marco explains what did we do wrong??? The brown haired Grunt said no, that they can't get through there, that they conned them they must pay...... the toll but how much??? It's $300. But unfortunately they don't have enough money(and a funny thing that even though Fido's a horse he's got a wallet and counting his cents), the glasses grunt says that he doesn't look like he's got any, and they told them to scram, much to Marco's disappointment that means they gotta back that way, but Caeda comforts him that there's still other places to go. And when they saw Tiki. The brown haired grunt asked about Tiki, does that old lady's presence seemed strangely familiar? The glasses grunt responded that he can't remember, so they'll keep guarding.