OC #1
Name: Silver
Species: Serperior
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Home Region: Unova
Appearance: Looks like a normal Serperior, but the skin between his scales is a metallic silver color (hence his name). He tends to wear flowers on his head, commonly seen with a dark green rose fixed above and slightly behind his right eye. He is also quite large for a Serperior, about the same size as Sapphire. He is also a Grass and Steel type, due to a mutation in his genes that obviously resulted in his silver coloration and tougher defenses.
Team: Unconfirmed
Backstory: He's pretty much a normal Serperior as far as backstory. He hatched from an egg, evolved after a bit, found a territory, and survived. A little while ago, he befriended a Milotic by the name of Sapphire after discovering her on the edge of a lake. The two travel together and have recently met a human that stumbled upon them when they were exploring.
OC #2
Name: Sapphire
Species: Milotic
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Home Region: Unova
Appearance: She has the normal color for a female Milotic, tending to wear flowers as well to imitate Silver. The only difference is her increased number of tail scales and the sharpness of each one.
Team: Unconfirmed
Backstory: Her backstory is much like Silver, she's found a territory after evolving and has lived normally in the wild in a lake. She had befriended Silver a while ago after meeting him when she was basking at the edge of the lake. The two travel together and have recently met a human that stumbled upon them when they were exploring.