Like your top 5, top 3 or just number 1
Here are my top 5:
5. Shiny Bellibolt
Just like that it takes tadbulb's colour scheme
4. Palafin
I really like the purple-blue colour for some reason really nice and calming
3. Rowlet
Loving the bluey-turquoise leaf and the mint green. more vivid orange on the talons are the icing on the cake
2. Flygon
Very close second. The green, orange, and blue fit perfectly together, none of them are too much, and the green stays like the regular which is nice. i dont like shinies where the whole entire thing changes
1. Dragapult!!!!
Like i said, Flygon was veeerrrry close, but some of you know how much im a fan of regular dragapult, so this pokemon shone through in the end lol
What(s) (are) your favourite shiny pokemon?