I do these rants in the fnaf community and decided to try one here as well and see how all of you take it. Please don't rake this over coals/
The idea that event Pokemon help bring meaning to a Pokemon is so stupid and is just flat-out wrong. Why should I have to go to GameStop just to get a Darkrai or a Shaymin? They need to put them in the base game, not locked behind a paywall (just like the Mochi Mayhem event) so everyone can access them. The idea of mythical Pokemon only being only in events is also stupid bc I would rather them be handed out for free than have to drive up to GameStop to get Mythicals. Those who defend this are corporate defenders because no one should expect you to have to get off work at a specific time just to get one Pokemon with a small 2-minute cutscene is ABSURD. The idea of them shiny-locking these mons as well is laughable bc it kills any kind of hype these mons may have had or a large portion of the community because shiny Pokemon are so loved. Let's not even talk about "early-access" Pokemon where you need to PRE-ORDER THE GAME in order to get special things. This is absurd because it punishes people who may not have the money to get the game early
Anyway, the rant is over. What do you guys think on this topic?