We head down the hill to catch 2 new partners: Azurill & Fidough, we find Nemona at the Pokémon Center Thingy, we heal up our Pokemon & we go to the hill, I watched a YT Video to find a secret area, before we went to the Secret area, I caught a teammate: Tarountula, I leave the Secret Area & find a TM: Stored Power,then we go back up the hill to the Mesagoza Gate, & Nemona challenges us to a battle, we beat Sprigatito easily & then we give Tarountula a try at beating Pawmi & HOLY FLIP NEMONAS PAWMI JUST GREW A LIGHTBULB WTH, we super potion up, she hits us & Tarountula survives on 4HP, we swap to Fuecoco & win the fight, then we head into Mesagoza & See the sights up-close
[End of Pt2]