*In my fanfictions, they're different from the real Diamond and Pearl games, because Dawn, Lucas, and Barry are all just meeting each other for the first time the day they get their starter Pokemon. Also, my OC Amiyah is included in their group*
Lucas (left): A smart, talented boy from Twinleaf Town who chooses Turtwig as his starter. He's the "smart one" of the group, and he also has a very heavy crush on Dawn. He has appearance differences from his canon counterpart, wearing braces and having dark skin.
Dawn (right): A sassy, energetic girl from Twinleaf Town who chooses Piplup as her starter. Despite still wearing her girly canon outfit with the pink skirt and everything, she's actually tomboyish and hyper, basically being the definition of "don't judge a book by its cover". This basically means she's a LOT tougher than she looks. She has appearance differences from her canon counterpart, having brown eyes and tan skin (she's supposed to be the equivalent of Hispanic, with her family's heritage being Paldean (Spanish) and the Pokemon equivalent of Mexican, but mostly "Mexican")
Barry (far right): A very energetic boy from Twinleaf Town who chooses Chimchar as his starter. In contrast to Lucas being the "smart one" of the group, Barry's the "stupid one". He gets along very well with Dawn, but NOT exactly so well with Lucas. He will eventually develop a crush on Dawn as well. The only appearance difference from Barry's canon counterpart is that he wears a different shirt. However, I will make him wear his canon outfit in my drawings from now on.
Amiyah (far left): A character created entirely by me. (basically an OC). She's the oldest one in the group, being 13, since the others are 12. She's from Sandgem Town, and joins the squad when they meet her. Unlike Dawn, Lucas, and Barry, Amiyah prefers not to battle. She does Pokemon Contests, although she will occasionally battle if she has to (though she isn't very good at it). I'm not sure what her relationship will be with the boys, but she gets along decently with Dawn. But like the two boys, the two girls have opposite personalities, with Amiyah being the "pretty girl", doing Contests and being that type of girl who's obsessed with skincare and makeup, and Dawn being the "sporty girl" who really likes to battle, and is more concerned with looking "cool" or "tough" than pretty.