This bootleg Pokémon game is trying to pass itself off as a mobile port of Pokémon Violet
The picture on the bottom 😭
This is 124378509876543211234578098764224579907643% AI generated, I can tell you so bc I’m an AI nerdo.
^^ omg yeahhhhh 😭😭😭
Can somebody tell me that the footage of this ad is stolen
100% stolen, that’s what fake ads do.
Can you give me a link to the original creator of this animation?
I actually don’t know the creator, but if it was an ad for an “official” Pokémon game then yes, it’s stolen and fake, fnaf has this problem too.
Oh look I've found the original source
Nice! Did you report the ad for content theft? I will right after this.
I'm gonna tell the creator of this video that his animation has been stolen
And hey while on the meantime I've just found one of the channels that keep uploading these ads :
What do you think?