You have to fight your favorite Pokemon with your least favorite Pokemon. Are you winning?
(I re-read the text, from what i understand im using my least favorite against my favorite)
my favorite is shedinja
My least favorite is zubat
So Nah i'd win
You're using your least favorite against your favorite.
So smeargle (least) vs torterra (most fav).... I win
I'm Fighting Sylveon with Miltank what do you think?
Your dead lol
oh the irony… me and Chimchar are getting cooked up by a shrimp
Hatterene vs Gardevoir. I think I'd lose but that's almost a tie
Umm I think hatteren clears but idk tbh, especially if you throw in the mega
Calyrex-Shadow vs Hatterene. Pretty sure she's cooked, unfortunately.
Oh crap yeah lol, calyrex wrecks just about everything
What do you think?