You have to fight your favorite Pokemon with your least favorite Pokemon. Are you winning?
So smeargle (least) vs torterra (most fav).... I win
I'm Fighting Sylveon with Miltank what do you think?
Your dead lol
oh the irony… me and Chimchar are getting cooked up by a shrimp
Hatterene vs Gardevoir. I think I'd lose but that's almost a tie
Umm I think hatteren clears but idk tbh, especially if you throw in the mega
Calyrex-Shadow vs Hatterene. Pretty sure she's cooked, unfortunately.
Oh crap yeah lol, calyrex wrecks just about everything
@FoxWithIrisesofBlue How so? Im using the Milltank.
If I’m fighting against Rowlet using Charizard. Then yes. Charizard is a fully evolved Fire Type fighting a base form Grass Type. Rowlet’s Flying Type doesn’t help with Rowlet’s weakness against Flying Types, which Charizard also has.
What do you think?