Sir are you mining crypto
I smell Items
Why do I hear boss music
There are three Paintings.
The green part isn't closed which means the part isn't it's eyes
You're whole thing is yelling
I'm a bit over leveled
What could possibly go wrong
I'm starting to regret having this be normal nuzlock
Oh no oh no no no no no
Almost forgot about this
Are you alright, like mentally
Is no one going to stop that alien abduction
What is that thing
The Elderly do get a bit quirky at night
Sir what are you doing
Now I have 6 of these
Hope nothing bad happens next time (note: this was made before I fight the gym so I hope this isn't foreshadowing)
The first person I see suggest a Pokémon I decide to use I will name it after you Other than that it's just a normal nuzlock
Ping list
Ping list done tell me if you want to be Pinged