Coming in at 5th place we got the volbeat illumise duo because they’re basically your average route 1 bug types but worse
You either hate these things or you’ve never heard of them at all
They get 5th because they’re nobody’s favorite and have bad stats
Hoppip could tank these two even with a type disadvantage
Rolling in at 4th is good old furfrou
Mid design and mid stats but doesn’t really have anything going for it
Frfr have not thought about this thing since it was introduced but I have nothing against it
I’ve only seen furfrou get any attention in the anime
In at 3rd place we got skitty the pre evo of delcatty
I think it’s very cute it’s just
When have you ever used this thing in a playthrough
Skitty and delcatty are just your average forgettable normal type Delcatty only avoided this because people know it because it’s forgettable
The 2nd place you probably expected was bruxish
Bad stats overall I have no idea how it made it into scarlet and violet
I think it’s ugly as heck and needs the feebas-milotic / magikarp-gyarados treatment
10/10 shiny though
Waddling into 1st we have topsy turvy spinda
Its got a garbage bst, weird design, and is basically your average gen 3 forgettable normal type
I got a feeling they might give this thing a bad evo like dunsparce-dundunsparce
Spindinda prediction