Part 2:
Part 1:
Part three, now we’re going places! Tad short, but the next one is probably gonna be long, depending how I decide to get everyone where they need to go.
“What is it?” Hop asked.
“Heck if I know! Some alien thingamabob?” Retorted Gloria.
Both were bent over the mysterious object that had fallen from the sky to land in front of them. After a hesitating moment, Gloria bent down and picked it up.
“Uff, it’s heavier than it looks! Look at the size of this thing!”
The strange object was only a couple inches thick, but it was long, with a metallic sheen. It was shaped somewhat like an elongated hexagon, with 6 flat edges of varying sizes. The smallest edge was flanked by the two longest edges which angled outwards, before two more angled back in towards the final edge.
“Look here, Hop. There’s a symbol. I think that’s the symbol for Steel types, isn’t it?”
As Hop nodded in agreement, Zacian approached and sniffed the mysterious object. She recoiled in suprise and looked at Zamazenta, nodding. Gloria watched the exchange. “You know something, you two. Spit it out!”
Zacian seemed to collect her wits before speaking.
This… this is one of the Plates of Arceus.
“What’s an Ars-ee-iss?” Gloria asked. “You mention them from time to time, like, ‘what in the name of Arceus’, or ‘oh, for Arceus’ sake’. But you’ve never said anything ABOUT the guy-“
“Actually, they have Gloria. Which you’d remember if you actually payed attention when they told us about their history with Eternatus.”
Gloria opened her mouth to object, but Hop continued on.
“You said he was the one who gave you your Sword and Shield and tasked you with defeating Eternatus.”
Zamazenta nodded. Correct. But there’s more to it than that. You see, Arceus is the creator of us all. He created this world, the first Pokémon, the first Humans. He even created me and Zacian… and Eternatus. This plate, and others like it, are parts of Arceus himself. This must be the Iron plate.
“Hold on. You’re telling me I’m holding a piece of a god?”
Not A god, Gloria, THE God, Zacian corrected. Humans all have different religions, but most don’t recognize who the true Creator of this world is. And that is Arceus. I don’t know why this plate is here, but I can assure you it’s here for a reason.
“Well, you both share the Steel type, right?”
In Crowned form, yes.
“Hey! There’s writing on the back!” Hop said.
Gloria turned the plate around and read the inscription. “‘With hearts of Steel and wills of Iron’… that’s it. Where’s the rest?” Even as she asked, the plate seemed to… pull at her. “Woah, what’s going on? It’s pulling me!” She balanced herself to counter the gentle tug. “It seems to want to go… that way!” Gloria said, pointing.
“That’s the direction it came from, I’m sure of it” Hop said.
It’s a summons. Arceus wishes for us to take the plate back to its origin. I imagine he will be waiting for us there. Zacian stated.
“Well what are we waiting for? Let’s grab the- wait, where’s the sword and shield?” Hop asked.
Zamazenta snorted. Now you notice. The police took them. You two head back home and gather what you need, supplies and Pokémon. This will be a long trip, and we don’t know what dangers may face us on the way. Strange things are happening in the world this night. Be ready to leave at haste.
——— ten minutes later ———
Gloria had succeeded in packing a backpack full of supplies, the plate tucked inside along with a sleeping bag, her satchel of pokeballs, and containers of human and Pokémon food, when she heard sirens in the distance. Running outside, bag in hand, she saw Zacian and Zamazenta, both now in Crowned form, running at full speed ahead of several police vehicles.
As she watched, she saw a bright red light envelop Zamazenta as he shot into the sky, a hollering Hop on his back. Realizing what needed done, as Zacian approached, she began running along side the path, away from their pursuers, as Zacian caught up and ran along side her. Grabbing Zacian’s fur, she hoisted herself up onto the wolf’s back, and not a moment too soon. A blue light covered them as Zacian began to ascend rapidly… and right through the branches of some trees that all but knocked her clear of her precarious seat. Zacian interrupted the following string of Galarian Sailor profanity, for which Galar is famous, with an apology as the sounds of sirens faded into the distance behind them.
——— In the Sinnoh Region ———
Dawn sighed in relief as she and Piplup finally made it up to the top of the mountain, not for the first time wishing she could fly. After a small rest, she looked at the ruins of the Spear Pillar, the place of the final confrontation against Cyrus. She had not been back since. Entering the ruins, Piplup at her side, she looked around. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. She went deeper into the ruins, continuing to search for anything out of the ordinary.
Piplup ran forward, gesturing madly to something that lay on the ground up ahead. Dawn shuddered as she recalled Giratina appearing from the very spot, before dragging Cyrus into the Distortion World. Approaching slowly, Dawn looked down and gasped as she recognized the object. “It’s one of Arceus’ plates! What’s it doing here? Where’s Arceus?” She tenderly picked up the plate and realized there was writing on it, underneath the unmistakable image of the ring that circled Arceus’ torso.
“‘Legends rise and legends fall. Together, heros must unite to save all.’ Well, I won’t give it any points for prose, but it sounds serious. It must be some sort of warning. Something bad is going to happen soon, Piplup. I just know it.”